Home Online Online: 4 Immeasurables & Bodhicitta – 6 Week Course

Online: 4 Immeasurables & Bodhicitta – 6 Week Course

6 Week Course – Starts March 2nd
7:30 PM Tuesdays Melbourne, Australia Time zone.
This is a participatory discussion class where everyone’s thoughts are welcome.

Open your heart to the world. With so many difference between each other, it seems like an impossible task to cultivate immeasurable love and kindness. But this love is possible because it is your true nature. In this course you will receive an introduction to the four immeasurables of loving kindness, compassion, joyfulness and equanimity and how to generate Bodhicitta.

The Four Immeasurables (tshad-med bzhi, Skt. apramana, Pali: appamanna) are:

Immeasurable love (byams-pa, Skt: maitri, Pali: metta),
Immeasurable compassion (snying-rje, Skt: karuna, Pali: karuna),
Immeasurable joy (dga’-ba, Skt: mudita, Pali: mudita),
Immeasurable equanimity (btang-snyoms, Skt: upeksha, Pali: upekkha).

The Buddha Shakyamuni taught that there are one thousand and one buddhas that will come into our world. The buddha, is known as Maitreya which in Sanskrit means “loving-kindness.” In the Mahayana Maitreya Sutra it is taught that Maitreya would realize buddhahood solely through the practice of loving-kindness. This is how powerful these immeasurable qualities are.

Online Class
For those joining online, your information will be in the Dzokden learning center.


Apr 06 2022


Melbourne Australia
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Apr 06 2022
  • Time: 5:30 am - 7:00 am


  • Julie O'Donnell
    Julie O'Donnell

    At an early age, Julie searched for a deeper meaning to life until finally at the age of 22 found the precious Buddhist path of Dharma. She dedicated her life to the practice, living in temples and serving teachers from around the world practicing the Buddhist teachings and living according to its principles. Julie has spent the last 34 years practicing this ancient path and for the past twelve years has lived at the Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute in Tecoma helping the resident teacher Khentrul Rinpoche.

    Julie is now one of the senior teachers at the temple giving classes on meditation and basic Buddhist principals that can be applied to our everyday lives. Julie also manages the temple and arranges a program of courses, tours and fundraising activities to support the temple.

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