Accueil en ligne Dolpopa’s Monlam Commentary

Dolpopa’s Monlam Commentary

This event is available Online only.

Dolpopa’s Monlam Commentary — Online Teaching with Shar Khentrul Rinpoché

In English with live translations TBA. There are no prerequisites for attending!

It is with great joy we announce that Rinpoché has accepted our teaching request for a commentary on Dolpopa’s “Aspiration Prayer for the Two Stages of the Vajra Path”. This profound, inspiring, energetic prayer, was spontaneously conceived by Dolpopa as he conversed with his students. Encompassing Dolpopa’s compassionate energy, this prayer is an object of inspiration and devotion for those aspiring to enter and progress on the profound path of the Six Vajra Yogas of Kālachakra. It encapsulates all main aspects of the path, focusing on Bodhicitta and devotion to the Lama and the Yidam, while also referencing various aspects of Dharma teachings particularly relevant for practitioners to remember.

Rinpoché’s root Lama, the precious Lama Lobsang Trinley also wrote a commentary on this aspiration prayer, and we are delighted that Rinpoché will share his insights regarding his writings as well. The translation of Dolpopa’s prayer is available online at our Learning Center in the “Unrestricted Prayers and Texts” section and as a hard copy in our printed practice book “The Profound Path of Vajra Yoga.”

The commentary will be divided into three sessions. You can do later registration and join even if you were not able to attend the first session or the first two sessions.

Rinpoché will bestow it directly from his vajra throne at Dzokden Kalapa in Austria (where he will then guide his students in person in the retreats of the Completion Stage of the Six Vajra Yogas of Kālachakra).

Schedule by Timezone

Central Europe and South Africa

THURSDAY July 3, 2025 / 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
FRIDAY July 18, 2025 / 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
SATURDAY August 2, 2025 / 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Registration (once for all 3 sessions)

Option Free Registration
Offering: 7,- Euro
Offering: 12,- Euro
Offering: 21,-
Offering: 64,-
Offering: 108,-

Please email [email protected]

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Étiquettes :


Jul 03 2025


Vienna, Austria Timezone
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Heure locale

  • Fuseau horaire : America/New_York
  • Date : Jul 03 2025
  • Heure : 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm


Dzokden Kalapa
Garanas 41, 8541 Bad Schwanberg, Austria
Site Web


Dzokden Kalapa
+43 676 395 8898
[email protected]
Site Web


  • Khentrul Rinpoche
    Khentrul Rinpoche

    Khentrul Rinpoche Jamphel Lodrö est le fondateur et le directeur spirituel de Dzokden. Rinpoche est l’auteur de Dévoiller votre vérité sacrée, la grande voie du millieu: Clarifier la vue Jonang de l’autre-vacuité, Une vie plus heureuse, et Le trésor caché de la voie profonde.
    Rinpoche à passé les vingt premières années de sa vie à élever des Yacks et chanter des mantras sur les hauts plateaux du Tibet. Inspiré par les bodhisattvas, il quitte sa famille afin d’étudier dans divers monastères sous la guidance de plus de vingt-cinq maîtres de toutes les écoles du Bouddhisme Tibétain. Grace à cette approche non-sectaire il a obtenu le titre de maître Rimé (sans parti pris) et a été identifié comme la réincarnation du fameux maître Kalachakra Ngawang Chödzin Gyaltso. Alors que dans le cœur de son enseignement il reconnaît la grande valeur de la diversité de toutes les traditions spirituelles que l’on trouve dans ce monde, il se concentre essentiellement sur la tradition Jonang-Kalachakra. L’enseignement de Kalachakra (La roue du temps) contient la méthode profonde pour harmoniser l’environnement externe avec le monde interne du corps et de l’esprit, ultimement afin d’engendrer un âge d’or de paix et d’harmonie (Dzokden).

Prochaine occurence

  • Aller à la Page
  • Date
    Jul 18 2025
  • Heure
    Vienna, Austria Timezone
    7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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