Enter the New Year with a Bang! Vajrapani Empowerment and Retreat

Enter the New Year with a Bang! Vajrapani Empowerment and Retreat

Welcome to the Vajrapani Empowerment and Retreat

English (USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, etc)
South Africa and India
Bhutanese (English & Znongkha)
中文 (Traditional Chinese)
中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Deutsche (Germany, Switzerland, Austria)
Español (Puerto Rico, Spain and South America)
Italiano (Italy)
Magyar (Hungary)
Portuguese (Brasil & Portugal)
Tiếng Việt

VAJRAPANI: Tame Your Demons
Tap into the power of all the Buddhas to tame your internal and external obstacles to realization. Vajrapani, the embodiment of the power of all the Buddhas of the ten directions and the three times, is a fearless Bodhisattva of the tenth level and the guardian of the Buddhist tantras.

Khentrul Rinpoche will bestow an extraordinary empowerment of Vajrapani known as the Demon Destroyer, and the practice that Lama Lutrin may have used in the retreat where he cured himself of Leprosy. This empowerment and retreat will help practitioners embrace their fierce power within to tame the obstacles on their path.

“For me Vajrapani is personally special because my root lama, Lama Lobsang Trinley, was considered as the actual Vajrapani. When he practiced it, he could completely heal his leprosy during a long solitary retreat. At the end of his retreat, he achieved the same realization of the great Indian mahasiddhas.
My root Lama’s teachings on Vajrapani were incredibly special. As many high Lamas came to our monastery in order to receive the Vajrapani empowerment from him, I could receive it many times. All these Lamas who came had no doubt about his realization. They said that he himself was the actual Vaprapani, as they were witnessing my Lama taming incredibly powerful demons who wish to bring harm to our regions.”

This practice has a very special connection to our lineage through both Lama Lutrin and the Shambhala Dharma King Suchandra. Suchandra who was an emanation of Vajrapani, requested the Buddha in the form of Deity of Kalachakra, transmit  the Kalachakra Tantra Teachings. Suchandra went on to establish these Kalachakra teachings in Shambhala where they flourished and came to us.

In this retreat, Rinpoche will also explore further working with Vajrapani in your life as you work to engage on an authentic tantric path, harnessing, directing, and transforming the power of anger and other emotions on the path.  

Course Information

This first section will provide you with general information about the course that you will need to participate. This includes:

  1. Overview: If you ever get lost, you can use this page to remember where everything is and how to access what you need.
  2. Online Checklist:To join the live practice sessions for this course, you will need to make sure you have all of the necessary technologies installed and ready to use. For this reason, we have compiled a short guidebook for setting up Zoom and how to prepare for the various sessions.
  3. Live Session Schedule: This page provides all of the links for the live webinar sessions. You can find the schedule in a variety of timezones so that you can be sure not to miss anything. ORAL TRANSMISSIONS AND EMPOWERMENTS ARE NEVER RECORDED.
  4. Gratitude and Generosity: We take a moment to thank those who have made this event possible and provide details for how to offer Dana or give support so that we can all benefit from future activities.


Schedule by Timezone

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

SATURDAY December 28, 2024
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM: Session 1: Online Empowerment Preparation
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM: Session 2: Vajrapani Empowerment & Oral Transmission
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Session 3: Vajrapani Practice
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM: Session 4: Vajrapani and the Kalachakra Lineage

SUNDAY December 29, 2024
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM: Session 5: Vajrapani Practice
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM: Session 6: Tantra and Working with Emotions and Anger
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Session 7: Vajrapani Practice
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM: Session 8: Final Session – Vajrapani Practice and Q&A with Rinpoche

Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan

SATURDAY December 28, 2024
6:00 AM – 7:30 AM: Session 1: Online Empowerment Preparation
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM: Session 2: Vajrapani Empowerment & Oral Transmission
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Session 3: Vajrapani Practice
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM: Session 4: Vajrapani and the Kalachakra Lineage

