

La communauté Dzokden à de multiples projets auspicieux afin d’accomplir notre aspiration de créer un âge d’or. Nous dépendons complètement de la générosité de nos volontaires et de nos sponsors pour rendre ces aspirations réelles. 

Commitment to Transparency

The money and resources of the triple gem are invaluable. We are committed to using these funds wisely and sharing our choices with you transparently. Read our financial reports and learn about how we use the money you donate.

Read Our Financial Reports 

Our Global Vision

We are committed to ensuring the 8+ Billion people on this planet can access the teaching of the Kalachakra in order to help create a Golden Age of Peace. We are working towards that by translating the teachings into as many languages as we can.

Read About Our Vision 

Wire Transfer, Appreciated Stock and More

To arrange a bank transfer in any currency, or to offer property, appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, please contact us at [email protected] for more information so we may properly document your transaction.

Donations de succession et d’héritage

Bien que vous ne puissiez emporter aucune de vos affaires avec vous, vous pouvez récolter les bénéfices de la vertu et du mérite en tant que bon karma dans vos vies futures en faisant des offrandes au Dharma aujourd’hui. Le moment de la mort est incertain et les conditions qui conduisent à la mort dépassent notre compréhension. Ce corps que nous chérissons peut mourir aujourd’hui même, c’est pourquoi il est bon d’anticiper. Que vous souhaitiez faire une offrande globale ou consacrer votre patrimoine à un aspect particulier de la vision de Dzokden et de Khentrul Rinpoche, nous vous soutiendrons tout au long de ce processus. Offrez le cadeau qui continuera de servir pour le bénéfice de tous les êtres sensibles.


Contribute to one of our Global Projects 


No matter where you are in the world there is a project you can sponsor or help with. Contribute your skills, love, time and money to help build stupas, design statues, paint thangkas, translate texts, publish books, cultivate educational programs and so much more.  


Donate Cryptocurrencies

 The tax advantages of donating crypto to Dzokden for USA citizens

If you wish to donate with cryptocurrency, you can donate securely and safely through Engiven to Dzokden. We accept more than 95 currencies. Cryptocurrency donations, as per the IRS, are classed as property. This means that when you make a donation in crypto, you receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of the crypto at the time of the donation. Additionally, you avoid the capital gains tax you would have incurred if you had sold the crypto and then made a donation. This means that you can donate more to the charity, as well as deduct more from your taxes. Essentially, donating in crypto helps you minimize your tax obligations.