Online und vor Ort in Österreich in Dzokden Kalapa. Auf Englisch mit der Möglichkeit einer Live-Dolmetschung ins Deutsche. Diese Seite ist nur für die Online-Anmeldung. Wenn Sie sich für die persönliche Veranstaltung anmelden möchten, klicken Sie bitte hier.
Diese Seite ist nur für die Online-Anmeldung gedacht. Wenn Sie sich für die persönliche Veranstaltung anmelden möchten, klicken Sie bitte hier.
“Die meisten Anhänger*innen der tantrischen Lehren des tibetischen Buddhismus tragen lediglich ein äußeres Kostüm des Tantra.” (Khentrul Rinpoche)
Wir freuen uns, ankündigen zu können, dass Rinpoché unsere Anfrage angenommen hat, sein spannendes neues Tantra-Buch “Der tantrische Pfad des Verlangens” in Europa vorzustellen. Er wird darüber Belehrungen geben, eine Segnungszeremonie der 6 Buddha-Familien abhalten und auf wichtige Fragen sowohl von neuen als auch von erfahrenen Praktizierenden eingehen.
Worum geht es bei der tantrischen Praxis wirklich? Wie können wir unsere alltäglichen “negativen” Emotionen als positives Potenzial nutzen? Wie verhalten sich die verschiedenen Ebenen der buddhistischen Pfade zueinander? Wie kann man Sexualität als Teil des spirituellen Weges gemäß den tantrischen Lehren des Buddha nutzen? Warum braucht man einen authentischen Guru, um Tantra wirklich zu lernen?
Vorurteile und Missverständnisse über Tantra haben sich überall verbreitet. Sowohl in den westlichen Ländern als auch in den asiatischen Ländern, wo diese Lehren ihren Ursprung haben. Verloren inmitten extremer Ansichten und mit einem Mangel an angemessener Klärung, ist es für Praktizierende schwierig, die Essenz der tantrischen Lehren zu erreichen. Rinpoché wird erklären, wie die verschiedenen Ebenen der buddhistischen Lehren und ihre jeweiligen ethischen Verhaltensweisen sich gegenseitig unterstützen, ohne sich zu widersprechen. Er wird die verschiedenen Grade der tantrischen Praxis erläutern und was man tun sollte, um sich wirklich auf Tantra auszurichten.
Für Rinpoché besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass verschiedene Arten von Menschen, einschließlich Laienanhänger*innen, Mönche, Nonnen und nicht-religiöse Personen, das Potenzial haben, die Essenz der tantrischen Praxis zu lernen. Das liegt daran, dass der tantrische Ansatz eng mit unserer bestehenden Natur verbunden ist.
“Auf dem tantrischen Pfad muss nichts, was von Natur aus in unserem Geist vorhanden ist, beseitigt werden. Stattdessen lernen wir, diese geistigen Phänomene für uns arbeiten zu lassen. Wenn all diese Phänomene durch den Glanz der reinen und wahren Wirklichkeit unterworfen sind, werden sie unsere Freunde.” (Khentrul Rinpoche)
In der Sichtweise des Tantra sind die reinen Aspekte unserer leidvollen Emotionen mit bestimmten Buddha-Familien verbunden. Zur Stärkung dieses Gewahrseins und zur weiteren Unterstützung der Praxis der Teilnehmenden nach der Veranstaltung wird Rinpoche eine Segnungszeremonie der Sechs Buddha-Familien durchführen.
Für die Fragerunde möchten wir Sie ermutigen, alle Ihre Fragen zu sammeln, die Ihr Verständnis von Tantra klären werden. Verpassen Sie diese wertvolle Gelegenheit nicht.
Zeitplan nach Zeitzone
Dies ist ein Wochenende, an dem Khentrul Rinpoche unterrichten wird, auch wenn er sich entscheiden kann, erfahrene Schüler*innen anzuweisen, eine der Sitzungen oder Gruppendiskussionen zu leiten, um den Lernprozess der Teilnehmenden zu unterstützen.
