Karmic Purification: Heruka Vajrasattva Empowerment & Practice
This is a paid event and available both Online and In-person.
Khentrul Rinpoche has kindly agreed to bestow the Heruka Vajrasattva Empowerment to support all practitioners wishing to do purification practice, and in particular those working with the Kalachakra Ngondro. You can practice any Vajrasattva purification practice after receiving this empowerment although this specific form is semi-wrathful and connected to the Kalachakra preliminaries.
“Vajrasattva practice allows you to uncover the reality of your Buddha-nature, which is currently hidden as a result of defilements created by attachment, aggression and delusion. Our current situation is like a dirty piece of glass. This practice provides you with a powerful method to wash away the dirt while being confident that underneath there is crystal clear glass which is completely pure and unstained. Through the practice of Vajrasattva, this confidence will steadily grow as you come closer and closer to discovering the innate purity of your most profound nature.” (Khentrul Rinpoche)
Chakra Purifying Guided Meditation
In the vajrasattva practice we are both cleansing our view and our karmas. This guided mantra practice will help you cleanse your subtle body which is a sacred spiritual mandala. This is not an instant cleansing of all your chakras. This is not a new age practice. This is an introduction to a practice that disciples can spend months or years doing.
This practice is done in the Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro for purification. If you are studying and practicing this Ngondro, this is highly recommended.
There are no formal prerequisites. Previous Buddhist study and practice are very helpful but not required. Like all vajrayana practices you are taking refuge, bodhisattva vows and forming Samaya with the master.
Schedule by Timezone
Central Europe and South Africa
SATURDAY September 13, 2025
4:00 PM – Session 1: Heruka Vajrasattva Empowerment & Oral Transmission
7:00 PM – Session 2: Chakra Purification Mantra Meditation
9:00 PM – Session 3: Teachings on Karma & Purification Practices
1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. You will receive a confirmation email. All of our online events use the Dzokden learning center. If you are not already enrolled in it, you will be invited to learn.dzokden.org
2) You can come in person or watch online. You will receive access to the zoom for each of the sessions. The empowerment must be received in real time. There are no recordings available of the empowerment.
It’s customary at the end of empowerment for students to make an offering of Dana to the guru. As this is an online event, you can make the offering of Dana to Rinpoche here.
Email [email protected]
Khentrul RinpocheMeister Jonang Kalachakra
In den Bergen Tibets geboren, verbrachte Shar Khentrul Rinpoche die ersten 20 Jahre seines Lebens damit, Jaks zu hüten und Mantras zu rezitieren. Inspiriert durch Bodhisattvas verließ er seine Familie, um in verschiedenen Klöstern unter der Leitung von über fünfundzwanzig Meistern aller tibetischen Traditionen zu studieren. Wegen seines Nicht-sektiererischen Ansatzes erhielt er den Titel Rime (unvoreingenommen) Meister und wurde als Reinkarnation des berühmten Kalachakra Meisters Ngawang Chözin Gyatso identifiziert. Er wird als eine Emanation des Bodhisattvas Akashagarbha angesehen. Während das Herzstück seiner Belehrungen auf der Erkenntnis beruht, dass die Vielfalt aller spirituellen Traditionen dieser Welt von großem Wert ist, fokussiert er sich dennoch auf die Jonang-Shambhala Tradition.
Obwohl von vielen westlichen Gelehrten angenommen wurde das diese Tradition ausgestorben ist, erkannte Rinpoche das die am fortgeschrittensten Belehrungen von Kalachakra (Rad der Zeit) tiefgreifende Methoden beinhalten, um unsere externe Umwelt durch die innere Welt von Körper und Geist zu harmonisieren. Seit 2014 reiste Rinpoche in mehr als dreißig Länder, um Schüler in aller Welt anzuleiten. Durch seine systematische und stufenweise Darlegung des zur Erleuchtung führenden Kalachakra-Pfades, lehrt er sie, ihre innere Wahrheit und ihr grenzenloses Potenzial zu verwirklichen. Er lehrt Menschen wie sie einen flexiblen Geist kultivieren können und Voreingenommenheit beseitigen und dadurch inspiriert er mitgefühlbasierende Gemeinschaften zu erschaffen, die diese Welt in ein Goldenes Zeitalter von globalem Frieden und Harmonie führen.