“Our most essential need is ultimate peace and harmony. The source of this perfection is the Sublime Realm of Shambhala.”
~Shar Khentrul Rinpoche
Each of us is an extraordinary potential for love and compassion, capable of completely transforming the way we experience our world. Through the ancient wisdom of the Kalachakra teachings, this potential can be unlocked to manifest a sublime realm of experience, free from all forms of suffering and conflict. This state of eternal bliss is known by some as Shambhala.
Khentrul Rinpoché will help us unveil the hidden meaning of Shambhala and why it is so important for overcoming the problems of this world, especially in turbulent times of disagreement. The Kalachakra Tantra prophesizes a coming Golden age on earth.
From Genghis Khan through Hitler, the realm of Shambhala has captured the imagination and hearts of spiritual seekers and warriors throughout time. With great precision and clarity, he dispels the many layers of confusion that have surrounded this often misunderstood subject, while also introducing a profound method for spiritual development, grounded in an unbiased and expansive approach transcending any one tradition. During this evening, Rinpoche will also give the transmission for his new prayer for Shambhala to help us usher in an age of global peace and harmony.
Schedule by Timezone
November 4th – 4:00 PM San Francisco, CA USA
November 4th – 5:00 PM Mexico City, Mexico
November 4th – 7:00 PM New York, USA
November 5th – Midenight Vienna, Austria
November 5th – 7 am Shanghai, Mongolia, Hong Kong
November 5th – 10 am Australia
Zoom Link
Webinar ID: 862 9536 6266
Passcode: 108108
Unveil your sacred truth through the profound Kalachakra Tantra path. Through the ancient wisdom of the Kalachakra teachings it is possible to unlock this potential and manifest a sublime realm of experience, free from all forms of suffering and conflict.
The Kalachakra Tantra is the most comprehensive and effective system within Tibetan Buddhism, valued by all schools as ‘ the King of Tantras’ . While many schools may practice the teachings and give initiations into the teachings, the Jonang, however, is the tradition that has the specific focus of Kalachakra practice. Jonang is the only tradition that holds the entire Kalachakra system, with the higher stages of the profound and unique completion practice known as the “Six Vajra Yogas”.
In this introductory talk, Khentrul Rinpoche explains the profound and powerful aspects of the completion stage practices of Kalachakra — the Six Vajra Yogas.
Schedule by Timezone
November 12 6:00 AM West Coast USA
November 12 11:00 AM Sao Paulo Brazil
November 12 3:00 PM Central Europe
November 12 10:00 PM Hong Kong, Mongolia, Shaghai
November 13 1:00 AM Melbourne
Zoom Link
Webinar ID: 899 4102 5427
Passcode: 108108
The long life offering is an incredibly moving devotional offering of praises, symbolic items and prayers to our beloved spiritual guide, our Guru, Khentrul Rinpoche. In order to help Khentrul Rinpoche achieve his vision of the Golden Age, we offer this puja to help increase his health and life and to remove our obstacles that may prevent that.
Long life offerings purify mistakes and disharmonies between the students and teacher (broken samayas) and creates the conditions to continue to receive teachings from our teacher for a long time. The Gurus stay and teach students that have the merit for them to teach them. When there is not enough merit amongst the students, the Dakinis call the Guru away to another realm to teach. This offering practice helps the students accumulate vast amounts of merit and create the karmic conditions for the teacher to remain and teach them .
People are often confused in modern times wishing to die when it is convenient or feels good before they lose any of their abilities and become weak and dependent on others. This completely forgets the rarity and value of this precious human birth. They also ask why the Guru would want to live long thinking it may be also nice to die when it is most comfortable, mistaking this for compassion.
In order to practice and live a long and healthy life as students, we need our teacher to remain and teach for the benefit of beings. The Guru is the Buddha. The Guru is the Dharma. The Guru is the Sangha. Our efforts to increase the health and lifespan of the Guru also affect the longevity of our Sangha. As we are not yet enlightened, we need all the opportunity to accumulate merit in this life.
As part of the offering 1000s of offerings are set up to accumulate merit, usually water, incense, tormas etc. Precious objects are gathered representing the victory of the Dharma and Guru in various ways and a heartfelt request is made to the Dakini to let our teacher remain and stay.
Accumulate and Dedicate White Tara Mantras to Khentrul Rinpoche
For Rinpoche’s long life we are accumulating the White Tara Mantras, you can offer them here
Sponsor the Long Life Offering
There are a lot of items involved that need to be offered and costs related to putting on this long life puja. Traditionally thousands of offerings are made along with all of the traditional item such a monks, robes, statues, items representing the Dharma, medicines etc. We appreciate your donation to help sponsor this.
Zoom Information
Passcode: 108108
Webinar ID: 876 0644 0022
Passcode: 108108
Bhutan – Thursday July 21 am
Melbourne – Thursday July 21th – 11 am
Central Europe – Thursday 21 July. 3.00-4.30 am
New York – Wednesday July 20 – 9.00pm -10.30 pm
San Francisco – 6.00 pm-7.30 pm
At Land of Shambhala we have been working to construct Sudarshana, the city where the Medicine Buddha first taught the Medicine. The herb garden is in the shape of the Medicine Buddha Mandala surrounded on all sides by magical trees including a Bodhi tree. Inside the Mandala are 4 gates with 16 prayer wheels filled with the mantras of the Medicine Buddha guarded by 16 dragons. In the outer ring of the Mandala will be the 6 additional Medicine Buddha’s according to Dolpopa’s text and 2 Taras linked to healing. In the center, is a precious Medicine Fountain filled with the healing water of Lama Lobsang Trinlé a manifestation of Vajrapani and the Medicine Buddha. The Vietnamese community have donated a Medicine Buddha sculpture made of Blue marble.
