Online: Deity Yoga – Innate Kalachakra Practice Retreat
People are always chasing the idea of self or getting to know the self but can not recognize the innate true nature that is already present. This practice closes the gap more between who we think we are and who we really are. Our goal is to shift our sense of identity from the illusory self that is projected by ignorance, to a conceptual self that arises from wisdom, therefore bringing us closer to our Buddha-nature.
This retreat is an opportunity to strengthen awareness and cultivate confidence in our own inherent divine nature through the authentic lineage of Tibetan Buddhism of the Jonangpas. There are several skillful means you will have a chance to work with within the different Kalachakra Sadhanas, Kalachakra-Tsok and ordinary activities, in order to unveil the Innate Kalachakra.
For those who have just received the Kalachakra Empowerment and are working on their Ngöndro, this is an ideal opportunity to learn how to put it into practice and to expand enormously the accumulation of merit and wisdom. For those who have been practicing it previously, it is a precious opportunity to realize the power of practicing together with our vajra brothers and sisters.
All those who sincerely wish to practice Kalachakra and have received the first set of the Kalachakra Empowerment (Kalachakra Initiation) or the Innate Kalachakra Jenang Initiation from Shar Khentrul Rinpoché, Choekyi Nangwa Rinpoché, HH the Dalai Lama, Jhado Rinpoché or any other Vajra Master of an authentic lineage, regardless of their school of practice.
In order to create the best conditions, it is preferred to have received the first set of the Kalachakra Initiation that are called “The 7 Empowerments of a Growing Child”. However, anyone who has received any other authentic Unsurpassed Yoga Tantra Empowerment and practiced extensively already in their tradition may take part as well. In case of doubt about this important prerequisite, please write to [email protected] before registering.
If you do not have the prerequisite, you are welcome to join here for the Kalachakra Empowerment Rinpoche will give in Mongolia (online participation is possible) before this retreat.
If you are new to the teachings of Shar Khentrul Rinpoche or to the Jonang School of Tibetan Buddhism, Rinpoche strongly encourages you to prepare yourself in advance for this retreat. *Recommended course: Jonang Kalachakra Ngöndro *Recommended Books: “The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path “Unveiling Your Sacred Truth”
The practice book “The Profound Path of Vajra Yoga” is recommended as a support for your practice during the retreat. If you have a mala you can use it for counting your accumulations, although this is not mandatory.
EEST : UTC+ 3 : Romania
Thursday, September 8th
8:00 PM – Session 1
Friday, September 9
11:00 AM – Session 2
2:00 PM – Session 3
5:00 PM – Session 4
8:00 PM – Session 5
Saturday, September 10th
11:00 AM – Session 6
2:00 PM Session 7
5:00 PM – Session 8
8:00 PM Session 9
Sunday, September 11th
11:00 AM Session 10
2:00 PM Session 11
5:00 PM – Session12
8:00 PM – Session 13
English. Translations TBA. All the 13 sessions will be recorded and can be accessed afterwards in our online learning center. We encourage you to take part in as many live sessions as possible, but, if your time zone is not compatible, you can listen to them later.
If you wish to show your generosity to Rinpoche’s precious teachings and to his immense effort into spreading the Kalachakra Path worldwide, you can offer Dana to Rinpoche at the Dzokden website here.
Khentrul RinpocheMaestru Jonang Kalachakra
Khentrul Rinpoché Jamphel Lodrö este fondatorul și directorul spiritual al organizației Dzokden. Este, de asemenea, autorul a numeroase cărți printre care: “Dezvăluirea adevărului vostru sacru” (“Unveiling Your Sacred Truth”), “The Great Middle Way: Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness”, “A Happier Life” și “The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path”.
Rinpoché și-a petrecut primii 20 de ani din viață pe platourile din Tibet, îngrijind yaci și recitând mantre. Inspirat de bodhisattva, el și-a părăsit familia pentru a studia în diferite mănăstiri sub îndrumarea a peste douăzeci și cinci de maeștri aparținând tuturor tradițiilor budismului tibetan. Datorită abordării sale nepărtinitoare, a primit titlul de maestru Rimé (non-sectarian) și a fost identificat drept reîncarnarea faimosului maestru Kalachakra, Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. El este considerat de asemenea a fi o emanație a marelui Bodhisattva Akashagarbha. Cu toate că la baza învățăturilor lui Rinpoché se află recunoașterea valorii ce decurge din diversitatea tradițiilor spirituale existente în această lume, el se axează asupra tradiției Jonang – Shambhala. Deși mulți experți din vest au considerat că această tradiție este pierdută, Rinpoché a descoperit că ea deține cele mai avansate învățături Kalachakra (roata timpului), conținând metode profunde de armonizare a universului exterior cu lumea interioară a corpului și minții. Începând cu 2014, Rinpoche a călătorit în peste 30 de țări, îndrumându-și discipolii spre realizarea adevărului lor sacru, a potențialului nelimitat, prin prezentarea clară, sistematică și graduală a căii Kalachakra spre iluminare. Învățându-i pe oameni să cultive o minte flexibilă și să înlăture prejudecățile, Khentrul Rinpoché aspiră la crearea unor comunități bazate pe compasiune, care să transforme această lume într-o eră de aur a păcii și armoniei.