

Share Your Time, Love and Skills with Rinpoche and the Community
Apply to Volunteer

Offer Your Service

Please reach out if you would like to volunteer your time or skills to our sangha.

Dzokden and our affiliated organizations are supported by volunteers. We are a global multilingual, multicultrual and inclusive community from over 150 countries and 13+ languages around the world. We are dedicated and committed to supporting Rinpoche’s vision to bring about a new Golden Age for our world. By volunteering you establish and strengthen your connection to Rinpoche, his mission and our Dharma sisters and brothers. 

We have several large and small projects. You can choose to take on volunteer work on a case by case basis or commit to be a dedicated volunteer. Dedicated volunteers work on a project continuously and regularly. As a Dzokden Volunteer, you will work closely with team leads and coordinators across many diverse disciplines and ongoing projects. Our Volunteers support Rinpoche’s global tour each year, commissioning Dharma objects, designing retreat centers, finance, marketing, web development, graphic design, photography, book publishing, translations, event management and so much more. 

Spiritual Benefits of Volunteering

We see the practice of volunteering as an opportunity to:

1) generate merit
2) Cultivate the Bodhisattva Paramitas
3) offer service to the Guru
4) learn how to work in Tantra with our emotions by practicing in the world.

Many volunteer roles appear to be worldly or samsaric. But the roles are for the benefit of Dharma. So it gives the opportunity for many people struggling to practice in their daily live the way to see how it’s possibly by transforming ordinary work into extraordinary opportunities. This will help you learn to walk on the real path of Tantra. 

Is Dharma really a priority in your life?

Khentrul Rinpoche has noticed that one of the biggest obstacles in people’s Dharma practice is the mismatch in expected results on the path and the prioritization of Dharma in their life. Rinpoche has observed that many people believe that they will have a huge result from a small amount of practice such as reaching enlightenment in this life while practicing for only 1 hour a day. An even bigger problem is that we are not always good at identifying how much we have truly have prioritized the Dharma in our lives. Rinpoche has put together a comprehensive information page to help everyone think through how much they have actually prioritized the Dharma in their life. Once you have established where it fits in then he encourages us to both increase it’s priority if we can and become realistic about our expected result. This way it is easier to stay motivated rather then become discouraged in our practice.