SUNDAY December 29, 2024
6:00 AM – 7:30 AM: Session 5: Vajrapani Practice
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM: Session 6: Tantra and Working with Emotions and Anger
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Session 7: Vajrapani Practice
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM: Session 8: Final Session – Vajrapani Practice and Q&A with Rinpoche

Hanoi, Vietnam
Hanoi, Vietnam

SATURDAY December 28, 2024
5:00 AM – 6:30 AM: Session 1: Online Empowerment Preparation
7:00 AM – 8:30 AM: Session 2: Vajrapani Empowerment & Oral Transmission
9:30 AM – 11:00 AM: Session 3: Vajrapani Practice
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM: Session 4: Vajrapani and the Kalachakra Lineage

SUNDAY December 29, 2024
5:00 AM – 6:30 AM: Session 5: Vajrapani Practice
7:00 AM – 8:30 AM: Session 6: Tantra and Working with Emotions and Anger
9:30 AM – 11:00 AM: Session 7: Vajrapani Practice
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM: Session 8: Final Session – Vajrapani Practice and Q&A with Rinpoche

Central Europe and South Africa
Central Europe and South Africa

FRIDAY December 27, 2024
11:00 PM – 12:30 AM (SATURDAY December 28, 2024): Session 1: Online Empowerment Preparation

SATURDAY December 28, 2024
1:00 AM – 2:30 AM: Session 2: Vajrapani Empowerment & Oral Transmission
3:30 AM – 5:00 AM: Session 3: Vajrapani Practice
5:30 AM – 7:00 AM: Session 4: Vajrapani and the Kalachakra Lineage
11:00 PM – 12:30 AM (SUNDAY December 29, 2024): Session 5: Vajrapani Practice

SUNDAY December 29, 2024
1:00 AM – 2:30 AM: Session 6: Tantra and Working with Emotions and Anger
3:30 AM – 5:00 AM: Session 7: Vajrapani Practice
5:30 AM – 7:00 AM: Session 8: Final Session – Vajrapani Practice and Q&A with Rinpoche

Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sao Paulo, Brazil

FRIDAY December 27, 2024
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM : Session 1: Online Empowerment Preparation
9:00 PM – 10:30 PM : Session 2: Vajrapani Empowerment & Oral Transmission
11:30 PM – 1:00 AM (SATURDAY December 28, 2024): Session 3: Vajrapani Practice

SATURDAY December 28, 2024
1:30 AM – 3:00 AM: Session 4: Vajrapani and the Kalachakra Lineage
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM : Session 5: Vajrapani Practice
9:00 PM – 10:30 PM : Session 6: Tantra and Working with Emotions and Anger
11:30 PM – 1:00 AM (SUNDAY December 29, 2024): Session 7: Vajrapani Practice

SUNDAY December 29, 2024
1:30 AM – 3:00 AM: Session 8: Final Session – Vajrapani Practice and Q&A with Rinpoche

East Coast USA, Toronto

East Coast USA, Toronto

FRIDAY December 27, 2024
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM: Session 1: Online Empowerment Preparation
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM: Session 2: Vajrapani Empowerment & Oral Transmission
9:30 PM – 11:00 PM: Session 3: Vajrapani Practice
11:30 PM – 1:00 AM (SATURDAY December 28, 2024): Session 4: Vajrapani and the Kalachakra Lineage

SATURDAY December 28, 2024
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM: Session 5: Vajrapani Practice
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM: Session 6: Tantra and Working with Emotions and Anger
9:30 PM – 11:00 PM: Session 7: Vajrapani Practice
11:30 PM – 1:00 AM (SUNDAY December 29, 2024): Session 8: Final Session – Vajrapani Practice and Q&A with Rinpoche

West Coast USA

West Coast USA

FRIDAY December 27, 2024
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM: Session 1: Online Empowerment Preparation
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM: Session 2: Vajrapani Empowerment & Oral Transmission
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM: Session 3: Vajrapani Practice
8:30 PM – 10:00 PM: Session 4: Vajrapani and the Kalachakra Lineage

SATURDAY December 28, 2024
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM: Session 5: Vajrapani Practice
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM: Session 6: Tantra and Working with Emotions and Anger
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM: Session 7: Vajrapani Practice
8:30 PM – 10:00 PM: Session 8: Final Session – Vajrapani Practice and Q&A with Rinpoche

Please email [email protected]

Internal Kalachakra Mandala: Yoga, Astrology and the Subtle Body with Khentrul Rinpoche

Internal Kalachakra Mandala: Yoga, Astrology and the Subtle Body with Khentrul Rinpoche

This event is available IN-PERSON ONLY.

