Home em linha Online: 21 Taras Precious Excellent Wish-fulfilling Vase Puja (Restricted)

Online: 21 Taras Precious Excellent Wish-fulfilling Vase Puja (Restricted)

Restricted Practice for those who have received the empowerment for Drolmi Kazug and have the vase practice package. The practice can only be done with the proper offering of substances so this is part of why it is not possible to join without this package. The items are extremely rare and difficult to procure. Rinpoche will give empowerment yearly. If you previously received the empowerment and want to do the practice you can email [email protected] to buy a package.

Rinpoche has instructed that it is best if you do this practice at least 4 times a year on the exact day of the Equinox or Solstice in your area.  In order to create abundance and good fortune for the Golden Age of Peace of harmony, we will be performing this puja 4 times a year at our temples on the exact days.  You do not need to do practice with us globally. This is not usually done as a group practice. It’s typically done by individuals in their own home. You can do the practice in your own timezone whenever you can fit it in that day. If you have a vase and set up your offerings and want to practice along with the temple, then you are welcome to do so remotely. If you can not do this practice on the exact day, schedule it for the nearest weekend.

Global Practice Dates
Spring Equinox
Summer Solstice
Autumnal Equinox
Winter Solstice

Practice with the temple at the Rime Institute in Australia. The practice is at 7:00 PM Melbourne Time
Meeting ID: 833 5576 5515
Passcode: 947923

This practice is a very powerful way to build up our Lungta. Everyone in the world needs good fortune, prosperity, wealth, health, and vitality. It is harder to practice Dharma when these things are not present. So we must come together and raise our Lungta.

The meaning of Lungta is a fortune. The spelling is usually wrong in Tibetan. This is usually translated as wind horse. What it really means is deeper than that. The lung is not the wind. The real meaning is the expanse and richness. It’s a combination encompassing our life force, body mind abilities, and the powers and everything associated with it. This is Lung. Then Ta means the helper which we can say is harmonious. It makes all the body, speech, and mind abilities, and all these things become harmonious. From this harmony rises long life, health, and abundance. This harmony is Lung Ta which in a short way you can say is good fortune. In this practice, we are creating a huge fortune pillar of merit by bringing all this together to raise our Lungta for the benefit of all sentient beings.



Oct 13 2023


Melbourne Timezone
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Oct 13 2023
  • Time: 4:00 am - 6:30 am


  • Khentrul Rinpoche
    Khentrul Rinpoche
    Mestre Kalachakra Rimê

    Khentrul Rinpoche Jamphel Lodrö é o fundador e diretor espiritual da Dzokden. O Rinpoche é autor de vários livros como: Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, The Great Middle Way: Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness, A Happier Life (em tradução para o português) e The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path (em tradução para o português). Khentrul Rinpoche passou os primeiros 20 anos de sua vida pastoreando iaques e cantando mantras nos platôs tibetanos. Inspirado pelos bodhisatvas, ele deixou sua família para estudar em uma variedade de monastérios sob a orientação de mais de vinte e cinco mestres em todas as tradições do Budismo Tibetano. Devido à sua abordagem não-sectária, ele recebeu o título de Mestre Rimê (não-sectário) e foi identificado como a reencarnação do famoso Mestre de Kalachakra Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. Embora seja central em seus ensinamentos o reconhecimento de que há grande valor na diversidade de todas as tradições espirituais encontradas nesse mundo, ele foca a tradição Jonang-Shambhala. Os ensinamentos de Kalachakra (“Roda do Tempo”) contêm métodos profundos para harmonizar nosso ambiente externo com o mundo interno de nosso corpo e mente, em última instância fazendo surgir a Era de Ouro de paz e harmonia (dzokden).

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