Zeitzone Wien (MEZ)
FREITAG, 26. Juli 2024
19.00 – 20.30 Sitzung 1: Frei zugänglicher öffentlicher Vortrag Tantrischer Pfad der Begierde – Eine Einführung
SAMSTAG, 27. Juli 2024
07.00 – 08.30 Sitzung 2
11.00 – 12.30 Sitzung 3
15.00 – 16.30 Sitzung 4
19.00 – 20.30 Sitzung 5
SONNTAG, 28. Juli 2024
07.00 – 08.30 Sitzung 6 inklusive der Segnungszeremonie der sechs Buddha-Familien – AN DIESER ZEREMONIE KANN MAN NUR IN ECHTZEIT TEILNEHMEN, KEINE AUFZEICHNUNGEN
11.00 – 12.30 Sitzung 7
Wie soll ich mich vorbereiten?
Es gibt keine Voraussetzungen für diese Belehrungen. Sie stehen allen offen, unabhängig von Ihrem Hintergrund. Rinpoches Buch “Tantric Path of Desire” (Tantrischer Pfad der Begierde) zu lesen ist empfohlen, aber nicht verpflichtend. Es ist zur Zeit nur auf Englisch verfügbar und kann hier gekauft werden.
Rinpoche Dana dabringen
Falls Sie zusätzlich Großzügigkeit zeigen möchten, um Rinpoches wertvolle Belehrungen und seine großen Bemühungen wertzuschätzen, können Sie das am Ende des Retreats persönlich tun, oder, wenn Sie online teilnehmen, können Sie Rinpoche hier freiwillig Dana spenden.
Bitte schreiben Sie ein E-Mail an [email protected] oder [email protected].
This is a paid event and available both In-person and Online.
It takes courage to transform. It takes courage to change. It takes courage to bring about a time of abundance and peace. We are in an incredible moment in time right now. The world is changing rapidly. While some people may think it is getting worse with the riots, pandemic, economic and political problems, it’s a rare opportunity for rapid transformation.
Do you have the courage to be one of the people who transform it for the better? We are not passive observers in the world. Through our genuine dharma practice, we have a profound opportunity to change our world into the Golden Age of peace, harmony and abundance.
What does it mean to manifest peace and harmony?
Khentrul Rinpoche will give teachings on the meaning and origin of Dzokden Dharma (Golden Age Dharma) referred to by Taranatha and Dolpopa. He will explain how the Kalachakra tantra prophesizes a time of peace and harmony for our planet and how we can speed up that time. Form a stronger connection to Shambhala by understanding the stages that Shambhala pure land went through to realize peace and harmony. Learn and decide what you can do yourself to contribute to the manifestation of Dzokden, the golden age.
Through discussion, questions, and answers and sharing throughout the day we will come to an understanding of how we personally can be part of this global shift to bring about the Golden Age now.
Teachings and Course Materials
Rinpoche will teach most of the sessions. Rinpoche often has senior students lead prayer practice sessions and some teaching sessions. Recorded materials will also be available from a previous retreat so that Khentrul Rinpoche can dive deeper into new topics.
Request for Questions on the Golden Age
If you have specific questions about the Golden Age, please write to [email protected] so that Rinpoche can answer them during the retreat. He would like your questions as he writes his book on the Golden Age to ensure he answers everyone’s curiosities, doubts, and concerns.
Central Europe and South Africa
Saturday, February 24th
11:00 PM (Friday, February 23rd) – 12:30 AM – Session 1: Dzokden – A Vision for an Abundant Harmonious World
1:00 AM – 2:30 AM – Session 2: How Shambhala transformed themselves into a Golden Age Through the Kalachakra tantra
3:00 AM – 4:30 AM – Session 3: Kalachakra and the Golden Age
5:00 AM – 7:00 AM – Session 4: Connecting with the Sublime Realm of Shambhala
Sunday, February 25th
11:00 PM (Saturday, February 24th) – 12:30 AM – Session 5: Connecting to the sublime realm of Shambhala
1:00 AM – 2:30 AM – Session 6: What is Dzokden Dharma?
3:00 AM – 4:30 AM – Session 7: Dzokden Activities and Values
5:00 AM – 7:00 AM – Session 8: Group Discussion: How to Manifest the Golden Age
All the teachings will be recorded and accessible to participants if you miss a session due to timezone. We have tried to do our best to accommodate as many timezones as possible for the live teachings.
Rinpoche will be teaching in English. Other language translations are yet to be decided.
How does the Online Retreat Work?
After you register prior to the online retreat, you will be sent an email containing all of the information to log in and follow along.
The course will be held through “Zoom“. In order to access the sessions, you need to download the Zoom App onto the device through which you want to join.
