TRADUZIONE DI LIBRI E TESTI Book and Text Translation Groups Help us Share the Dharma Globally in over 15+ Languages SponsorVolunteer
DIPINGERE TUTTI I RE SHAMBHALA Shambhala Dharma Kings Thangka Project Create Conditions to Strengthen Our Connection to these Compassionate Warriors Sponsor the Paintings
CONFERENZA GLOBALE DEL KALACHAKRA DEL 2025 2025 Global Kalachakra Conference in India A chance to gather people towards the Golden Age Sponsor the ConferenceVolunteer for the Committee
STUPA CHE ESAUDISC E I DESIDERI RIEMPITA DI 1 MILIARDO DI TSA TSA Wishfulfilling Stupa Project to be filled with 1 Billion Tsa Tsa at Land of Shambhala SponsorVolunteer
CREAZIONE DI UN MODELLO DI ISTRUZIONE DELL’ETÀ DELL’ORO Golden Age Education Transformation Eduction beyond material gain to promote a meaningful life and happiness Get Involved in this Initiative