
6 Vajra Yogas Program

2024 - 2029 at Dzokden Kalapa Program
Kalachakra Completion Stage Program Open to Non-monastic Practitioners 

Overview of the 6 Vajra Yogas


The Vajra Yoga Path consists of six branches of practice designed to establish and stabilise the realisation of the inseparable union of immutable bliss and sublime emptiness endowed with all enlightened qualities. Each of these yogas provides the prerequisite capacities needed to progress to the next yoga. The degree of realisation achieved at any given stage will depend on the level of mastery accomplished in the previous stages. As we do not know how long our present karmic conditions will remain, it is beneficial to develop an initial familiarity with these practices within the context of a three year retreat. By doing this, even if we are unable to master them before we die, we are still creating the necessary propensities to propel our mind into the Vajrayana Pure Realm of Shambhala, where we are guaranteed to complete the path within a single lifetime.


The Yoga of Withdrawal

Skt. Pratyahara, Tib. sordut
The essence of Withdrawal Yoga is to manifest empty-forms by stopping the movement of the coarse winds which support the conceptual mind.

The Yoga of Stabilisation

Skt. Dhyana, Tib. samten
The essence of Stabilisation Yoga is to extend our realisation of empty-forms so that all perceptions arise as awareness.

The Yoga of the Life-Force

Skt. Pranayama, Tib. sogtsol
The essence of Life-Force Yoga is to subdue the subtle karmic winds so they are balanced in the central channel.

The Yoga of the Life-Force

Skt. Pranayama, Tib. sogtsol
The essence of Life-Force Yoga is to subdue the subtle karmic winds so they are balanced in the central channel.

The Yoga of Recollection

Skt. Anusmirti, Tib. jeeten
The essence of Recollection Yoga is to refine our experience of great bliss through the practice of Inner Fire (Tib. tummo).

The Yoga of Absorption

Skt. Samadhi, Tib. ting nge dzin
The essence of Absorption Yoga is to abide in the Union of Immutable Bliss and Empty-Form.

Special Message from Khentrul Rinpoche


This opportunity has not come to the international community before. It’s the first time since the 13th Century these practices are being offered outside of Tibet to the international non-monastic community in global langauges. This incredibly rare opportunity to learn and practice the completion stage practice of the 6 Vajra yogas is something to have strong gratitude and appreciation for. If you are serious about your Dharma practice and Kalachakra, with strong motivation and a Shambhala warrior attitude, Rinpoche encourages you to prepare to take these practices.

Register for the Upcoming Events and Retreats

August 2024
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