Generation Stage
Cultivating Divine Pride and Pure Perception of RealityThrough the generation stage practices, it is possible to bring ourselves to the very edge of conventional reality. However, since subtle consciousness is limited to a dualistic mind that relates to appearances on the basis of subject and object, it is still not the definitive meaning. Only through the nonconceptual practices of the six vajra yogas will the provisional meaning be abandoned and the ultimate nature of reality revealed.
Jonang View of the Generation Stage
Relative to other traditions the Generation stage is rather short in the Jonang Lineage.
Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path
By Khentrul Rinpoche
In this direct and clear commentary on Jetsun Taranatha’s classic text “The Divine Ladder”, Khentrul Rinpoché reveals the profound methods which have been used by Kalachakra masters for hundreds of years to achieve extraordinary realizations.
Unveiling Your Sacred Truth: The Enlightened Reality
By Khentrul Rinpoche
In this third and final volume, Rinpoché introduces the profound methods for revealing the enlightened reality of our most sacred truth. After helping us to cultivate an unwavering faith in tantra and the vajra master, Rinpoché clearly presents the theoretical and practical foundations for the uncommon preliminaries of the generation and completion stages. After the generation stage you will be well equipped to receive instruction on the sublime yogic practices of the Kalachakra 6 Vajra Yogas.