Home Online Online and In-Person: Moon Cycle Mantra – Shambhala Dharma Kings Practice

Online and In-Person: Moon Cycle Mantra – Shambhala Dharma Kings Practice

Drop-in on the New Moon,  6.30 – 8:00 PM (Vienna Time – CET / CEST)
Session Language: English

The Dharma Kings of the Sublime Realm of Shambhala were able to skillfully introduce their realm to the Kalachakra teachings. Their efforts went far beyond only alleviating biased views towards differences between people such as different races, conflicting religious approaches, classes, and so forth. They also helped to propagate and establish the Kalachakra teachings, and thus began to transform their society into a pure Bodhisattva realm, ever happy and peaceful, in which spiritual practice flourishes. In contrast to wordly kings from the past, who focused on protecting and expanding their territories, the Shambhala Dharma Kings are manifestations of very high level Bodhisattvas such as Vajrapani, acting as great human leaders out of their compassion and wisdom. 

This is an excellent opportunity to become familiar with the unique practice of this extraordinary mind terma revealed by Rinpoche and connect with the Sublime Realm of Shambhala. It is also a precious opportunity to cultivate a connection and interact with followers around the globe working to create conditions for the Golden Age of Peace and Happiness to flourish on Earth.


This practice can be performed by those who have received the associated empowerment or, alternatively, the 1st set of Kalachakra Empowerments bestowed by Shar Khentrul Rinpoche. Those without any of these empowerments may also join the practice in this case, we ask that you please write to [email protected] beforehand to announce your interest. You are welcome!



This practice session is not a class. If you would like to deepen your understanding of the different aspects of the Dharma Path, our community provides a series of books, videos, live and recorded teachings, and retreats. For more information, please visit learn.dzokden.org and www.dzokden.org 

Among the recorded courses available at our learning center, we especially recommend the “Introduction to the Kalachakra Ngondro” as well as “What’s real? Intro to Buddhism” and “Golden Age: Manifest a Pure Abundant World”. We also recommend the following books to inform your practice:




Open to everyone (free admission). Donations for Dzokden Kalapa are welcome. If you would like to show your appreciation to Dzokden Kalapa for organizing this practice session, please support our work by making an offering here

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Meeting-ID: 859 9859 7047


You can come to all monthly sessions or just drop-in.


Apr 20 2023

Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Paris
  • Date: Apr 21 2023

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Dzokden Kalapa
+43 676 395 8898
[email protected]


  • Rafa Lobsang Dorje
    Rafa Lobsang Dorje

    Rafa Lobsang Dorje (Rafael Nassif) started his contact with Buddhism in 2008, after practicing in other systems of spiritual practice in his homeland Brazil. In Europe, India and Tibet he had precious opportunities to receive teachings, transmissions and empowerments from masters from almost all schools of Tibetan Buddhism and from the Theravada Tradition as well, and took part in different group and solitary retreats. He was fortunate to met his precious Guru Jamphel Lodrö (Khentrul Rinpoche) in She Drup Ling-Austria in 2015, from whom he has been receiving a vast and profound wealth of Dharma, since the foundational subjects until the Kalachakra Vajra Yogas. Since 2016 he has been teaching Lu Jong (Tibetan Healing Yoga). In 2018 he received authorisation from Rinpoche to teach the Kalachakra-Ngöndro. Recently he reduced his professional activities as a composer in order to serve the altruistic ideals of his Guru as a full-time volunteer at our Dzokden community. He serves the community a.o. as a translator, editor and coordinator for the translations’ groups for both German and Portuguese languages.

  • Chöying Drolma
    Chöying Drolma
    Leiterin der Praxiseinheiten

    Chöying Drolma ist eine der älteren SchülerInnen von Khentrul Rinpoche. Sie widmet sich dem Goldenen Zeitalter, indem sie der Dzokden-Gemeinschaft als eine der Gründerinnen von Dzokden Kalapa und der Dzokden-Wien Sangha sowie als Übersetzerin dient. Sie ist außerdem Lu Jong-Lehrerin (Tibetanisches Heil-Yoga) und Mitbegründerin des Golden Age Mandala Obritz.

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