Consecration is an incredible important step for any holy object. It is when the Gurus embodied as the Buddha invite the essence of the Buddha to come forth in the object for the benefit of beings.
Khentrul Rinpoche Jamphel Lodrö has invited one of his favorite and highly respect masters, H.E. Kathog Rigzin Chenpo to consecrate the statues and the space.
H.E. Kathog Rigzin Chenpo learned Tibetan medicine and about the healing qualities of herbs from Khamtsang Rinpoche who was also a Tibetan Doctor. Rinpoche spent many years in his youth searching the mountains for medicinal herbs. He taught him the Medicine Buddha Tantra text and how to understand Coded text and prophecies. He also studied Geography, Feng Shui, Medicine and Astrology from Thubten Norbu Rinpoche
Tibetan. Khentrul Rinpoche Jamphel Lodrö will translate to English.
Additional translations to be determined.
Donate to the Medicine Buddha Mandala Project
This event is a public talk that will be live streamed on Facebook on Dzokden.
Zoom Access
Webinar ID: 838 3532 8857
Passcode: 273742
There are 4 days of events with Kathog Rigzen Chenpo.”
Land of Shambhala
Wednesday – Consecration of the Land of Shambhala
Thursday – Medicine Buddha Mandala Consecration
Tibetan Rime Buddhist Institute
Saturday – Guru Rinpoche And Red Vaisravana Empowerments
Sunday – Samaya Tara Empowerment
Sunday – Teachings on Astrology and Medicine
To attend in person in Austria you must register on the Suchandra Website Here.
The Empowerment is on Saturday May 28. Translation is available for the weekend but is to be determined for the retreat.
Marichi is the life-long personal protector from Khentrul Rinpoche. She is also considered the proteress of the Sublime Realm of Shambhala. Our center situated in Kalapa is the center of Shambhala. Rinpoche will bestow her Empowerment and transmit a Marichi sadhana written by him which is based on his own visionary experience with this buddhist goddess.
In some lineages of the Vajrayana Buddhism, Marichi is considered to be one manifestation of Tara, appearing for example as the 21st Tara. There are other forms from her found also in other spiritual systems. She is the colour of the sunset, a wondrous, glowing orange. She comes with the sun and, as the sun, her blessings pervade everywhere.
This sadhana is also extremely helpful for those working with the Drolmi Kazug Puja. Beyond the empowerment and oral transmission of the Marichi Sadhana, Rinpoche will also give an introductory teaching on her and will join us in a Q&A session during the retreat. The practice sessions on the weekend will be transmitted online as well.
Marichi (also known as Marīcī and Özer Chenma) came to Rinpoche’s life when he was a young boy herding yak cattles in Tibet. Without fences, it was quite difficult to take care of them. Some yaks hide themselves from the boy Rinpoche under rocks, and so used to spend the night in danger of being attacked by wolves. To help protect them, his family shared with him the Marichi mantra and the faith in her when he was still very young.
“I do not know exactly why, perhaps because of having no doubt when doing this or because of a special connection, when I recited her mantra and did the ritual according to the traditional manner of protecting the yaks, I have 100% guarantee that the yaks would be safe during the night. I never had problems with yaks being killed by the wolves since then, really never. So I kept that in mind and I recited innumerable mantras, many times, when I took care of them. So, afterwards, anytime when we had an obstacle I always relied on her.”
“So this is why Tibetan says that praying for Marichi helps. But, of course, it does not help everyone individually, as it depends for example on the individual connection and on the level of faith. You must have no doubt at all. I have indestructible faith in Marichi since my childhood, so this helped me to develop many connections with her during my life.”
There are no prerequisites at all. It is suitable for all levels of practitioners.
Tenative Schedule
27th Friday afternoon: arrival after 2pm. Relax and enjoy the mountain woods.
27th Friday – Public Teaching:
Marici and the Realm of Shambhala
28th Saturday : Marichi EMPOWERMENT and ORAL TRANSMISSION of the Marichi Sadhana
28th-30th: Marichi Practice Retreat, Q&A with Rinpoche
June 1 Wednesday morning, breakfast and departure
1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. You will be added to the course on learn.dzokden.org
2) You must receive the empowerment online in real-time. We do not record the empowerments. Before the empowerment, you will receive information on some simple supplies you should get to help make the experience as authentic as possible. If you are not able to get them all don’t worry. They are symbolic and you can still receive the empowerment. More important you must understand what is happening. Just attending an empowerment does not mean you receive it. You must know what is going on. To ensure everyone will receive the empowerment, Rinpoche will kindly make his instruction booklet available to you as an eBook so you can follow along so you know exactly what is happening. You are not allowed to share this program book with anyone else or give them access to the empowerment. This is private for your personal use. Rinpoche typically gives the eBook out the night before but if this is a technical problem for you (you can’t read an eBook and be on zoom at the same time) please indicate on the registration form so we can work to accommodate you.
3) You will receive access to the zoom for each of the sessions.
It’s customary at the end of empowerment for students to make an offering of Dana to the guru. As this is an online event, you can make the offering of Dana to Rinpoche here.
ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS? email [email protected]