Online: Enlightening the Heart – Ngondro Oral Transmission & Teaching
Schedule by Timezone
4:00AM San Francisco, California
Puerto Rico
Central Mexico
7:00AM New York, New York
1:00PM Vienna, Austria
7:00PM Hong Kong / Shanghai / Mongolia
10:00PM Melbourne, Australia
The request for the Ngondro Transmission was made by the Chinese Group. The request for a teaching on the Ngondro was made by the Vietnamese community. Rinpoche has kindly agreed to both request along making this anyone worldwide.
Oral Transmission
In order to help clarify and assist western students in practicing the Jonanag Kalacharka Nogndro, Khentrul Rinpoche composed the text Enlightening the Heart. This focuses on the essence of the teaching and contains the visualizations directly in the text so that a student could start it without additionally using the commentary. For those who want another text to practice their ngondro and increase their connection to Rinpoche, we encourage you receive the empowerment.
This text is available in the Profound Path of Vajra Yoga Practice Book.
Short Teaching
In this short teaching Rinpoche will focus on how we can connect with the blessings of the lineage in our practice.
Make an offering of Dana to Khentrul Rinpoche
It is common for those requesting an empowerment or transmission to make an offering. You can do so online here.
Pre-Recorded Ngondro Courses to Get You Started
If you are new to Dzokden or Rinpoche and want to get started on the Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro, we encourage you to enroll in a course. We have several options for people looking to learn how to practice the Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro. There is a community area available for you to ask all your questions.
Kalachakra Ngondro with Khentrul Rinpoche
This course emphasizes how to practice the ngondro in your everyday life.
Beginners Guide to the Kalachakra Ngondro with Julie O’Donnell
This course follows the commentary of the Hidden Treasure
Supplementary Ngondro Practice Package (English Only)
This is collection of guided ngondro practices that you can do along with the recording. They focus on all areas of the Ngondro.
Khentrul RinpocheMestre Kalachakra Rimê
Khentrul Rinpoche Jamphel Lodrö é o fundador e diretor espiritual da Dzokden. O Rinpoche é autor de vários livros como: Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, The Great Middle Way: Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness, A Happier Life (em tradução para o português) e The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path (em tradução para o português). Khentrul Rinpoche passou os primeiros 20 anos de sua vida pastoreando iaques e cantando mantras nos platôs tibetanos. Inspirado pelos bodhisatvas, ele deixou sua família para estudar em uma variedade de monastérios sob a orientação de mais de vinte e cinco mestres em todas as tradições do Budismo Tibetano. Devido à sua abordagem não-sectária, ele recebeu o título de Mestre Rimê (não-sectário) e foi identificado como a reencarnação do famoso Mestre de Kalachakra Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. Embora seja central em seus ensinamentos o reconhecimento de que há grande valor na diversidade de todas as tradições espirituais encontradas nesse mundo, ele foca a tradição Jonang-Shambhala. Os ensinamentos de Kalachakra (“Roda do Tempo”) contêm métodos profundos para harmonizar nosso ambiente externo com o mundo interno de nosso corpo e mente, em última instância fazendo surgir a Era de Ouro de paz e harmonia (dzokden).