March 2025
Join us for Weekly Group Practice ---------- ZOOM MEETING INFORMATION: Meeting ID: 897 1188 0347 Passcode: KalkiKings (Use the link above or copy/paste the meeting id & passcode into zoom directly.) ---------- Tuesdays at 7pm Eastern Time USA *event will be cancelled for October 17 and October 24* view your time zone Primary Practices: […]
Practice will be done in English / Sanskrit or Tibetan This is a restricted practice open to those who have received the Vajra Vega Wheel of Protection Practice from Khentrul Rinpoche. Restricted Links You can find the links for it in the Learning Center course you are already enrolled in for the Vajra Vega Wheel […]
With this method you learn to view the universe as pure and all beings in it as enlightened, even though they may appear to ordinary minds as having many defilements that have not yet been overcome. By seeing through conventional reality and embracing its ultimate nature, you are able to experience all levels of reality with a much clearer and more compassionate view.
This event is available Online only. Why become a Buddhist? To realize Buddhahood. But what is Buddhahood? What is enlightenment? What is Buddha Nature? Do you have it? Do you need to grow it? Do you find it? Do you realize it? Do you reveal it? The first step in any journey is gathering as […]
April 2025
Join us for Weekly Group Practice ---------- ZOOM MEETING INFORMATION: Meeting ID: 897 1188 0347 Passcode: KalkiKings (Use the link above or copy/paste the meeting id & passcode into zoom directly.) ---------- Tuesdays at 7pm Eastern Time USA *event will be cancelled for October 17 and October 24* view your time zone Primary Practices: […]
This is a paid event and available both Online and In-person. English (USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, etc) South Africa and India Bhutanese (English & Znongkha) 中文 (Traditional Chinese) 中文 (Simplified Chinese) Монгол Deutsche (Germany, Switzerland, Austria) Español (Puerto Rico, Spain and South America) Italiano (Italy) Magyar (Hungary) Portuguese (Brasil & Portugal) Romania […]
Join us for Weekly Group Practice ---------- ZOOM MEETING INFORMATION: Meeting ID: 897 1188 0347 Passcode: KalkiKings (Use the link above or copy/paste the meeting id & passcode into zoom directly.) ---------- Tuesdays at 7pm Eastern Time USA *event will be cancelled for October 17 and October 24* view your time zone Primary Practices: […]
Join us to practice offering to the Nagas on the Naga days. Naga guards the precious Dharma and are the treasury of wealth and teachings. When disturbed through our wrong actions of pollution to the environment they can also bring illness. We will be making offerings and gifts all year to them for the benefit […]
Join us for Weekly Group Practice ---------- ZOOM MEETING INFORMATION: Meeting ID: 897 1188 0347 Passcode: KalkiKings (Use the link above or copy/paste the meeting id & passcode into zoom directly.) ---------- Tuesdays at 7pm Eastern Time USA *event will be cancelled for October 17 and October 24* view your time zone Primary Practices: […]
Volunteering for the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha is a precious way of accumulating merit to support your spiritual progress. Shar Khentrul Rinpoché strongly encourages his followers to contribute in any form they feel inclined to, whether or not they are specialists in any given activity. The altruistic motivation is the most important!
This is a FREE event and available Online only. We invite everyone to participate in the accumulation of 21st Tara Marichi’s Mantra and Rinpoche’s Guru Name mantra for Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodro Rinpoche’s Birthday. This year we hope to strengthen our connection with Rinpoche so that we may all cultivate the capacity to support him […]
Join us for Weekly Group Practice ---------- ZOOM MEETING INFORMATION: Meeting ID: 897 1188 0347 Passcode: KalkiKings (Use the link above or copy/paste the meeting id & passcode into zoom directly.) ---------- Tuesdays at 7pm Eastern Time USA *event will be cancelled for October 17 and October 24* view your time zone Primary Practices: […]
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