Accueil en ligne Online: Saka Dawa Lama Chöpa for Lama Lutrin’s Parinirvana

Online: Saka Dawa Lama Chöpa for Lama Lutrin’s Parinirvana

Online: Saka Dawa Lama Chöpa for Lama Lutrin’s Parinirvana


June 15th 2:30 AM Melbourne, Australia
June 15th 12:30 AM Hong Kong
June 14th 6:30 PM Vienna, Austria
June 14th 12:30 PM noon New York, New York USA
June 14th 9:30 AM San Francisco, CA USA


On the most auspicious day of Saka Dawa, Khentrul Rinpoche’s Root Guru entered into Parinirvana. As a global community we will do an online Guru Puja for Lama Lutrin in Zoom. This finishes our month of book dedications to dedicate all the merit the translators have made in the Dzokden community to help make the Dzokden dharma available to the world.  We will continue to release as many additional translations for the rest of the year of the 660th Parinirvana of Dolpopa up to the 661st celebrated at the end of the year.

This is an incredible opportunity to honour the lineage masters. All meritorious activities done on this day are multiplied by 100,000 million times. Saka Dawa is a celebration of the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and Maha parinirvana. The Guru Puja is a most profound practice and we can think of all the masters up through Lama Lobsang Trinley and Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö Rinpoche that have made these teachings available to us know.  The Guru Puja practice encompasses all of the Dharma path to enlightenment. It contains the complete, ground, path and result. It is the highest of the Guru Yoga practices and so we are very fortunate to have a chance to practice it.

May this offering create the conditions for the Jonang Dharma to Flourish throughout all space and time.


Passcode: 094185

Webinar ID: 841 7104 9886


Guru Puja:

For those unfamiliar with this practice we have an entire course on it which you can find here. We will provide the link to the text so everyone can participate.



Jun 14 2022


Vienna Austria Time
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Heure locale

  • Fuseau horaire : America/New_York
  • Date : Jun 14 2022
  • Heure : 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
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