Join us for a special evening with Kalachakra Master Khentrul Rinpoche. Rinpoche will share a short teaching about how the External Kalachakra, the cosmos, relates to the Internal Kalachakra mandala, the individual’s subtle body. From there, we will move on to a short vedic tantric yoga asana practice led by Yeshe Wangmo. 

Don’t miss an opportunity to connect with these rare and precious teachings. This introductory evening will help us understand the role of Yoga Asana, Pranayama, astrology, and the subtle body in Kalachakra preliminary and completion stage practices. For those looking to find an authentic long term practice in Yoga that is connected to profound teachings, this is a little taste to understand what is to come. Khentrul Rinpoche is working diligently to bring all of these practices to the world to offer us a complete yogic path to non-monastics for Kalachakra. He started by teaching the profound 6 Vajra Yogas, the completion stage of Kalachakra, in Europe. In the next year or two, he plans to teach a Kalachakra yoga asana program founded from the Jonang Tibetan Buddhist lineage that anyone can do to prepare themselves for the completion stage. This evening is best for people who are practitioners of yoga who are curious to learn about a wholistic tantric yogic system that can go from entry-level to enlightenment or for those who have an interest in the Kalachakra tantra.

Schedule by Timezone:

East Coast USA, Toronto – THURSDAY September 05, 2024 / 6:30 PM

Email [email protected]

Golden Age Peacekeepers: White Manjushri and Chenrezig Empowerments with Khentrul Rinpoche

Golden Age Peacekeepers: White Manjushri and Chenrezig Empowerments with Khentrul Rinpoche

This event is available both Online and In-person.

English (USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, etc)
South Africa and India
Bhutanese (English & Znongkha)
中文 (Traditional Chinese)
中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Deutsche (Germany, Switzerland, Austria)
Español (Puerto Rico, Spain and South America)
Italiano (Italy)
Magyar (Hungary)
Portuguese (Brasil & Portugal)
Tiếng Việt

Join Kalachakra Master Khentrul Rinpoche at Tibet House US (or online) for an inspiring evening. During the evening, Khentrul Rinpoche, a Jonang Kalachakra master, who focuses on the teachings from the pure land of Shambhala, will plant blessings in our mindstream of White Manjushri and Chenrezig that we can activate through our own practice and reflection on the texts.

White Manjushri helps us cultivate wisdom, specifically through gentle methods that help us teach others through our speech. Chenrezig is the Tibetan name for Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of compassion. 

To overcome the darkness in our world and manifest the Golden Age on Earth, we must cultivate both wisdom and compassion with the altruistic mind set on enlightenment. Wisdom and compassion are like the two wings of a bird: in order to fly, we must exercise both wings in equal measure. We need to recognize that deep work must be done on ourselves, and we should do our best and work diligently to transform our own minds. The more our minds are rooted in deep wisdom and compassion with altruistic intention, the less we contribute to suffering in the world and the better-equipped we will be to help others. We can not get discouraged and overwhelmed by the temporary negative conditions in our world. We can start our path to manifest the golden age right here. We can become the peace we want to see in our world. 

