Amitabha Empowerment and Puja with Khentrul Rinpoche
This event is available both Online and In-person.
Amitabha is the most well-known Buddha after Buddha Shakyamuni himself. Some Chinese traditions only focus on Amitabha, and many Tibetans also focus on him because, in the Amitabha sutra, it is said he has taken many vows to help sentient beings easily be reborn in his Pureland of Sukhavati, the Land of Bliss.
Amitabha Pureland is one of the well-known easiest pure lands to get to, although perhaps harder to reach than the Bodhisattva realm of Shambhala. Through this empowerment, one can connect with and work to cultivate unwavering faith and devotion to Amitabha. If one is reborn in his pure land, the path to Buddhahood is natural.
Two of Khentrul Rinpoche’s Lamas, including his root Guru Lama Lobsang Trinlé emphasized Amitabha a lot, especially for non-monastic householder practitioners. Even though Lama Lobsang Trinlé was a Kalachakra master, he spent his whole life practicing and extensively teaching Amitabha to everyone. He eventually bestowed not only his hat but also his precious practice text of Amitabha to Khentrul Rinpoche. It had become warn out because he had used it for so many years. Lama Lutrin instructed Khentrul Rinpoche to teach this practice to Amitabha to many people in the future.
Up until now, Khentrul Rinpoche has focused on sharing his passion for Shambhala and the Golden Age, so he has not had a chance to emphasize Amitaha enough. But now he sees that it is the right time to start emphasizing and sharing these teachings to fulfill his responsibility to his precious teacher.
Many of the people with great faith and devotion feel at peace upon death, They often see Amitabha before they die and feel at peace and secure after they have become dedicated to this practice. A Jonang Lama and a Khandro said that Khentrul Rinpoche’s own mother went to Sukhavati so the practice is very powerful. Khentrul Rinpoche received this empowerment and practice many times from Nyingma Lama, Zhigli Khenpo Tenzin Zangpo and Lama Lobsang Trinley.
Rinpoche will give the empowerment and a practice with it.
Schedule by Timezone
Melbourne, Australia
SATURDAY April 05, 2025
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM: Session 1: Amitabha Empowerment and Teaching
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM: Session 2: Puja, Oral Transmission and Teaching
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