Golden Age Prosperity Shrine for the USA

We aspire to have a Golden Age temple in the USA. We will have the Shambhala temple in Australia and the Kalachakra Temple in Austria. Khentrul Rinpoche has said that if we wish to be successful in this and in all the rest of the Dzokden aspirations for the Golden Age we need to do a lot of Pujas for abundance and prosperity.

To magnetize the right conditions, we will set up a shrine in San Francisco for Drolmi Kazug, all the Dzambhalas, Red Vaishravana holding spear and the Nagas and play the music of up the pujas everyday as well as perform this as frequently as possible (up to daily when Yeshe Wangmo will be in the USA. ) To make offerings year round we will also have a fountain making continual offering to the Dzambhala. This is the min we need to get the statues and have Rinpoche consecrate them for this project. We are also planning a large Drolmi Kazug 21 Taras Empowerment and Treasure Vase Blessing in the USA in California in 2025. This will help create the merit and conditions for all our aspirations to be successful. Your generosity to help sponsors these supports for the practices will help create the conditions. You can add names of your beloved ones to be dedicated in the first year of the Pujas.

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Donation Total: $100.00