Intuitive Female Wisdom: Red Sarasvati Empowerment with Khentrul Rinpoche
This event is available both Online and In-person.
This event will be in English with live Hungarian translation, other languages will be available on Zoom only.
At the request of the Hungarian group, Khentrul Rinpoche will speak on the divine female wisdom and how to use it on the tantric path. He will bestow the Wang (full empowerment) of the Goddess Red Saraswati who is the consort of Manjusrhi and the female embodiment of wisdom. The empowerment comes from the Jonang tradition, based on Jetsun Taranatha. Most of the tantras that are popular in other traditions come from him because Taranatha is the treasury of the tantra.
His teaching will be on using feminine wisdom on the path of desire to work with our emotions. We do not have to abandon the challenges of our modern world. In fact, we can learn to face them directly and transform them into our path to liberation.
About Red Sarasvati
Both Buddhists and non-Buddhists worship her equally. In the vedic tradition, Brahma created the world, and for a long time after, they didn’t have any sounds or sentient beings. Many gods came to him and said, “you made the world, but there are no beings and no sounds.” Then Brahma spilled water from his vase, and there became this incredible sound, this sound is known as the goddess Sarasvati. So that is why she is known as Brahma’s daughter. This is, in general, a story based on Hindu teachings, but the Tibetans have many, many different versions of her. Some of her forms are white with two arms. This form is a tantric 4-armed version and is powerful and magnetizing in nature.
Saraswati is a wisdom deity but a female version, just like Manjushri. Many great practitioners consider her to be Manjushri’s secret consort. There are so many other lamas worshipping, especially scholars worshipping her instead of Manjushri.
-Red Saraswati Empowerment Wang
-Oral transmission of the practice text
-Teaching on the Divine Female Nature
-Teachings on the Tantric Path of Desire
-Book signing for in-person attendees
How to Prepare?
These teachings do not require prerequisites. You can buy a copy of the Tantric Path of Desire book at the book launch in Hungary or order it online here.
Schedule by Timezone
Central Europe and South Africa
June 29, 2024
10:00 AM – Red Sarasvati Empowerment
2:00 PM – Oral Transmission and Teaching
Offer Dana for Khentrul Rinpoche
If you additionally wish to show your generosity to Rinpoché’s precious teachings and to his immense efforts, you can do it in-person at the end of the retreat or, if you are attending online you can offer Dana for Rinpoche here. This is completely voluntary.
Please email [email protected]
Khentrul RinpocheMaestro Jonang Kalachakra
Khentrul Rinpoché Jamphel Lodrö es el fundador y director espiritual de Dzokden. Rinpoche es el autor de Develando tu verdad sagrada, El gran camino del medio: Clarificando la visión Jonang del ‘vacío de lo otro’, Una vida más feliz y El tesoro oculto del camino de la profundización.
Rinpoché vivió sus primeros 20 años pastoreando yaks y cantando mantras en las mesetas del Tíbet. Inspirado en la vida de los Bodhisattvas, él dejó a su familia para estudiar en varios monasterios bajo la instrucción de más de 25 maestros de todas las tradiciones tibetanas. Debido a su enfoque no sectario, Rinpoché obtuvo el título de Maestro Rimé (libre de prejuicios) y fue identificado como la encarnación del gran maestro de Kalachakra, Ngawang Chozin Gyatso. Aunque en esencia sus enseñanzas reconocen el valor de la diversidad de toda tradición espiritual del mundo, Rinpoché se ha enfocado en las enseñanzas de la tradición Jonang- Shambhala. Las enseñanzas del Kalachakra (rueda del tiempo) contienen métodos profundos para armonizar nuestro entorno externo con el mundo interno del cuerpo y la mente; lo que finalmente manifiesta la Edad de Oro de la Paz y la Armonía (Dzokden).