
Volunteer Opportunities

Dzokden is a volunteer-run organization. There are a variety of projects to work on to grow the impact of the organization to help the community at large. If you have the desire, heart, time and skills, please contact us on the form below. If you want to offer service in some way that is not on the list please don’t hesitate to reach out and share your aspiration.

Translation & Transcription

There are opportunities to contribute to translating the Dharma into modern langauges. We also need help with making English transcripts and Tibetan Transliteration.

Digital Specialist (Film, Print, Photography)

We need photographer, videographer and post production film editors to share the teachings on youtube and social media channels.

Event Planning Co-ordinator

Event planning logistics such as management, door volunteers, cooks, provide Rinpoche transportation and lodging.

Website & App Development

We are looking for developers to improve the website and build a mobile app that offers personalized practice guidance based on their astrological chart.

Offer Your Service

Please reach out if you would like to volunteer your time or skills to our sangha.

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