Главная онлайн Kalachakra New Year: The Unbiased Non-sectarian nature of the Kalachakra Tantra with Rinpoche

Kalachakra New Year: The Unbiased Non-sectarian nature of the Kalachakra Tantra with Rinpoche

Melbourne, Australia: MAY 5 — 11:00 PM
Hong Kong: MAY 5 — 9:00 PM
Vienna, Austria: MAY 5 — 3:00 PM
New York, New York USA: MAY 5 — 9:00 AM
San Francisco, CA USA: MAY 5 — 6:00 AM

In celebration of the anniversary of when the Buddha Shakyamuni taught the Kalachakra in the form of the Deity at Amaravati Stupa in India, we will have teachings and recite Dolpopa’s prayers on Kalachakra.

In our modern times, many people prefer to be spiritual but not religious. Part of this is the desire to connect with the essence of our true nature that is beyond the limitations of any religion. This is exactly what the Kalachakra tantra teaches. Rinpoche will give teachings about why the Kalachakra tantra is a Rimé practice that is inclusive of all the world’s spiritual traditions. Even in the realm of Shambhala when the great Bodhisattvas realized the teachings of the Kalachakra tantra, they did so from backgrounds based on various wisdom traditions. Understanding the true deeper nature of the Kalachakra can help move us out of the limited thinking of lineage or religion and closer to our own sacred truth.

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 108108
Webinar ID: 829 1845 6127

Dolpopa’s Great Praises of Kalachakra



Май 05 2023
Срок действия истек!


Melbourne Timezone
11:00 pm - 11:55 pm

Местное время

  • Часовой пояс: America/New_York
  • Дата: Май 05 2023
  • Время: 4:00 pm - 4:55 pm