

The Dzokden community has many auspicious projects to fulfil our aspirations to create the golden age. We completely depend on the generosity of our volunteers and sponsors to bring these aspirations into reality.  

Impegno alla Trasparenza

Il denaro e le risorse della Tripla Gemma sono inestimabili. Noi ci impegniamo a usare questi fondi saggiamente e condividere le nostre scelte con voi in modo trasparente. Leggete i nostri resoconti finanziari e scoprite come usiamo il denaro che ci donate.

Leggete i nostri Resoconti finanziari 

La nostra visione globale

Ci impegniamo ad assicurare che gli 8+ Billioni di persone su questo pianeta possano accedere agli insegnamenti del Kalachakra con lo scopo di creare una ‘Golden Age'(Epoca d’oro) di Pace. Stiamo lavorando per tradurre tutti gli insegnamenti in tutti i linguaggi possibili.

Leggi la ‘Nostra Visione’ 

Fondo annuale Dzokden

Fondo annuale Dzokden

Aiutaci a fornire supporto tecnologico ed educativo alla nostra comunità internazionale in modo che possiamo manifestare l’Età dell’Oro.

Fondo per la traduzione Dzokden

Fondo per la traduzione Dzokden

Aiutaci a sponsorizzare i traduttori in modo da rendere il Dharma Dzokden liberamente accessibile nel mondo in varie lingue moderne.

Offrire il Dana a Rinpoche

Offrire il Dana a Rinpoche

In segno di gratitudine per i suoi preziosi insegnamenti, offri un sostegno finanziario alle attività illuminate di Rinpoche nel mondo.

More Ways to Give 

Wire Transfer, Appreciated Stock and More

To arrange a bank transfer in any currency, or to offer property, appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, please contact us at [email protected] for more information so we may properly document your transaction.

Estate & Legacy Donations

While you can’t take any of your stuff with you, you can reap the benefits of the virtue and merit as good Karma in your future lives by making offerings to the Dharma today. The time of death is uncertain and the conditions leading to death are beyond our comprehension. This cherished body can die even today, so it’s good to plan ahead. Whether you want to make a general offering or pledge your estate to a particular part of Dzokden and Khentrul Rinpoche’s vision,  we will support you through this process. Give the gift that keeps on giving for the benefit of all sentient beings.


Contribute to one of our Global Projects 


No matter where you are in the world there is a project you can sponsor or help with. Contribute your skills, love, time and money to help build stupas, design statues, paint thangkas, translate texts, publish books, cultivate educational programs and so much more.  


Donate Cryptocurrencies

 The tax advantages of donating crypto to Dzokden for USA citizens

If you wish to donate with cryptocurrency, you can donate securely and safely through Engiven to Dzokden. We accept more than 95 currencies. Cryptocurrency donations, as per the IRS, are classed as property. This means that when you make a donation in crypto, you receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of the crypto at the time of the donation. Additionally, you avoid the capital gains tax you would have incurred if you had sold the crypto and then made a donation. This means that you can donate more to the charity, as well as deduct more from your taxes. Essentially, donating in crypto helps you minimize your tax obligations.