Home Online Online: Marici and Retreat with Khentrul Rinpoche

Online: Marici and Retreat with Khentrul Rinpoche

To attend in person in Austria you must register on the Suchandra Website Here.

The Empowerment is on Saturday May 28. Translation is available for the weekend but is to be determined for the retreat.

Marichi is the life-long personal protector from Khentrul Rinpoche. She is also considered the proteress of the Sublime Realm of Shambhala. Our center situated in Kalapa is the center of Shambhala. Rinpoche will bestow her Empowerment and transmit a Marichi sadhana written by him which is based on his own visionary experience with this buddhist goddess. 


In some lineages of the Vajrayana Buddhism, Marichi is considered to be one manifestation of Tara, appearing for example as the 21st Tara. There are other forms from her found also in other spiritual systems. She is the colour of the sunset, a wondrous, glowing orange. She comes with the sun and, as the sun, her blessings pervade everywhere.

This sadhana is also extremely helpful for those working with the Drolmi Kazug Puja. Beyond the empowerment and oral transmission of the Marichi Sadhana, Rinpoche will also give an introductory teaching on her and will join us in a Q&A session during the retreat. The practice sessions on the weekend will be transmitted online as well. 


Marichi (also known as Marīcī and Özer Chenma) came to Rinpoche’s life when he was a young boy herding yak cattles in Tibet. Without fences, it was quite difficult to take care of them. Some yaks hide themselves from the boy Rinpoche under rocks, and so used to spend the night in danger of being attacked by wolves. To help protect them, his family shared with him the Marichi mantra and the faith in her when he was still very young.

“I do not know exactly why, perhaps because of having no doubt when doing this or because of a special connection, when I recited her mantra and did the ritual according to the traditional manner of protecting the yaks, I have 100% guarantee that the yaks would be safe during the night. I never had problems with yaks being killed by the wolves since then, really never. So I kept that in mind and I recited innumerable mantras, many times, when I took care of them. So, afterwards, anytime when we had an obstacle I always relied on her.”

“So this is why Tibetan says that praying for Marichi helps. But, of course, it does not help everyone individually, as it depends for example on the individual connection and on the level of faith. You must have no doubt at all. I have indestructible faith in Marichi since my childhood, so this helped me to develop many connections with her during my life.”


There are no prerequisites at all. It is suitable for all levels of practitioners.

Tenative Schedule

27th Friday afternoon: arrival after 2pm. Relax and enjoy the mountain woods.

27th Friday – Public Teaching:

Marici and the Realm of Shambhala

28th Saturday : Marichi EMPOWERMENT and ORAL TRANSMISSION of the Marichi Sadhana

28th-30th: Marichi Practice Retreat, Q&A with Rinpoche

June 1 Wednesday morning, breakfast and departure


1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. You will be added to the course on learn.dzokden.org

2) You must receive the empowerment online in real-time. We do not record the empowerments. Before the empowerment, you will receive information on some simple supplies you should get to help make the experience as authentic as possible. If you are not able to get them all don’t worry. They are symbolic and you can still receive the empowerment. More important you must understand what is happening. Just attending an empowerment does not mean you receive it. You must know what is going on. To ensure everyone will receive the empowerment, Rinpoche will kindly make his instruction booklet available to you as an eBook so you can follow along so you know exactly what is happening. You are not allowed to share this program book with anyone else or give them access to the empowerment. This is private for your personal use. Rinpoche typically gives the eBook out the night before but if this is a technical problem for you (you can’t read an eBook and be on zoom at the same time) please indicate on the registration form so we can work to accommodate you.

3) You will receive access to the zoom for each of the sessions.


It’s customary at the end of empowerment for students to make an offering of Dana to the guru. As this is an online event, you can make the offering of Dana to Rinpoche here.

ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS? email [email protected]



Jun 25 - 29 2022


Vienna, Austria Timezone
8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: Asia/Hong_Kong
  • Date: Jun 25 - 30 2022
  • Time: 2:00 pm - 12:00 am


  • Khentrul Rinpoche
    Khentrul Rinpoche
    Jonang Kalachakra & Rimé Master

    Khentrul Rinpoché Jamphel Lodrö is the founder and spiritual director of Dzokden. Rinpoche is the author of Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, The Great Middle Way: Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness, A Happier Life, and The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path.

    Rinpoche spent the first 20 years of his life herding yak and chanting mantras on the plateaus of Tibet. Inspired by the bodhisattvas, he left his family to study in a variety of monasteries under the guidance of over twenty-five masters in all the Tibetan Buddhist traditions. Due to his non-sectarian approach, he earned himself the title of Rimé (unbiased) Master and was identified as the reincarnation of the famous Kalachakra Master Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. While at the core of his teachings is the recognition that there is great value in the diversity of all spiritual traditions found in this world; he focuses on the Jonang-Shambhala tradition. Kalachakra (wheel of time) teachings contain profound methods to harmonize our external environment with the inner world of body and mind, ultimately bringing about the golden age of peace and harmony (dzokden).

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