This event will be in English with live Romanian translation, other languages will be available on Zoom only.
Tap into the power of all the Buddhas to open your heart to liberate all sentient beings. The infinite ultimate bodhicitta needed to realize enlightenment and liberate beings as limitless as space, may be simple to understand but can be difficult to cultivate. In our world it can be hard enough to develop worldly compassion and sympathy for friends our family; never mind those with opposing political views or who you perceived to have wronged you. To develop the heart of enlightenment big enough to genuinely care for the whole world selflessly like the great bodhisattvas of Shambhala takes a huge continuous effort.
Khentrul Rinpoche will bestow this empowerment (jenang) to help connect us with the power of Chenrezig and through the Shambhala Kalki King Pundarika, the power of the Kalkis. Through this special connection we can with sustained effort, open our hearts to truly cultivate the capacity of unconditional love and compassion to create a Golden Age of time on earth. Khentrul Rinpoche will guide us in a teaching on how the Shambhala Kings are the ultimate compassionate warriors that we can become as well.
Chenrezig (Jenang), Oral transmission of the practice, a preliminary teaching and practice sessions with a Q&A session.
The main commentary, Vimalaprabha” (Skt.) or “Stainless Light” that we have on the Kalachakra Tantra was written by the Shambhala Kalki Pundarika who is a manifestation of Chenrizig. Through Kalki Pundarika’s infinite compassion, he taught the Kalachakra Tantra in a way that was more accessible for sentient beings and helped the teachings flourish in the sublime realm of Shambhala. HH the Great 14th Dalia Lama, and Kalachakra Master, is also seen as a manifestation of Chenrizig and many of the practitioners of Kalachakra globally are connected to him through empowerment.You do not necessarily need to practice Chenrizig separately, we just need to build a connection. Then you can integrate it within your own practice, for example within the Kalachakra Path. You can either practice Chenrizig as your main practice and see it as non-contradictory with the Kalachakra Path, or you can focus on the Kalachakra system without seeing the separation from Chenrizig, as he is even included in the Kalachakra mandala. You can work with the different Deities seeing them all as Kalachakra to cultivate different aspects of your nature that you feel they will help.
There are no prerequisites at all. It is suitable for all levels of practitioners. Previous Buddhist study and practice are helpful but not mandatory.
Schedule by Timezone:
SATURDAY August 26, 2023
10:00 AM – Shambhala, Pundarika and the teachings of compassionate warrior also Bodhisattva Vows
1:00 PM – Mantra and Sadhana practice online only
3:00 PM – Chenrezig Empowerment
Central Europe and South Africa
SATURDAY August 26, 2023
9:00 AM – Shambhala, Pundarika and the teachings of compassionate warrior also Bodhisattva Vows
12:00 PM – Mantra and Sadhana practice online only
2:00 PM – Chenrezig Empowerment
1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. You will be added to the course on
2) You must receive the empowerment online in real-time. We do not record the empowerments. Before the empowerment, you will receive information on some simple supplies you should get to help make the experience as authentic as possible if any are needed for this empowerment. If you don’t have the items it’s ok. They are symbolic.
3) You will receive access to the zoom for each of the sessions in the Dzokden Learning center. We do not give out links more than a week before the event and we ask that you do not share them.
We have created 3 offering levels to help make this affordable to a range of attendees as we must raise funds to cover the cost. The cost has been adjusted for the cost of living in various countries. Thank you for understanding so that we can make this accessible to our global family. If your ability to pay makes it difficult to attend this program, we will make every effort to make attendance possible. Please email [email protected] to discuss a lower offering amount.
As this is an online event, you can make the offering of Dana to Rinpoche here.
ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS? email [email protected]
Il s’agit d’un événement GRATUIT
Cet événement se déroulera en anglais avec une traduction en direct en roumain. Les autres langues seront disponibles sur Zoom uniquement.
À notre époque moderne, de nombreuses personnes préfèrent être spirituelles sans être religieuses. Cela s’explique en partie par le désir de se connecter à l’essence de notre vraie nature, qui est au-delà des limites de toute religion. C’est exactement ce qu’enseigne le tantra de Kalachakra. Rinpoché expliquera pourquoi le Kalachakra tantra est une pratique Rimé qui englobe toutes les traditions spirituelles du monde. Même dans le royaume de Shambhala, lorsque les grands bodhisattvas ont réalisé les enseignements du tantra du Kalachakra, ils l’ont fait à partir de contextes fondés sur diverses traditions de sagesse. Comprendre la véritable nature profonde du Kalachakra peut nous aider à sortir de la pensée limitée de la lignée ou de la religion et à nous rapprocher de notre propre vérité sacrée.
