Casa in linea Kanada 2024 1000 Buddhas Puja: Bring about the Golden Age of Peace and Harmony

2024 1000 Buddhas Puja: Bring about the Golden Age of Peace and Harmony

This is a FREE event and available both Online and In-person.

The Thousand Buddha Puja is rooted in the Nyingma Lineage, tracing back to King Songtsen Gampo, an emanation of Avalokiteshvara. Connecting to the power of each of the 1000 Buddhas enhances your spiritual practice by linking you to all the Buddhas of this fortunate eon. Through this connection, we work towards realizing a Golden Age of Peace and Harmony.

Connecting and learning from the aspirations of the Buddhas, we, too, can take steps to learn and practice in stages to reveal our own enlightened nature. The first step to changing the world to a more peaceful, harmonious place is to change ourselves. It is with each of the karmas we make, each cause and condition, that we plant the seeds to change ourselves and then, through our transformation, the world around us. Connecting with 1000 Buddhas and sharing their names creates powerful conditions for all who hear this to be reborn in a higher realm and to come into contact with the Dharma.

Joins us in Toronto and online to recite these names with Khentrul Rinpoche.

Schedule by Timezone

East Coast USA, Toronto – SATURDAY September 14, 2024 / 3:00 PM
Melbourne, Australia – SUNDAY September 15, 2024 / 5:00 AM
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan – SUNDAY September 15, 2024 / 3:00 AM
Central Europe and South Africa – SATURDAY September 14, 2024 / 9:00 PM
São Paulo, Brazil – SATURDAY September 14, 2024 / 4:00 PM
West Coast USA – SATURDAY September 14, 2024 / 12:00 PM

Zoom Information

Zoom Link:
Webinar ID: 812 3252 7661     Passcode: 108108

Please email [email protected]



Sep 14 2024


Toronto, Canada Timezone
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Ora locale

  • Fuso orario: America/New_York
  • Data: Sep 14 2024
  • Tempo: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Manjushri Buddhist Center
1926 Burnhamthorpe Rd E, Mississauga, ON L4X 2S8

Altre sedi



  • Khentrul Rinpoche
    Khentrul Rinpoche
    Maestro Jonang Kalachakra

    Khentrul Rinpoché Jamphel Lodrö è il fondatore e direttore spirituale di Dzokden. Rinpoche è l’autore di Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, The Great Middle Way: Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness, A Happier Life e The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path.

    Rinpoche trascorse i primi 20 anni della sua vita allevando yak e cantando mantra sugli altopiani del Tibet. Ispirato dai bodhisattva, lasciò la sua famiglia per studiare in una varietà di monasteri sotto la guida di oltre venticinque maestri di tutte le tradizionibuddiste tibetane. Grazie al suo approccio non settario, si guadagnò il titolo di MaestroRimé (imparziale) e fu identificato come la reincarnazione del famoso Maestro Kalachakra Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. Pur avendo sviluppato un profondo rispetto per tutte le autentiche tradizioni spirituali, per il suo percorso personale, ha scelto di concentrarsi sulla tradizione Jonang/Shambala. Gli insegnamenti del Kalachakra (ruota del tempo) contengono metodi profondi per armonizzare il nostro ambiente esterno con il mondo interiore del corpo e della mente, portando infine alla realizzazione dell’Età dell’Oro della pace e dell’armonia (Dzokden).

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