We will provide you with the Zoom link (as well as Zoom Meeting-ID and Password) created by Dzokden. You will need this link (or alternatively Zoom Meeting-ID and Password) to access the online sessions. The Zoom link (as well as Zoom Meeting-ID and Password) will be provided at the latest two days before the online event in your email as well as in the Dzokden learning center.
Access to Video Materials Afterwards
The retreat access and all the prayers will be provided for you in Dzokden’s new online learning center. We encourage everyone to connect to the live-streamed retreat in real-time, but if that is not possible, you can still log in to the learning center after the retreat and access all of the retreat content. We never post-recorded oral transmissions in the learning center. Rinpoche says that has to be received in real time when he bestows them.
Make an Offering to Khentrul Rinpoche
The retreat costs support the program fees of the organization. If anyone wishes to make an offering to Khentrul Rinpoche for the retreat, you can do so here.
Please email [email protected]
This is a paid event and available both In-person and Online.
It takes courage to transform. It takes courage to change. It takes courage to bring about a time of abundance and peace. We are in an incredible moment in time right now. The world is changing rapidly. While some people may think it is getting worse with the riots, pandemic, economic and political problems, it’s a rare opportunity for rapid transformation.
Do you have the courage to be one of the people who transform it for the better? We are not passive observers in the world. Through our genuine dharma practice, we have a profound opportunity to change our world into the Golden Age of peace, harmony and abundance.
What does it mean to manifest peace and harmony?
Khentrul Rinpoche will give teachings on the meaning and origin of Dzokden Dharma (Golden Age Dharma) referred to by Taranatha and Dolpopa. He will explain how the Kalachakra tantra prophesizes a time of peace and harmony for our planet and how we can speed up that time. Form a stronger connection to Shambhala by understanding the stages that Shambhala pure land went through to realize peace and harmony. Learn and decide what you can do yourself to contribute to the manifestation of Dzokden, the golden age.
Through discussion, questions, and answers and sharing throughout the day we will come to an understanding of how we personally can be part of this global shift to bring about the Golden Age now.
Teachings and Course Materials
Rinpoche will teach most of the sessions. Rinpoche often has senior students lead prayer practice sessions and some teaching sessions. Recorded materials will also be available from a previous retreat so that Khentrul Rinpoche can dive deeper into new topics.
Request for Questions on the Golden Age
If you have specific questions about the Golden Age, please write to [email protected] so that Rinpoche can answer them during the retreat. He would like your questions as he writes his book on the Golden Age to ensure he answers everyone’s curiosities, doubts, and concerns.
Schedule by Timezone
Central Europe and South Africa
Saturday, February 24th
11:00 PM (Friday, February 23rd) – 12:30 AM – Session 1: Dzokden – A Vision for an Abundant Harmonious World
1:00 AM – 2:30 AM – Session 2: How Shambhala transformed themselves into a Golden Age Through the Kalachakra tantra
3:00 AM – 4:30 AM – Session 3: Kalachakra and the Golden Age
5:00 AM – 7:00 AM – Session 4: Connecting with the Sublime Realm of Shambhala
Sunday, February 25th
11:00 PM (Saturday, February 24th) – 12:30 AM – Session 5: Connecting to the sublime realm of Shambhala
1:00 AM – 2:30 AM – Session 6: What is Dzokden Dharma?
3:00 AM – 4:30 AM – Session 7: Dzokden Activities and Values
5:00 AM – 7:00 AM – Session 8: Group Discussion: How to Manifest the Golden Age
All the teachings will be recorded and accessible to participants if you miss a session due to timezone. We have tried to do our best to accommodate as many timezones as possible for the live teachings.
Rinpoche will be teaching in English. Other language translations are yet to be decided.
How does the Online Retreat Work?
After you register prior to the online retreat, you will be sent an email containing all of the information to log in and follow along.
The course will be held through “Zoom“. In order to access the sessions, you need to download the Zoom App onto the device through which you want to join.
We will provide you with the Zoom link (as well as Zoom Meeting-ID and Password) created by Dzokden. You will need this link (or alternatively Zoom Meeting-ID and Password) to access the online sessions. The Zoom link (as well as Zoom Meeting-ID and Password) will be provided at the latest two days before the online event in your email as well as in the Dzokden learning center.
Access to Video Materials Afterwards
The retreat access and all the prayers will be provided for you in Dzokden’s new online learning center. We encourage everyone to connect to the live-streamed retreat in real-time, but if that is not possible, you can still log in to the learning center after the retreat and access all of the retreat content. We never post-recorded oral transmissions in the learning center. Rinpoche says that has to be received in real time when he bestows them.