Schedule by Timezone:

East Coast USA, Toronto – WEDNESDAY September 04, 2024 / 6:30 PM: White Manjushri and Chenrezig Empowerment
Melbourne, Australia –THURSDAY September 05, 2024 / 8:30 AM: White Manjushri and Chenrezig Empowerment
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan – THURSDAY September 05, 2024 / 6:30 AM: White Manjushri and Chenrezig Empowerment
Central Europe and South Africa – THURSDAY September 05, 2024 / 12:30 AM: White Manjushri and Chenrezig Empowerment
Sao Paulo, Brazil – WEDNESDAY September 04, 2024 / 7:30 PM: White Manjushri and Chenrezig Empowerment
West Coast USA – WEDNESDAY September 04, 2024 / 3:30 PM: White Manjushri and Chenrezig Empowerment

Email [email protected]

Intuitive Female Wisdom: Red Sarasvati Empowerment with Khentrul Rinpoche

Intuitive Female Wisdom: Red Sarasvati Empowerment with Khentrul Rinpoche

This event is available both Online and In-person.
This event will be in English with live Hungarian translation, other languages will be available on Zoom only.

English (USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, etc)
中文 (Traditional Chinese)
中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Deutsche (Germany, Switzerland, Austria)
Español (Puerto Rico, Spain and South America)
Italiano (Italy)
Magyar (Hungary)
Portuguese (Brasil & Portugal)

At the request of the Hungarian group, Khentrul Rinpoche will speak on the divine female wisdom and how to use it on the tantric path. He will bestow the Wang (full empowerment) of the Goddess Red Saraswati who is the consort of Manjusrhi and the female embodiment of wisdom. The empowerment comes from the Jonang tradition, based on Jetsun Taranatha. Most of the tantras that are popular in other traditions come from him because Taranatha is the treasury of the tantra.

His teaching will be on using feminine wisdom on the path of desire to work with our emotions. We do not have to abandon the challenges of our modern world. In fact, we can learn to face them directly and transform them into our path to liberation. 

About Red Sarasvati
Both Buddhists and non-Buddhists worship her equally. In the vedic tradition, Brahma created the world, and for a long time after, they didn’t have any sounds or sentient beings. Many gods came to him and said, “you made the world, but there are no beings and no sounds.” Then Brahma spilled water from his vase, and there became this incredible sound, this sound is known as the goddess Sarasvati. So that is why she is known as Brahma’s daughter. This is, in general, a story based on Hindu teachings, but the Tibetans have many, many different versions of her. Some of her forms are white with two arms. This form is a tantric 4-armed version and is powerful and magnetizing in nature.

Saraswati is a wisdom deity but a female version, just like Manjushri. Many great practitioners consider her to be Manjushri’s secret consort. There are so many other lamas worshipping, especially scholars worshipping her instead of Manjushri. 

-Red Saraswati Empowerment Wang
-Oral transmission of the practice text
-Teaching on the Divine Female Nature
-Teachings on the Tantric Path of Desire
-Book signing for in-person attendees

How to Prepare?
These teachings do not require prerequisites. You can buy a copy of the Tantric Path of Desire book at the book launch in Hungary or order it online here

Schedule by Timezone

Central Europe and South Africa

Central Europe and South Africa
June 29, 2024
10:00 AM – Red Sarasvati Empowerment
2:00 PM – Oral Transmission and Teaching
Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia
June 29, 2024
6:00 PM – Red Sarasvati Empowerment
10:00 PM – Oral Transmission and Teaching
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan

Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan
June 29, 2024
4:00 PM – Red Sarasvati Empowerment
8:00 PM – Oral Transmission and Teaching
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil
June 29, 2024
5:00 AM – Red Sarasvati Empowerment
9:00 AM – Oral Transmission and Teaching
East Coast USA, Toronto

East Coast USA, Toronto
June 29, 2024
4:00 AM – Red Sarasvati Empowerment
8:00 AM – Oral Transmission and Teaching
West Coast USA

West Coast USA
June 29, 2024
1:00 AM – Red Sarasvati Empowerment
5:00 AM – Oral Transmission and Teaching

Offer Dana for Khentrul Rinpoche
If you additionally wish to show your generosity to Rinpoché’s precious teachings and to his immense efforts, you can do it in-person at the end of the retreat or, if you are attending online you can offer Dana for Rinpoche here. This is completely voluntary.

