Accueil Autriche en ligne Tantric Path of Desire: Public Teaching with Khentrul Rinpoché

Tantric Path of Desire: Public Teaching with Khentrul Rinpoché

Online and in-person in Austria at Dzokden Kalapa. In English with the potential of live translation in other languages (TBA).

This page is only for the FREE public teaching which will open the weekend teaching retreat.
If you would like to register for the ONLINE weekend retreat, please click here.
Or if you would like to register to attend the weekend retreat IN-PERSON, please click here.

We are delighted to announce that Rinpoché accepted our request to present his exciting new tantra book, ”The Tantric Path of Desire” in Austria. 

Preconceptions and misunderstandings about tantra have spread everywhere. Both in Western countries, as well as Asian countries where these teachings originated. Lost amidst extreme views and with a lack of proper clarification, it is difficult for practitioners to reach the essence of the tantric teachings. 

For Rinpoché, there is no doubt that different types of persons, including lay devotees, monastics, and non-religious ones, have the potential to learn the essence of tantric practice. This is because the tantric approach is closely aligned with our existing nature.

“In the tantric path, nothing that is naturally present in our mind needs to be eliminated. Instead, we learn means for putting these mental phenomena to work for us. When all these phenomena are subjugated by the brilliance of pure and true reality, they become our friends.” (Khentrul Rinpoché).

In this public teaching, Rinpoché will introduce the topic in general in preparation for the weekend retreat that will follow.

Schedule by Timezone

Vienna Time (CEST) — FRIDAY July 26, 2024 / 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM – Session 1: Free Public Teaching: Tantric Path of Desire
Melbourne, Australia — SATURDAY July 27, 2024 / 3:00 AM – 4:30 AM – Session 1: Free Public Teaching: Tantric Path of Desire
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan — SATURDAY July 27, 2024 / 1:00 AM – 2:30 AM – Session 1: Free Public Teaching: Tantric Path of Desire
Romania — FRIDAY July 26, 2024 / 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM – Session 1: Free Public Teaching: Tantric Path of Desire
São Paulo, Brazil — FRIDAY July 26, 2024 / 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM – Session 1: Free Public Teaching: Tantric Path of Desire
East Coast USA, Toronto — FRIDAY July 26, 2024 / 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM – Session 1: Free Public Teaching: Tantric Path of Desire
West Coast USA — FRIDAY July 26, 2024 / 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM – Session 1: Free Public Teaching: Tantric Path of Desire

Zoom Information

Zoom Link:
Webinar ID: 815 2110 3621    Passcode: 108108

Please email [email protected] or [email protected].

Étiquettes :


Jul 26 2024


Vienna, Austria Timezone
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Heure locale

  • Fuseau horaire : America/New_York
  • Date : Jul 26 2024
  • Heure : 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm


Dzokden Kalapa
Garanas 41, 8541 Bad Schwanberg, Austria
Site Web



Autres organisateurs


  • Khentrul Rinpoche
    Khentrul Rinpoche

    Khentrul Rinpoche Jamphel Lodrö est le fondateur et le directeur spirituel de Dzokden. Rinpoche est l’auteur de Dévoiller votre vérité sacrée, la grande voie du millieu: Clarifier la vue Jonang de l’autre-vacuité, Une vie plus heureuse, et Le trésor caché de la voie profonde.
    Rinpoche à passé les vingt premières années de sa vie à élever des Yacks et chanter des mantras sur les hauts plateaux du Tibet. Inspiré par les bodhisattvas, il quitte sa famille afin d’étudier dans divers monastères sous la guidance de plus de vingt-cinq maîtres de toutes les écoles du Bouddhisme Tibétain. Grace à cette approche non-sectaire il a obtenu le titre de maître Rimé (sans parti pris) et a été identifié comme la réincarnation du fameux maître Kalachakra Ngawang Chödzin Gyaltso. Alors que dans le cœur de son enseignement il reconnaît la grande valeur de la diversité de toutes les traditions spirituelles que l’on trouve dans ce monde, il se concentre essentiellement sur la tradition Jonang-Kalachakra. L’enseignement de Kalachakra (La roue du temps) contient la méthode profonde pour harmoniser l’environnement externe avec le monde interne du corps et de l’esprit, ultimement afin d’engendrer un âge d’or de paix et d’harmonie (Dzokden).

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