2023 印度、尼泊尔朝圣之旅:与夏.堪祖仁波切同踏佛陀足印

2023 印度、尼泊尔朝圣之旅:与夏.堪祖仁波切同踏佛陀足印



蓝毗尼园 Lumbini – 佛陀降生之地

菩提伽耶 Bodhi Gaya – 佛陀成道之地

鹿野苑 Sarnath – 佛陀初转法轮之地

拘尸那伽 Kushinagar – 佛陀入灭之地





1. 十五晚于印度、尼泊尔的住宿
2. 每日仪轨共修、导引禅修及反思(由夏.堪祖仁波切及资深学生带领)
3. 传统住宿(一日三餐)
4. 当地交通费
5. 所有景点入场费





第1日(10月27日) 抵达印度菩提伽耶Bodhi Gaya(自行安排交通)



第4日(10月30日) 那烂陀寺

第5日(10月31日) 前往恒河畔的圣城瓦拉纳西

第6日(11月1日) 瓦拉纳西及鹿野苑

第7日(11月2日) 舍卫城

第8日(11月3日) 佛陀涅盘之处拘尸那迦

第9日(11月4日) 拘尸那迦
拘尸那迦 有许多美丽的寺院及佛塔,其中有三处主要的历史圣迹:佛陀荼毗塔、大涅盘寺及玛塔库阿寺 Mathakuar Temple。在佛陀荼毗塔前,可以看到有很多僧侣和朝圣者在禅修。玛塔库阿寺是佛陀最后饮水处,他在这里开示出最后的遗教,有一尊3米高的蓝色石佛。朝礼后,乘车到尼泊尔的蓝毗离,佛陀降生之地。

第10日(11月5日) 蓝毗尼园
这天会朝礼园内的释迦池 Shakya Tank,传说佛陀的母亲,摩耶夫人在产前曾于此沐浴。然后朝礼摩耶夫人寺及看阿育王石柱。

第11日(11月6日) 蓝毗尼园

第12日(11月7日) 博卡拉 Pokhara Valley
这一天会在美丽的博卡拉翡华湖 Phewa Lake上泛舟,再探朝礼博卡拉地区上最有名的寺院: Matepani Gompa。余下的时间,可与仁波切一同踏单车,畅游这个美丽的湖畔小镇。

第13日(11月8日) 博卡拉
朝礼由日莲宗僧人所建的和平佛塔(香提佛塔Shanti Stupa)。之后,参观市集及在湖畔观光。仁波切在此为我们作出开示,让我们与美丽的喜玛拉雅山脉连系起来。

第14日(11月9日) 加德满都谷地

第15日(11月10日) 加德满都谷地
朝礼世界上其中一座最有名的佛塔,斯瓦扬布纳特佛塔(Swoyambhu Mahachaitya)。之后再朝礼另一座尼泊尔境内最大及最重要的佛塔,博达那(Boudhanath)的满愿大塔及附近的寺院。加德满都谷地被认为是金刚瑜伽母的山谷,我们会朝礼祂的庙宇,可能的话,会安排一场金刚舞。余下的时间,可自行探索这个色彩缤纷的城市及其市集。

第16日(11月11日) 离开加德满都谷地






分期缴付,报名时先付订金$1000。各时段到期前一星期,会以电邮寄出账单,再以 PayPal 或 Stripe 付款 。不设退款,若有突发情况,可以电邮与我们商讨安排。不接受因改变主意而要求退款。

















Tibetan Buddhist rime Institute Inc.
Bank: ANZ.
BSB: 013-479
Account: 4944-47223(请包括阁下姓名)

Acc: Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute.
Bank: ANZ.
Branch: Upper Ferntree Gully, Victoria Australia.
Swift Code: ANZBAU3M. BSB:013 457.
Account No: 4944 47223


    1. 点击链接到网站,以上述方式缴付订金(不设退款)。
    2. 确定收到款项后,会以电邮确认报名。

    – 一日三餐
    – 印度及尼泊尔境内交通 ( 往返机场除外 )
    – 住宿
    – 所有景点门票
    – 酒店及餐厅小费
    – 文化表演

    – 国际机票
    – 集合前及解散后的交通
    – 印度及尼泊尔签证费
    – 旅游及医疗保险
    – 景点摄影收费
    – 当地导游及司机小费
    – 供养仁波切
    – 清水以外的饮料



      参加者需自行购买抵达印度的机票,伽耶 Gaya只有国内航班、火车及巴士可到达,境外旅客可利用Patna机场进入印度,再转火车或巴士到伽耶,然后乘的士到菩提伽耶;或可由德里或加尔各答进入印度,换乘火车、 巴士或内陆机到达伽耶,再乘的士到菩提伽耶。














      并没有任何要求,若你希望提前准备一下,让你对佛教及旅程所涉及的地点有些了解,建议可阅读 :夏.堪祖仁波切所著:Unveiling Your Sacred Truth 第一至三册(只有英文版)此书以时轮金刚大法,贯穿整个佛法的修行,发挥你最大的潜能,为世界带来和平与和谐。





      若有食物过敏或特别药物需要,请尽快发送电子邮件通知我们。行程中,车程或长达数小时,请确定能坐上五小时(车程中有机会停车上厕所或休息)。上课及实修时需席地而坐数小时,如有需要 ,请带备坐垫或折椅。



      2023 Bodh Gaya Pilgrimage: 1000 Buddhas Empowerment with Khentrul Rinpoche

      2023 Bodh Gaya Pilgrimage: 1000 Buddhas Empowerment with Khentrul Rinpoche

      To register for the Nepal/ India trip following this click here.
      To register for this tour, please use the Rime Buddhism Website. 