Please email [email protected]

Become a Global Changemaker: Bodhisattva Vow to manifest the Golden Age with Khentrul Rinpoche

Become a Global Changemaker: Bodhisattva Vow to manifest the Golden Age with Khentrul Rinpoche

This event will be in English with live Hungarian translation, other languages will be available on Zoom only.

English (USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, etc)
中文 (Traditional Chinese)
中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Deutsche (Germany, Switzerland, Austria)
Español (Puerto Rico, Spain and South America)
Italiano (Italy)
Magyar (Hungary)
Portuguese (Brasil & Portugal)

Tap into the power of all the Buddhas to open your heart to liberate all sentient beings. The infinite ultimate Bodhicitta needed to realize enlightenment and liberate beings as limitless as space, may be simple to understand but difficult to cultivate. In our world, it can be hard enough to develop worldly compassion and sympathy for friends and family; never mind those with opposing political views or who you perceived to have wronged you. To develop the heart of enlightenment big enough to genuinely care for the whole world selflessly like the great bodhisattvas of Shambhala takes a huge, continuous effort. Peace is possible for the world, but we need strong motivation and huge strength and dedication to create a Golden Age of Peace.

Khentrul Rinpoche will bestow the Bodhisattva vow and a prayer on Shambhala to help connect us with the power of love and the warrior nature that never gives up like all the Shambhala Kalki Kings such as  Pundarika an emanation of Chenrezig. Through this unique connection, we can with sustained effort, open our hearts to truly cultivate the capacity of unconditional love and compassion to create a Golden Age of time on earth. Khentrul Rinpoche will guide us in teaching how the Shambhala Kings are the ultimate compassionate warriors that we can become as well.

-Bodhisattva vow and booklet, 
-Shambhala Prayer Oral transmission
-A preliminary teaching and practice session with a Q&A session.

There are no prerequisites. It is suitable for all levels of practitioners. Previous Buddhist study and practice are helpful but not mandatory. If you wish for the enlightenment of all sentient beings, want people to know what unconditional love is, and are willing to work for the rest of your lives for this vision, then this vow is for you. 

We have created three offering levels to help make this affordable to a range of attendees, as we must raise funds to cover the cost. The cost has been adjusted to cover the cost of living in various countries. Thank you for understanding so we can make this accessible to our global family. If your ability to pay makes it difficult to attend this program, we will make every effort to make attendance possible. Please email [email protected].


Central Europe and South Africa

Central Europe and South Africa
June 30, 2024
10:00 AM – Teaching on the Compassionate Shambhala Warrior with Bodhisattva Vows
2:00 PM – Be a Golden Age Changemaker and Shambhala Prayer Oral Transmissions
Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia
June 30, 2024
6:00 PM – Teaching on the Compassionate Shambhala Warrior with Bodhisattva Vows
10:00 PM – Be a Golden Age Changemaker and Shambhala Prayer Oral Transmissions
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan

Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan
June 30, 2024
4:00 PM – Teaching on the Compassionate Shambhala Warrior with Bodhisattva Vows
8:00 PM – Be a Golden Age Changemaker and Shambhala Prayer Oral Transmissions
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil
June 30, 2024
5:00 AM – Teaching on the Compassionate Shambhala Warrior with Bodhisattva Vows
9:00 AM – Be a Golden Age Changemaker and Shambhala Prayer Oral Transmissions
East Coast USA, Toronto

East Coast USA, Toronto
June 30, 2024
4:00 AM – Teaching on the Compassionate Shambhala Warrior with Bodhisattva Vows
8:00 AM – Be a Golden Age Changemaker and Shambhala Prayer Oral Transmissions
West Coast USA

West Coast USA
June 30, 2024
1:00 AM – Teaching on the Compassionate Shambhala Warrior with Bodhisattva Vows
5:00 AM – Be a Golden Age Changemaker and Shambhala Prayer Oral Transmissions

As this is an online event, you can offer Dana to Rinpoche here.

Email [email protected].