Dzokden Dharma

The Perfection of the Definitive Meaning Completion Stage


1. to possess the totality of something; 2. that which is perfectly complete;
3. the complete Dharma of Shambhala; 4. a golden age of perfect peace and harmony.

PROJECT  Translation Team

The Treasury of Definitive Meaning

Many of the Dharma text that illucidate the precious view of the Definitive Meaning have not yet been translated into western languages. In order for practioners who are less familiar with the Jonang tradition to gain confidence in the wisdom of this view, we aspire to translation and publish 16 volumes of the supporting text under. the name, "The Treasury of Definitive Meaning." While not comprehensive this list includes many of the important textual supports for the Dzokden Dharma. For those who are wishing to better understand what is the Dzokden Dharma, we encourage you to look over the lists of the text.

This project requires sponsorship as well as volunteer Tibetan Translations. 

Golden Age Meaning

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