Home Online Online: Dolpopa Recitation Club

Online: Dolpopa Recitation Club

In celebration of Dolpopa’s Paranirvana, Rafa Lobsang Dorje from Dzokden Kalapa will facilitate an 7-Week online Recitation Club. Join our international community to read together the second part of Dolpopa’s THE MOUNTAIN’S DHARMA, meditate on Dolpopa’s Guruyoga and other prayers.

No admission fee. Donations are welcome.

Language: English.

You can come to all the sessions or drop-in. In order to facilitate the organization we ask you register below or by emailing: [email protected]

You can get a copy to read along from: https://read.dzokden.org/5f89c77b5d0c393c5b1b9f34.html?lang=en

Dolpopa’s Guruyoga: https://read.dzokden.org/5f22e68f419c3639c4f0a38b.html

Sundays 30th October  – 18th December

Vienna time (CET): 16.30-18.00
New York: 10:30 – 12:00
San Francisco: 07:30 – 9:00

Link for the Zoom Meeting :


Meeting-ID: 835 1888 9744

If you would like to show your appreciation to Dzokden Kalapa for organizing this practice session please support our work by making an offering here.

Dolpopa’s work was newly translated by Rimé Lodrö (Ives Waldo). See Rinpoche’s explanation below:


The recitation’s session are not lessons. If you want to prepare yourself in advance for the Recitation Club, we highly encourage you to read Rinpoche’s book:

The Great Middle Way: Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness

In Rinpoche’s Youtube Channel you can find Rinpoche’s teachings on the the Jonang View of emptiness as well:





Dec 18 2022

Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Helsinki
  • Date: Dec 18 2022




Dzokden Kalapa
+43 676 395 8898
[email protected]
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