À propos de Khentrul Rinpoché
Khentrul Rinpoché Jamphel Lodrö est le fondateur et le directeur spirituel de Dzokden. Rinpoché est l’auteur de Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, The Great Middle Way : Clarifier la vision Jonang de l’autre somptuosité, Une vie plus heureuse et Le trésor caché de la voie profonde.
Rinpoché a passé les 20 premières années de sa vie à élever des yaks et à chanter des mantras sur les plateaux du Tibet. Inspiré par les bodhisattvas, il a quitté sa famille pour étudier dans divers monastères sous la direction de plus de vingt-cinq maîtres dans toutes les traditions bouddhistes tibétaines. Grâce à son approche non sectaire, il s’est mérité le titre de maître Rimé (impartial) et a été identifié comme la réincarnation du célèbre maître de Kalachakra Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. Bien qu’au cœur de son enseignement se trouve la reconnaissance de la grande valeur de la diversité de toutes les traditions spirituelles présentes dans ce monde, il se concentre sur la tradition Jonang-Shambhala. Kalac
Horaire par fuseau horaire :
Melbourne, Australie – VENDREDI 25 août 2023 / 20h00
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolie, Singapour et Taïwan – VENDREDI 25 août 2023 / 18h00
Hanoi, Vietnam – VENDREDI 25 août 2023 / 17h00
Roumanie – VENDREDI 25 août 2023 / 13h00
Europe centrale et Afrique du Sud – VENDREDI 25 août 2023 / 12h00
Sao Paulo, Brésil – VENDREDI 25 août 2023 / 7h00
Côte Est des Etats-Unis, Toronto – VENDREDI 25 août 2023 / 6h00
Côte ouest des États-Unis – VENDREDI 25 août 2023 / 3:00 AM
Informations sur le zoom
Lien Zoom :
ID du webinaire : 856 7212 2537
Code d’accès : 108108
This is for online attendance registration ONLY.
By request of students in Canada, Khentrul Rinpoche will perform a the King of Fire Pujas the Jinsek.
There are many types of Jinsek but they all focus on purification. There is extensive offering with many different substances made into the fire that is each linked to creating different beneficial results. This creates the condition to purify anybody’s negative karma and their body. The Jinsek is the deepest level of fire offering and Kalachakra is connected to the highest yoga tantra. It deeply purifies Karma on a profound level. Anyone can attend this puja.
In Vajrayana, we make offerings towards the puja to create a stronger Karmic connection to strengthen the result. As we are praying for all sentient beings, everyone has some small connection to the puja. In order for the connection to be stronger and have a more direct result, we need to strengthen the connection to the puja and the master. One way we do this is by making offerings to the puja. Another way is to perform the puja yourself or with the master. If you want to help sponsor it make an offering to make a karmic connection for you or loved ones to purify your or their karma, please choose an offering level and include their name.
Melbourne, Australia – Wednesday October 04, 2023 / 9:00 AM
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan – Wednesday October 04, 2023 / 7:00 AM
Hanoi, Vietnam – Wednesday October 04, 2023 / 6:00 AM
Romania – Wednesday October 04, 2023 / 2:00 AM
Central Europe and South Africa – Wednesday October 04, 2023 / 1:00 AM
Sao Paulo, Brazil – TUESDAY October 03, 2023 / 8:00 PM
East Coast USA, Toronto – TUESDAY October 03, 2023 / 7:00 PM
West Coast USA – TUESDAY October 03, 2023 / 4:00 PM
Zoom Information
Zoom Link:
Webinar ID: 872 6616 1673
Passcode: 108108
In-person offered in English and Tibetan only. We do encourage international students to attend. We can supply the empowerment booklet in some languages. This event is possible thanks to our partnership with Shambhala International.