Make an Offering to Khentrul Rinpoche
The retreat costs support the program fees of the organization. If anyone wishes to make an offering to Khentrul Rinpoche for the retreat, you can do so here.
Please email [email protected]
This is a FREE event and only available ONLINE.
In honor of the Lunar New Year, Khentrul Rinpoche is sharing the text of his new prayer to help remove all obstacles. In 2023 there were so many obstacles globally, wars and conflicts, as well as personally for Rinpoche with his health and the Dzokden community due to moving all the events. Rinpoche did many prayers of the Jonang lineage to remove obstacles throughout all of last year. One day he had this vision that he needed to write a new prayer to help us rely on all the Kalki Kings of Shambhala for the strength and power of the compassionate warriors to remove the obstacles.
As Khentrul Rinpoche just completed writing the prayer, there may not yet be any translations completed in time for the Lunar New Year. Either way, he will bestow the oral transmission of the prayer and a brief commentary to help us understand the meaning.
Khentrul Rinpoche requested the former chanting master, Sonam Tampa, of Dzamthang Monastery to chant this prayer for us. Rinpoche requests that you listen to this as much as you can up to the Lunar New Year.
Please register below to join the event for FREE.
Special Fundraiser to support the Solitude Retreat of Lama Sonam Tampa
Lama Sonam Tampa is a very pure monk and former chanting master of Dzamthang monastery. He is preparing to enter into a lifelong solitude retreat. He comes from a poor family and has had to borrow money to build his small home in a holy forest that has no road to it to do the retreat in. Rinpoche wants to help him as much as he can. This is a rare opportunity for those who feel inspired to make an offering to dedicated yogi practitioner of Kalachakra. Many monks ask for money for chantings and for pujas for everything. Whenever Rinpoche reaches out, Lama Sonam Tampa never asks for anything and has always been generous in his help to Rinpoche and our community. He is also the Lama who chanted the Drolmi Kazug puja for us. Support his dream of lifelong retreat by donating here:
The form is not published.
Schedule by Timezone:
Melbourne, Australia – SATURDAY February 10, 2024 / 10:00 PM – 12:00 AM
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan – SATURDAY February 10, 2024 / 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Hanoi, Vietnam – SATURDAY February 10, 2024 / 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Romania – SATURDAY February 10, 2024 / 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Central Europe and South Africa – SATURDAY February 10, 2024 / 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
São Paulo, Brazil – SATURDAY February 10, 2024 / 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
East Coast USA, Toronto – SATURDAY February 10, 2024 / 6:00 AM – 8:00 AM
West Coast USA – SATURDAY February 10, 2024 / 3:00 AM – 5:00 AM
email [email protected].
This page is for ONLINE registration only. If you wish to register for the In-person event, you may click HERE.
Celebrate the Lunar New Year (Tibetan and Chinese) with us at the Rime Institute. The year of the wood dragon will bring a stabilizing prosperity and nourishment that we need so much in our world. We will start the day with a traditional sang offering puja to purify karmic debt. As it is a celebratory time to spend with the community, enjoy breakfast with us at the Rime Institute. In Tibet they celebrate the whole week sharing food with the neighbors. Community is
We will then perform offerings in the extremely powerful 21 Tara’s Wish Fulfilling Vase Practice (Drolmi Kazug) Puja to bring a Golden Age of wealth and abundance to our world. If you are online anywhere in the world, we encourage you to do the pujas along with us at home. You can do a simple form of the smoke offering by offering incense. If you have received the empowerments for Drolmi Kazug please practice along.
Sponsor the Lunar New Year Pujas
Start the year off with a fresh start. Create a karmic connection for your loved ones living and deceased by making an offering in their name to help repay their karmic debt and connect them to the causes of wealth and abundance. We will include them specifically in the puja dedications. May the thunderous roar of the wood dragon spread the Dharma for the benefit of all beings!
The form is not published.
Zoom Information
Both morning sessions uses the same zoom information below:
Zoom Link:
Webinar ID: 895 3189 2618
Passcode: 108108
Schedule by Timezone:
Central Europe and South Africa
FRIDAY February 9, 2024
9:00 PM – Sang Offering with Prayers of Auspiciousness
SATURDAY February 10, 2024
12:00 AM – 2:00 AM – Drolmi Kazug Wishfulfilling Vase Puja with Khentrul Rinpoche
email [email protected].