Online: Vajra Vega (Wrathful Kalachakra) Empowerment
This is a very rare and precious opportunity to receive the Vajra Vega Jenang (empowerment) in the stupa at Khamar Monastery, near Shambhala Land in the Gobi desert. This space is revered by the Mongolians as a portal to the Sublime Realm of Shambhala. It is a precious opportunity to have a Jonang master come to the land to bestow this empowerment. The monks of Khamar Khid Monastery have been reciting the short sadhana of Vajra Vega continuously since 1827. The Kalachakra Initiation and teachings have not been taught in this location since 1937. This a rare and unique opportunity to help revive these precious teachings from the Shambhala dharma kings.
Vajra Vega, the wrathful form of Shri Kalachakra and the King of the Wrathful Deities, is the protector aspect in Kalachakra. There are many benefits to establishing a connection with Vajra Vega. The essence of Vajravega is that he represents the non-conceptual primordial wisdom which arises when the winds enter the central channel. This is the method by which the root ignorance of conceptuality is cut. It is also the basis or the container in which the precious six vajra yogas arise. When we establish a wheel of protection with Vajra Vega, we are symbolically stopping the arising of dualistic appearances, and abiding within the non-conceptual wisdom.
It is very important and special for us to connect with this aspect of Kalachakra in our lifetime so that we may be benefited from the connection in the Bardo state after death. While we must do our best to create karmic propensities to realize our own sacred truth during this life, if we do not then in the Bardo state after death, we may be able to recognise Vajra Vega in the sea of wrathful Deities and be liberated.
Melbourne, Australia – 9th August – 1.40 pm
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan – August 9th at 11:40 AM
Hanoi, Vietnam – August 9th at 10:40 AM
Thimpu, Bhutan -August 9th at 9:40 AM
Romania – 9th August – 6.40 am
Central Europe – 9th August – 5.40 am
South Africa – 9th August – 6.40 am
Sao Paulo, Brazil – 9th August – 00.40 am
East Coast USA, Toronto – 8th August – 11.40 pm
West Coast USA – 8th August – 8.40 pm
1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. You will be added to the course on learn.dzokden.org
2) You must receive the empowerment online in real-time. We do not record empowerment. Before the empowerment, you will receive information on some simple supplies you should get to help make the experience as authentic as possible. If you are not able to get them all don’t worry. We do not offer empowerment books for this event.
3) You will receive access to the zoom for each of the sessions the week of the empowerment.
The Dharma is not for sale but we do have cost to put on global events. We have created 3 offering levels to help make this affordable to a range of attendees as we must raise funds to cover the cost. The cost has been adjusted for the cost of living in various countries. Thank you for understanding so that we can make this accessible to our global family. If your ability to pay makes it difficult to attend this program, we will make every effort to make attendance possible.
If you would like to contribute to light and landscape the Standing Tara statue that is being blessed at the Rime Institute, during this event, you can do so here.
ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS? email [email protected]
Khentrul RinpocheMaestru Jonang Kalachakra
Khentrul Rinpoché Jamphel Lodrö este fondatorul și directorul spiritual al organizației Dzokden. Este, de asemenea, autorul a numeroase cărți printre care: “Dezvăluirea adevărului vostru sacru” (“Unveiling Your Sacred Truth”), “The Great Middle Way: Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness”, “A Happier Life” și “The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path”.
Rinpoché și-a petrecut primii 20 de ani din viață pe platourile din Tibet, îngrijind yaci și recitând mantre. Inspirat de bodhisattva, el și-a părăsit familia pentru a studia în diferite mănăstiri sub îndrumarea a peste douăzeci și cinci de maeștri aparținând tuturor tradițiilor budismului tibetan. Datorită abordării sale nepărtinitoare, a primit titlul de maestru Rimé (non-sectarian) și a fost identificat drept reîncarnarea faimosului maestru Kalachakra, Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. El este considerat de asemenea a fi o emanație a marelui Bodhisattva Akashagarbha. Cu toate că la baza învățăturilor lui Rinpoché se află recunoașterea valorii ce decurge din diversitatea tradițiilor spirituale existente în această lume, el se axează asupra tradiției Jonang – Shambhala. Deși mulți experți din vest au considerat că această tradiție este pierdută, Rinpoché a descoperit că ea deține cele mai avansate învățături Kalachakra (roata timpului), conținând metode profunde de armonizare a universului exterior cu lumea interioară a corpului și minții. Începând cu 2014, Rinpoche a călătorit în peste 30 de țări, îndrumându-și discipolii spre realizarea adevărului lor sacru, a potențialului nelimitat, prin prezentarea clară, sistematică și graduală a căii Kalachakra spre iluminare. Învățându-i pe oameni să cultive o minte flexibilă și să înlăture prejudecățile, Khentrul Rinpoché aspiră la crearea unor comunități bazate pe compasiune, care să transforme această lume într-o eră de aur a păcii și armoniei.