Home Online Three Isolations Meditation Retreat

Three Isolations Meditation Retreat

Khentrul Rinpoche kindly has given permission and Ven. Tenpa’i Gyaltsen kindly has agreed to lead a strict 45 day Three Isolation Retreat for students of Khentrul Rinpoche at the beautiful Kalapa retreat center in Graz. This retreat is a rare opportunity to practice in a similar way to how monks and yogis practice during a traditional 3-year retreat. This retreat will help students achieve Shamatha and the three isolations as a ground for entering into the Kalachakra completion stage of the Six Vajra Yogas. The 6-week retreat includes weekly Q/A sessions as well as weekly 15 min personal interviews with Ven. Tenpa’i Gyaltsen to discuss meditation progress and help alleviate obstacles to the practice.

The retreat will start on new moon day Sept. 17th and will finish with an extensive Guru Puja and Kalachakra Tsok on full moon day Oct. 31st.

Retreat Rules
The retreat will be closed and in complete silence. Participants are not allowed to leave the boundaries of the retreat centre, no visitors, no computers, no mobile phones. Throughout the entire retreat, participants will live like monastics and observe the 8 Mahayana Precepts on a daily basis. Participants who break any of the rules or generate disharmony in the group will be asked to leave the retreat.

All participants must have completed the Kalachakra Ngöndro (or their equivalent) and must have received the Higher Empowerments of Kalachakra with instructions for the Three Isolations from Khentrul Rinpoche. All participants have to be approved by Ven. Tenpa’i Gyaltsen based on a personal video interview.

How to Apply
To apply for this retreat, please send your request for an interview with Ven. Tenpa’i Gyaltsen at [email protected]. All applicants will be given 15 – 20 minutes to discuss their aspiration via video conference at which point they will receive confirmation of their participation. Once approval is given, register at http://www.shedrupling.at/de/kurse-veranstaltungen/kurse/R_Kalachakra_Tantra_2020/251


Sep 16 2020 - Nov 01 2020


All Day

Local Time

  • Timezone: Asia/Singapore
  • Date: Sep 16 2020 - Nov 02 2020
  • Time: All Day

More Info

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Kalachakra Kalapa Center
Garanas 41, 8541 Bad Schwanberg, Austria


Dzokden Kalapa
+43 676 395 8898
[email protected]
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