Acasă Austria Online Online: 8 Shambhala Dharma Kings Empowerment & Retreat with Khentrul Rinpoche

Online: 8 Shambhala Dharma Kings Empowerment & Retreat with Khentrul Rinpoche

To register for the in-person event please register at Suchandra Institute

The Empowerment is on Saturday July 9th. Translation is available for the weekend but is to be determined for the retreat.

We are incredibly fortunate that Rinpoche will reveal this mind terma and bestow for the first time the “8 Shambhala Dharma Kings Empowerment” in the Kalachakra Kalapa Center. This is a rare opportunity for establishing a direct connection with the Sublime Realm of Shambhala in this incredibly short lineage transmission direct from the Shambhala Kings to Khentrul Rinpoche. Khentrul Rinpoche will also give an introductory teaching and a Q&A session after the empowerment. The practice sessions after the empowerment will be guided by his senior students.

About the Kings of Shambhala
The Dharma Kings of the Sublime Realm of Shambhala were able to skillfully introduce their realm to the Kalachakra teachings. Their effort went much more beyond only alleviating biased differences like races, conflicting religious approaches, classes etc. They helped propagate and make the Kalachakra teachings in such a way, that their realm started to transform into a pure Bodhisattva realm, happy and peaceful, where spiritual practice flourishes. Differently from wordly kings which are focused on protecting and expanding their territories, the Dharma Kings are Kings of the Dharma, Bodhisattva beings who manifest as great leaders out of their compassion and wisdom. Suchandra is the Dharma King who directly requested the Kalachakra Teachings to the Buddha Shakyamuni and afterwards brought these teachings to Shambhala. In this Empowerment, Rinpoche includes also Suchandra’s father who ruled in Shambhala before Suchandra. 

“In general we say that the Dharma Kings are inseparable from the 8 great bodhisattvas and the 10 wrathful dakas. They are incredibly powerful. For me, the Shambhala Kings are much more special because of their particular connection with our own world. The bodhisattvas and dakas possess a subtle body form, like a body of a being of the god realm, and so, only some individuals can connect with them. But the Shambhala Kings appeared in Shambhala as human beings, so that many people could benefit through connecting with them. And, of course, they manifest themselves not as an ordinary human being, but as an exceptional, extraordinary human being.

I have been dedicating myself intensively to prepare for this empowerment. I feel a strong connection with them and I have no doubt that they are the greatest hope of our world for the manifestation of the Second Golden Age of Peace and Harmony.” (Khentrul Rinpoche)

Land Consecration for the Golden Age
On the final day of the retreat, Rinpoche will make offerings and consecrate the land for it to bring about the Golden Age of Peace and Harmony. Participants can raise prayer flags and celebrate with a Guru Puja and Kalachakra Tsok in the Kalachakra Temple.

There are no prerequisites at all. It is suitable for all levels of practitioners. If you want to prepare yourself, you can do the online course Introduction to the Ngöndro available at our learning center. If you are already practicing dharma, you may benefit from the oral commentaries Rinpoche gave about his Shambhala prayers; they can be accessed in his official Youtube Channel. For knowing more about Shambhala and the Kalki Kings, we suggest the book The Realm of Shambhala” by Rinpoche.

Tentative Schedule
Friday July 8th, Thursday: Arrival of in-person participants in the afternoon from 2pm
Friday 8th Introductory Public TeachingThe Shambhala Dharma Kings & the Coming Golden Age on Earth with Khentrul Rinpoche
9th Saturday: 8 Shambhala Dharma Kings EMPOWERMENT
9th – 12th  8 Dharma Kings Practice Sessions + Q&A with Rinpoche
13th: Flag raising and blessing of the land for the Kalapa Retreat Center to manifest the Golden Age

1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. You will be added to the course on
2) You must receive the empowerment online in real-time. We do not record the empowerments. Before the empowerment, you will receive information on some simple supplies you should get to help make the experience as authentic as possible. If you are not able to get them all don’t worry. They are symbolic and you can still receive the empowerment. More important you must understand what is happening. Just attending an empowerment does not mean you receive it. You must know what is going on. To ensure everyone will receive the empowerment, Rinpoche will kindly make his instruction booklet available to you as an eBook so you can follow along so you know exactly what is happening. You are not allowed to share this program book with anyone else or give them access to the empowerment. This is private for your personal use. Rinpoche typically gives the eBook out the night before but if this is a technical problem for you (you can’t read an eBook and be on zoom at the same time) please indicate on the registration form so we can work to accommodate you.
3) You will receive access to the zoom for each of the sessions.

It’s customary at the end of empowerment for students to make an offering of Dana to the guru. As this is an online event, you can make the offering of Dana to Rinpoche here.
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Donație totală: $100.00

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Jul 09 - 13 2022


Vienna, Austria Timezone
8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Ora locală

  • Zona orară: America/New_York
  • Data: Jul 09 - 13 2022
  • Timp: 2:00 am - 12:00 pm


  • Khentrul Rinpoche
    Khentrul Rinpoche
    Maestru Jonang Kalachakra

    Khentrul Rinpoché Jamphel Lodrö este fondatorul și directorul spiritual al organizației Dzokden. Este, de asemenea, autorul a numeroase cărți printre care: “Dezvăluirea adevărului vostru sacru” (“Unveiling Your Sacred Truth”), “The Great Middle Way: Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness”, “A Happier Life” și “The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path”.

    Rinpoché și-a petrecut primii 20 de ani din viață pe platourile din Tibet, îngrijind yaci și recitând mantre. Inspirat de bodhisattva, el și-a părăsit familia pentru a studia în diferite mănăstiri sub îndrumarea a peste douăzeci și cinci de maeștri aparținând tuturor tradițiilor budismului tibetan. Datorită abordării sale nepărtinitoare, a primit titlul de maestru Rimé (non-sectarian) și a fost identificat drept reîncarnarea faimosului maestru Kalachakra, Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. El este considerat de asemenea a fi o emanație a marelui Bodhisattva Akashagarbha. Cu toate că la baza învățăturilor lui Rinpoché se află recunoașterea valorii ce decurge din diversitatea tradițiilor spirituale existente în această lume, el se axează asupra tradiției Jonang – Shambhala. Deși mulți experți din vest au considerat că această tradiție este pierdută, Rinpoché a descoperit că ea deține cele mai avansate învățături Kalachakra (roata timpului), conținând metode profunde de armonizare a universului exterior cu lumea interioară a corpului și minții. Începând cu 2014, Rinpoche a călătorit în peste 30 de țări, îndrumându-și discipolii spre realizarea adevărului lor sacru, a potențialului nelimitat, prin prezentarea clară, sistematică și graduală a căii Kalachakra spre iluminare. Învățându-i pe oameni să cultive o minte flexibilă și să înlăture prejudecățile, Khentrul Rinpoché aspiră la crearea unor comunități bazate pe compasiune, care să transforme această lume într-o eră de aur a păcii și armoniei.

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