Home Online Online: Innate Kalachakra Empowerment & Teachings with Khentrul Rinpoche

Online: Innate Kalachakra Empowerment & Teachings with Khentrul Rinpoche

By receiving the Innate Kalachakra Jenang Empowerment, you will have Khentrul Rinpoche’s blessing and permission to engage in the preliminary practices of the Highest Yoga Tantra, Kalachakra, including self-visualization as the Deity. This concise Empowerment helps us to connect with the essence of the Kalachakra deity.

Innate Kalachakra (Sahaja Kalachakra) is the main deity practice emphasized by the Jonang Lineage and the gateway to the completion stage. This lineage emphasizes the completion stage practice of the profound 6 Vajra yogas. As such, they choose to keep this deity practice simple and accessible in order to guide people towards their non-conceptual state as swiftly as possible.

This indestructible Vajra yoga Path can lead practitioners to achieve enlightenment in a single lifetime or to attain a rebirth in the Bodhisattva pure realm of Shambhala. Just connecting with this empowerment plants the seed for your future enlightenment whether you choose to activate them in this life or the next.

Roadmap to Enlightenment
Rinpoche will give teachings to clarify the vajra yoga path from the Jonang lineage which has rarely been taught in this world outside of Tibet. We can not reach enlightenment if we do not know where we are going and how we can get there. He will illuminate the special karmic connection our earth has with Shambhala and Kalachakra which prophesize the coming of a 2nd Golden Age in our world.

Included Oral Transmissions & Empowerment
-rlung Oral transmission of the Practice Connecting with shambhala
-rlung Oral Transmission of 2 Shambhala Prayers
-Innate Kalachakra Jenang Empowerment

Saturday 12th November
08:00 pm – 09:30 pm – Session 1 – Understanding the Kalachakra Vajrayoga Path
11:30 pm – 01:00 am (Sunday 13th November) Session 2 – Teaching about Shambhala and the 2nd Golden Age + Oral Transmission of 2 Shambhala Prayers and of the short sadhana “Connecting with Shambhala”
Sunday 13th November
01:30 am – 02:30 am – Session 3 – Practice Connecting with Shambhala” + Shambhala Prayers

08:00 pm – 09:30 pm – Session 4 – INNATE KALACHAKRA JENANG EMPOWERMENT + Q&A 
11:30 pm – 01:00 am (Monday 14th November) – Innate Kalachakra Practice Session 

We welcome everyone to participate in this teaching for various reasons such as:
1 – You do not have any previous tantric Buddhist practice or any spiritual practice in general. You want to learn about and explore this path.
2 – You have been studying and practicing a spiritual path or Buddhism, doing preliminary practice, meditations etc. and you feel the time is ripe to shift the direction or to go deeper.
3 – You just took the extensive Kalachakra Empowerment with Rinpoche or other Vajra Master and want to strengthen your connection with the Innate Kalachakra Deity.
4 – You have been following Rinpoche since long and want to reinforce your connection with him, the Kalachakra lineage and the Yidam deity.

If you wish to show your generosity to Rinpoche’s precious teachings and to his immense effort into spreading the Kalachakra Path worldwide, you can offer Dana to Rinpoche at the Dzokden website here.


Nov 12 - 13 2022


Sao Paulo Brazil Timezone
11:00 am - 6:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Berlin
  • Date: Nov 12 - 13 2022
  • Time: 4:00 am - 11:00 am


  • Khentrul Rinpoche
    Khentrul Rinpoche
    Jonang Kalachakra & Rimé Master

    Khentrul Rinpoché Jamphel Lodrö is the founder and spiritual director of Dzokden. Rinpoche is the author of Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, The Great Middle Way: Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness, A Happier Life, and The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path.

    Rinpoche spent the first 20 years of his life herding yak and chanting mantras on the plateaus of Tibet. Inspired by the bodhisattvas, he left his family to study in a variety of monasteries under the guidance of over twenty-five masters in all the Tibetan Buddhist traditions. Due to his non-sectarian approach, he earned himself the title of Rimé (unbiased) Master and was identified as the reincarnation of the famous Kalachakra Master Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. While at the core of his teachings is the recognition that there is great value in the diversity of all spiritual traditions found in this world; he focuses on the Jonang-Shambhala tradition. Kalachakra (wheel of time) teachings contain profound methods to harmonize our external environment with the inner world of body and mind, ultimately bringing about the golden age of peace and harmony (dzokden).

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