Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro
A step-by-step guide to prepare for Tantra and the Vajra YogasHow Fast Do You Want to Transform?
How fast you cultivate meditative realizations depends more on your apsiration and goal rather than just how much you practice. Two people can practice for one month full time but the may not get the same benefit due to different motivations. This is why some people can practice meditation for 10 years and have no realization and another can realize the whole path in 10 days.
This may seem strange or counter intuitve at first. So let’s understand this practice on a deeper level. If your aspiration is to achieve stress reduction for yourself, then your aspiration is very limited. It may seem large, like something already difficult for you, but in the big picture it is very small. If you have an aspiration to help liberate all sentient begings as limitless as space so they will find ultimate peace and happiness and unveil their own scret truth, this aspiration is huge. The later motivation relies on the power of Bodhicitta which is on an ultimate level inseperable from your own nature. So you are trying to reveal the peace of your true nature and relying on the limitless peace of your true nature to guide you. Every moment you spent meditating with this apsiration is multiplied by limitless power or you can think infinity. If you only focus on reducing your stress so you can cope better in samsara, you are not relying on your true nature for the transforamtion. You are relying on samsara. And in samsara there are over 8 billion people on this earth. You are not concenred that everyone else also has peace so your focus is very narrow. Therefore every moment you spend meditating you can think is multiplied by maybe 10. It’s not nothing because you are practicing meditation but it’s not powerfully transformative because of the limitated power of your minds motivation. Your progress relies not only on the wisdom you gain but the amount of good karma or merit you accumulate in your life. The more good karma and merit you pocess the faster your practice will go. Aspiring to help others accumulates good karma faster for you then only focusing on yourself. So if you want to be truly selfish and have less stress in your life, you need to care about helping others as well. This bigger aspiration will help you reach your own goal of stressing less sooner. To understand this motivation better, Khentrul Rinpoche encourages you to study the Bodhisattva path.

Advanced Meditative Practices
Once you have the basics of meditation down, Dzokden offers many profound and advanced meditation practices based in the secret mantrayana. In general our community focuses on these more advanced practices that connect practitioners as fast as possible with their true nature. This is because our lineage the Jonang emphasize experiential wisdom. They want practioners to reveal their own Buddha-nature as quickly as possible through the non-conceptual meditation practices. For those who are serious on the path to enlightenment, Khentrul Rinpoche offers the path of the Kalachakra completion stage experiential practice of the 6 vajra yogas. Each of the Yogic practices have profound meditative skillful means that rely on revealing your own Buddha-nature. To. do these practices effectively you need to study and practice the Kalachakra Tantra, cultivate the 3 confidences in yourself, the guru and this lineage’s path. The practices range from single-pointed chanting of mantras, meditation in the dark while isolating your body, speech, and mind, meditating at the sky, meditating while performing secret pranayama and yoga asana that work with your subtle body directly, working with your emotions and many other profound skillful means. All of these practices only work, when the disciple has love and devotion for the lama, confidence in the path and prioritized Dharma as your number one life goal. Remember the most important aspect of how fast your meditation path goes is what motivation you have while practicing. These practices work the same way. They do not rely only on skills and techinques. They rely on Bodhichitta, pure perception and devotion to the Lama.
Guru Yoga Meditations
Meditating on your insperable nature with the Guru
Deity Mantra & Visualizations
Cutlivate Meditative Concentration
3 Isolations Dark Practice
Equivalent to Dzogchen or Mahamudra
6 Vajra Yogas
Completion Stage Practices of Kalachakra
Ngondro Books By Rinpoche

Unveiling Your Sacred Truth: The External Reality
Includes the foundational Concepts in Buddhism Related to Renunciation and Refuge
Rinpoché explores the external reality of the world that we encounter on a daily basis. Through a wealth of practical advice, he provides us with a variety of methods for working with the many ups and downs that we face. He then encourages us to probe deeper into the very nature of our experience in order to develop insight into what is truly important to us and how to make the most of the precious opportunities that this life has to offer.

Unveiling Your Sacred Truth: The Internal Reality
Sections on Bodhicitta, Purification, Merit Accumulation and Guru Yoga
Rinpoché explores the internal reality of our personal experience in a way that emphasises our fundamental nature of love and compassion. On the basis of this authentic source of refuge, Rinpoché shows us how to integrate the distinctive philosophy of Zhentong Madhyamaka in order to reveal our sacred truth in accordance with the vast teachings of the Bodhisattva Maitreya. He then provides us with the practical instructions for engaging with the Kalachakra Preliminaries.
Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path
This book has the complete Ngondro in a word for word commentary.
Even though hundreds of thousands of people have attended a Kalachakra empowerment, very few actually know how to put the Kalachakra teachings into practice. In this direct and clear commentary on Jetsun Taranatha’s classic text “The Divine Ladder”, Khentrul Rinpoché reveals the profound methods which have been used by Kalachakra masters for hundreds of years to achieve extraordinary realisations.

Profound Path of Vajra Yoga Practice Text
Main Lineage Practice Sadhana Texts and Prayers
This prayer book contains the traditional Jonang Kalachakra preliminary (ngondro) practice materials in English with transliterated Tibetan. Two complete sadhanas, the traditional lineage sadhana of the Divine Ladder and Khentrul Rinpoche’s version Enlightening the Heart are included along with a wide variety of lineage prayers and supplications.
Our Current Ngondro Course:
Dzokden Kalapa’s 2 Year Ngondro Program 2023 – 2025 — Join Any Time!
This program is for you if you want structure and support to start, continue, or complete the Kālachakra Ngondro.
The Kālachakra Ngondro Program is a 2-year long program created for students/practitioners who want to deepen themselves in the Kālachakra Path in a structured, step-by-step guided process.
The Ngondro — also called the “Preliminary Practices” — prepares you to uncover your own Buddha nature. If you want to completely unveil this perfect nature, the Kālachakra Ngondro prepares you for the very subtle and profound yogic practices of the Completion Stage called the ‘Six Vajra Yogas’ of the Kālachakra Tantra. You can benefit by doing the Kālachakra Ngondro even if you do not aspire to engage in serious meditation practices of the Kālachakra Completion Stage in this lifetime.
Our spiritual director, Shar Khentrul Rinpoché, offers a flexible approach in order to embrace a variety of practitioners because being fixed on only one traditional way may not be a match for everyone. Developing familiarization with the Kālachakra Ngondro practices can be adjusted individually according to your own personal inclination.