      Join us on this once-in-a-lifetime journey with Khentrul Rinpoché to the seat of the Buddha’s enlightenment in India. During this week-long retreat participants will connect to the Shakyamuni Buddha through the study and practice of the 1000 Buddha empowerment, puja, and sadhana at the most sacred site at and near the Mahabodi Stupa. This is the first time that Khentrul Rinpoche has offered this empowerment and has chosen the most auspicious location for the blessings of the Buddha. .

      Our journey takes place at the Bodhi Tree, nearby temples, and Mahabodhi Stupa where we will retreat and receive 1000 Buddha teachings. Accompanied by many monks we will perform pujas and offerings to the Buddha. In this practice, we can connect to all aspects of our Buddha nature and learn how we can use tantra to transform our emotions and samsaric limitations into the stainless qualities of Buddha nature. Each of the Buddha families represents different aspects of our enlightened nature. As we learn to identify and work with these aspects we can learn to use our daily life as the conditions and opportunities we need for enlightenment. Doing this practice in such a holy place as a pilgrimage is karmically purifying.

      India is an important place for fully understanding this opportunity to use the emotions and aspects of our daily life for transformation. While Tibet has for many years maintained the Sutra and Vajrayana teachings largely in the monastic communities, India has preserved the rich variations of tantra embedded directly in their daily life and culture. Khentrul Rinpoche sees this as an inspiration for Buddhist Vajrayana. He is passionate about students being able to transform in their daily lives because if we are to keep the precious teachings of Buddhist tantra flourishing we need to keep it alive in living lay practitioners’ culture.

      Cost: AUD TBD announced on April 1 (Includes shared accommodation, all teachings, empowerments, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Daylong site-seeing in the Bodh Gaya area. Airfare is not included.)

      The tour includes:

      • 7-night stay in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India
      • Daily sadhana practices, guided meditations, and reflections guided by Spiritual Director, Khentrul Rinpoche,, and Senior students
      • 1000 Buddha Empowerment (Initiation), Puja, and Sadhana Instructions
      • Authentic traditional accommodations, all meals included
      • 1 Day of Site seeing holy sites in the area
      • Optional opportunity to book a personal Tibetan astrology reading

      Who can come?

      Pilgrimage, 1000 Buddha Empowerment, and retreat are open to everyone.

      Tour Details

      Tentative Schedule
      Day 1 (20th October) – Arrival in Bodh Gaya
      After participants have arrived we will allocate accommodations. For those who wish to help set up the offerings, you can let us know and spend the day arranging them. Once everyone is settled in, we will have dinner together. At an evening teaching, Khentrul Rinpoche will open our event with a welcome speech and prayers.
      Day 2 & 3 (21st- 22nd October) – 1000 Buddhas Empowerment Ceremony
      Enjoy breakfast and prayers together. We will all take part in the 1000 Buddha Empowerment ceremony. Each evening we will have the chance to recite prayers together.
      Day 4 & 5 (23rd – 24th October) – 1000 Buddhas Puja
      Khentrul Rinpoche and monks will chant and perform the Puja offerings for us. If there is time we will also visit the Mahabodhi Stupa grounds to practice the Sadhana together. Day 6 (25th October) – Teachings and Practices in Bodha Gaya
      We will take the day to explore the holy sites of Bodh Gaya and receive teachings and practice the 1000 Buddha Sadhana together. Indian cultural experience in the evening if planning permits.
      Day 7 (26th October) – Day of Site Seeing to Holy Sites
      We will take a tour via bus to some of the more distant nearby holy sites of Bodh Gaya such as the nearby holy caves that the Buddha meditated in before realizing enlightenment. Closing dinner ceremony.
      Day 8 (27th October) – Departure Retreat Completed We will check out of the hotel and make our way home. Take home a blessed souvenir home from the event to connect with this holy space.

      Food & Accomodations

      Indian diet is typically vegetarian and spicy. We may have the opportunity to have Tibetan cooking as well. We have arranged for a vegetarian trip as much as possible. We can not accommodate allergies.
      Accommodations in Bodha Gaya are basic and not luxurious. The rooms will have bathrooms and western-style toilets. Rooms are either a twin share or a dorm-style. If you are traveling with a friend and would like to stay with them, please write in and request. We will do what we can to keep you together.

      The price for this journey is $ AUD per person (shared occupancy).
      A non-refundable $1500 AUD deposit holds your space. We will email you an invoice (via PayPal or stripe) at least a week before each due date.

