Zuhause Nord-Amerika Virtuell Path of Desire Book Launch with Khentrul Rinpoche – Working with Emotions and Sexuality on the Tantric Path

Path of Desire Book Launch with Khentrul Rinpoche – Working with Emotions and Sexuality on the Tantric Path

Path of Desire Book Launch with Khentrul Rinpoche – Working with Emotions and Sexuality on the Tantric Path
This event is FREE and will be available In-Person and online by registration only.

We will celebrate the release of Khentrul Rinpoche’s new book the Path of Desire, with a teaching on how to use all aspects of life including sexuality on the path. This book launch discussion will focus on how to use all of our emotions, not just sex to practice. Khentrul Rinpoche will give a blessing of the 6 Buddha Families to everyone present to help students so they don’t have to abandon the 6 kleshas. Instead the blessing will help them achieve success on taking the Kleshas on the Tantra path. This event is available with registration only. Rinpoche will explain in person why he chose to write and release a book of this nature at this time. Some people may find it scandalous while others may find it a welcome addition to tantric teachings.

“Most followers of the Tibetan tantric Buddhist teachings are merely wearing an outer costume of tantra.”
“Serious consideration of the situation of tantra is urgent before its essence is lost altogether. The time has come for going beyond mere scholarly explanations and superficial chanting of liturgies to actually restoring the practice tradition that has been corrupted and rejected in recent centuries. To do that, the full scope of tantra’s real meaning must be re-introduced.”
-Shar Khentrul Rinpoché

Being imprisoned in a dark pit is not comparable
To young lovers kept apart by their righteous parents;
Being locked in stocks is not comparable,
To strict religious laws that make sweet love a crime.
However perfect the power of a renunciate attitude,
As water still flows in a river that is blocked by a dam,
When an unwanted religious tax is levied on sex,
It is like constantly pushing a boulder up a hill.
(Gendun Chöpel, “Treatise on Desire”)

Though in sex the blissful union of the masculine and feminine principles is obvious, it actually pervades all existence; it represents the profound truth of non-dual reality and points us in its direction. For those who aspire to be genuine tantrikas, this book and teaching presents a way of liberation through joyfully embracing ordinary life. For those of us who seek only to experience ordinary life at its best, that goal can also be attained.

Book – The Path of Desire
The book “The Path of Desire” will be launched in time for this event. Pre-order for the Paperback and Epub version is now available, you may purchase it here.
Books will be available at Tibet House.

Zoom Information
Zoom link will be sent after registration.



Oct 08 2023


New York, USA Timezone
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


  • Zeitzone: America/New_York
  • Datum: Oct 08 2023
  • Zeit: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


  • Khentrul Rinpoche
    Khentrul Rinpoche
    Meister Jonang Kalachakra

    In den Bergen Tibets geboren, verbrachte Shar Khentrul Rinpoche die ersten 20 Jahre seines Lebens damit, Jaks zu hüten und Mantras zu rezitieren. Inspiriert durch Bodhisattvas verließ er seine Familie, um in verschiedenen Klöstern unter der Leitung von über fünfundzwanzig Meistern aller tibetischen Traditionen zu studieren. Wegen seines Nicht-sektiererischen Ansatzes erhielt er den Titel Rime (unvoreingenommen) Meister und wurde als Reinkarnation des berühmten Kalachakra Meisters Ngawang Chözin Gyatso identifiziert. Er wird als eine Emanation des Bodhisattvas Akashagarbha angesehen. Während das Herzstück seiner Belehrungen auf der Erkenntnis beruht, dass die Vielfalt aller spirituellen Traditionen dieser Welt von großem Wert ist, fokussiert er sich dennoch auf die Jonang-Shambhala Tradition.
    Obwohl von vielen westlichen Gelehrten angenommen wurde das diese Tradition ausgestorben ist, erkannte Rinpoche das die am fortgeschrittensten Belehrungen von Kalachakra (Rad der Zeit) tiefgreifende Methoden beinhalten, um unsere externe Umwelt durch die innere Welt von Körper und Geist zu harmonisieren. Seit 2014 reiste Rinpoche in mehr als dreißig Länder, um Schüler in aller Welt anzuleiten. Durch seine systematische und stufenweise Darlegung des zur Erleuchtung führenden Kalachakra-Pfades, lehrt er sie, ihre innere Wahrheit und ihr grenzenloses Potenzial zu verwirklichen. Er lehrt Menschen wie sie einen flexiblen Geist kultivieren können und Voreingenommenheit beseitigen und dadurch inspiriert er mitgefühlbasierende Gemeinschaften zu erschaffen, die diese Welt in ein Goldenes Zeitalter von globalem Frieden und Harmonie führen.