September 25-26th (2 days)
This is for registration for the Kalachakra Four Higher Empowerments and mini-retreat. This will take place directly following the Kalachakra Empowerment in Boulder. If you have been previously approved or received the Higher Empowerment you can register without request. If you receive the Higher Empowerment you are able to register for any of the Dark Room retreats in the future. If you would like to go to Kalapa in Austria to do the Dark Room (3 isolations) practice retreat, you can do so for weeks 2-4 because you have received the empowerment previously. Register for the August Dark Room retreats in Austria
Rinpoche has kindly accepted a request to bestow the Four Higher Empowerments of Kalachakra in the USA for the first time since 2018. After receiving these empowerments, you will have all the qualifications to prepare yourself to enter the profound completion stage of Kalachakra in the future. To ensure that students succeed in their paths, Rinpoche bestows these Higher Empowerments only to pre-approved students who genuinely wish to deepen their practice of the Kalachakra path. This is an important step to reinforce the bond between the vajra master and student in working together towards enlightenment. You are more than welcome to present yourself as a candidate to receive these empowerments by sending your application here. To make sure that we can evaluate your application in time, please send it in as soon as possible. However, if you have already been approved, you can simply register for this event directly.
(Note: the Kalachakra Four Higher Empowerments are not the same Kalachakra Empowerments that Rinpoche given in Hong Kong in 2020 and in other places such as in Vienna in 2019, which are called “The Seven Empowerments of a Growing Child”.)
About the Empowerments and Retreat
“Up to this point, our use of conceptual methods has been instrumental in removing our many layers of misconception, but as they are embedded in the dualistic mind, these methods function as a subtle barrier to experiencing our definitive nature. For this reason, we need to abandon them in favor of a direct approach that works without conceptual fabrications. We can achieve this transformation from conceptual to non-conceptual in two steps. Firstly we are introduced to the Kalachakra view by receiving the Four Higher Empowerments. Secondly, with the establishment of this view, we use the unique meditation technique of the Three Isolations (Wensum) to cut the proliferation of thoughts and abide in the nature of the mind.” (Khentrul Rinpoche, “Unveiling Your Sacred Truth 3”)
The program fee for the retreat encompasses 1) Secret Dakini Oral Transmission, 2) The Kalachakra Four Higher Empowerments, 3) Teaching-Transmission of the Wensum (Three Isolations) Practice, 4) a printed booklet about the Empowerments and Practice. Accommodations and food are not provided.
September 25-26th
9:00 am – 9 pm Monday and Tuesday.
The last session is optional for those who need to leave earlier to return to their accommodation.
How to prepare for this retreat
If this will be your first time taking part, we strongly encourage you to prepare yourself as much as you can with the Kalachakra Preliminary Practices. In addition to the longer sadhanas “Divine Ladder” and “Enlightening the Heart”, you will need to know the sadhana “Secret Dakini Treasure”. For the latter, you must register here for the oral commentary Rinpoche gave recently if you have not already done so. We encourage you to study all the sadhanas as much as you can, including the transliterations and chantings, because there will be some sessions of chanting in Tibetan without a recording during the retreat.
Bring your practice book “The Profound Path of Vajra Yoga”. You can also bring Rinpoche’s commentary “The Hidden Treasure” as a reference for your practice. Other reading materials not directly related to the Wensum practice are not allowed during the retreat period. You will also need the Secret Dakini Treasure eBook.
Retreat Information and Guidelines
Practice sessions will be conducted in English and Tibetan. If you absolutely prefer, you can bring copies of the texts in your own language as well and read them silently while the group recites in English.
Payment Options
Once you have been approved for the empowerment and the 2-day retreat (accommodations not included), please choose the program fee that fits your financial circumstances. Rinpoche always reminds people to pay attention to what they prioritize and put their money on as the number 1 reason people ask for Financial aid is that they prioritized everything else in their life much higher than Dharma.
The location is central in Boulder. There are many cafes and places to eat around the location. For those trying to save money, we encourage airbnb and cafe. If you are on a limited budget we can try to find a community member for you to stay with. Please email [email protected] if you need further recommendations for accommodations.
Singapore, Hong Kong, China: 9PM SUNDAY
Central Europe: 3PM SUNDAY
Brazil: 10AM SUNDAY
West Coast, USA: 6AM SUNDAY
East Coast, USA: 9AM SUNDAY
Toronto, CA: 9AM SUNDAY
Prayers for Jonang Leader HH Jigme Dorje Rinpoche Entering into Parinirvana with Khentrul Rinpoche
The most excellent leader of the Jonang Lineage, the Abbott of Dzamthang Monastery, His Holiness Jigme Dorje Rinpoche chose to pass into parinirvana on the auspicious day of Kalachakra New Year. Khentrul Rinpoche will lead us in prayers for this most precious teacher and holy being this weekend. May we have the merit for his swift return and to fulfill his aspirations.