      Payment Schedule

      Description Amount Due Date
      Payment #1 (20% – non-refundable) AUD$? Paid at registration
      Payment #2 (40%) AUD$? 1st of July
      Payment #3 (40%) AUD$? 15th of September

      Methods of Payment You can make payments for this tour via any of the following methods:

      • Credit Card or Paypal: Check out on the form below
      • Direct Debit: Tibetan Buddhist rime Institute Inc. Bank: ANZ. BSB: 013-479 Account: 4944-47223 (Please include your surname as a reference)
      • Wire Transfer: Acc: Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute. Bank: ANZ. Branch: Upper Ferntree Gully, Victoria Australia. Swift Code: ANZBAU3M. BSB:013 457. Account No: 4944 47223

      Registration Process:

      1. Check out rimebuddhism.com website, with the non-refundable AUD$? using one of the methods described above.
      2. Once we have confirmed the payment, we will contact you via email to confirm your registration.

      Price Includes:

      • 1000 Buddha Empowerment(s) from Khentrul Rinpoche
      • 3 Meals per day
      • Transportation to sites within India
      • All accommodations
      • All meals
      • All site entrance fees
      • All tips at hotels and restaurants
      • Indian cultural performance if possible

      Price does not include:

      • International airfare
      • Transfer to and from the airport
      • India visa fee if needed
      • Travel and health insurance
      • Photography fees at sites
      • Tip to local guide and driver
      • Dana to Teachers or Rinpoche
      • Astrology or Massage bookings
      • Beverages in addition to water
      1000 Buddha Empowerment
      You will be guided in a clear step-by-step way through the empowerment ceremony so that you can understand what is happening and what you are receiving. Through lectures, discussion, silent meditation, mantra, and ritual offerings, form a deep connection to your own inner realm of peace and harmony.
      Who Can Attend
      There are no prerequisites and afterward no commitments other than the ones you choose to take. This path is flexible; it allows you to engage with it wherever you are at. Empowerment can be taken as a blessing or empowerment. The refuge, bodhisattva, tantric vows, and uncommon vows of Kalachakra will be given along with the initiation for those taking this as empowerment.

      Advice for Travel
      International Flights
      You are responsible to book your own international flights. There is a local airport in Gaya as well as a train station. It is also possible to arrive from Patna.
      First and foremost, your passport MUST be valid at least 6 months beyond the end date of the trip, and you’ll need two empty pages in the Visas section of your passport (make sure they are in the Visa section, not the Amendment or Endorsement section). Most countries require a visa for India. Please check with your local Indian embassy for details. India now offers e-visas which can be applied for online and will meet most of the tourist needs.
      You can read the American CDC’s recommendations here. We advise you to check with your local doctor to decide what is best for you. It is useful to bring a small first aid pack which includes: Nausea and diarrhea medicine, travel sickness tablets, glucose powder, paracetamol tablets, saline eyewash, cold and flu tablets, mosquito repellent, sunscreen and any other supplies you feel you may need or have been advised to bring.

      If you have a serious food allergy or medical condition we should know about please inform us by email to discuss it as soon as possible. This is not a strenuous trip. We will be sitting a lot. Please bring a cushion or folding chair if you need it for the sitting. On the site-seeing day we will be driving for several multi-hour stretches times on this trip, so guests should be able to sit in a vehicle for up to 5 hours at a time (although we can stop for bathroom breaks and leg-stretching along the way).
      Travel Insurance
      We suggest medical insurance which includes evacuation and trip cancellation insurance, as well, as you never know what obstacles life can toss at you leading up to a trip. However, we do not require this coverage, we only suggest it highly. We will be in remote areas that may not have a modern medical facility. Please plan accordingly.
      Arriving in Bodha Gaya in October, the temperature is +32°C during the daytime and +21°C at night. The area is very dusty. In India clothes that can be hand washed are best. Also, dust can be difficult to remove from clothing so it is advised to keep that in mind when packing.
      Miscellaneous items
      When attending the teachings, you will require something to sit on, so bring a meditation cushion with you and a plastic sheet in case it rains. You will most definitely need insect repellent. Other items which will come in handy are umbrella, sunscreen, towel, hat, sunglasses, toilet paper/tissues, batteries, headlamp, camera, SD card for extra storage, torch, chargers, adaptors, pen, paper/writing book, favorite snack food, access to $500 for extra food and miscellaneous expenses.
      We recommend drinking only bottled water, and you will want to rinse your toothbrush off in bottled water. Bottled and boiled water will be available throughout the trip. You can use water purification tablets and UV light purifiers. 
      You can either exchange cash in India or use local ATMs. All of your meals and transportation are covered, so you just need personal spending money.
      For most of the trip, there will not be wifi available.
      Traditionally, an offering is made to the teacher at the conclusion of the Tour (please note that this is entirely optional) as a gesture of appreciation. You can offer whatever you think is appropriate. However, here are a few suggestions – a card, flowers, money, food or other items. A Tibetan offering scarf (khata) is given to the teacher for a blessing as part of the ceremony and can be borrowed or purchased from retreat volunteers or you may like to bring your own.