Domov Avstralija Spletna stran The Differences between the Sutra and Tantra Path to Enlightenment with Khentrul Rinpoche

The Differences between the Sutra and Tantra Path to Enlightenment with Khentrul Rinpoche

It can be difficult and unclear for students to understand the differences in the Buddhist paths to enlightenment. In the modern world rarely does a student find one teacher and follow only what they teach. They are exposed to many teachers, many teachings, many lineage, many types of Buddhism. This can make it less clear exactly what the paths are and what their views are. While they are both heading to Buddhahood there are different skillful means beings put into practice on the path. To make it more confusing often Tibetan Buddhist centers teach both Sutra and Vajrayana mixed together. Khentrul Rinpoche will help clarify what the differences are to help students distinguish the view and paths.

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Dec 03 2022
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  • Časovni pas: Asia/Singapore
  • Datum: Dec 03 2022
  • Čas: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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