Online & In-Person: 8 Shambhala Dharma Kings Empowerment & Retreat with Khentrul Rinpoche

Online & In-Person: 8 Shambhala Dharma Kings Empowerment & Retreat with Khentrul Rinpoche

This event is both online and in-person.

Khentrul Rinpoche bestow his mind terma of the 8 Shambhala Dharma King Empowerment in the Singapore. This is a rare opportunity for establishing a direct connection with the Kalkis. Rinpoche will also give an introductory teaching and a Q&A session after the empowerment.

About the Kings of Shambhala
The Kalki Kings are the Dharma Kings of the Sublime Realm of Shambhala who were able to skillfully unite their entire realm through the Kalachakra teachings. Their effort went much more beyond only alleviating biased differences like races, conflicting religious approaches, classes etc. They helped propagate and make the Kalachakra teachings in such a way, that their realm transformed into a pure Bodhisattva realm, happy and peaceful, where spiritual practice flourishes. Differently from wordly kings which are focused on protecting and expanding their territories, the Kalkis are Kings of the dharma, bodhisattva beings who manifest as great leaders out of their compassion and wisdom.

“In general we say that the Kalki Kings are inseparable from the 8 great bodhisattvas and the 10 wrathful dakas. They are incredibly powerful. For me, the Shambhala kings are much more special because of their particular connection with our own world. The bodhisattvas and dakas possess a subtle body form, like a body of a being of the god realm, and so, only some individuals can connect with them. But the Shambhala Kings and Kalkis appeared in Shambhala as human beings, so that many people could benefit through connecting with them. And, of course, they manifest themselves not as an ordinary human being, but as an exceptional, extraordinary human being.

I have been dedicating myself intensively to prepare for this empowerment. I feel a strong connection with the Kalkis and I have no doubt that they are the greatest hope of our world for the manifestation of the Second Golden Age of Peace and Harmony.” (Khentrul Rinpoche)

There are no prerequisites at all. It is suitable for all levels of practitioners. If you want to prepare yourself, you can do the online course Introduction to the Ngöndro available at our learning center. If you are already practicing dharma, you may benefit from the oral commentaries Rinpoche gave about his Shambhala prayers; they can be accessed in his official Youtube Channel. For knowing more about Shambhala and the Kalki Kings, we suggest the book “The Realm of Shambhala” by Rinpoche.

Melbourne, Australia
AEST – Melbourne, Australia
Feb 5th, 2023
8 Shambhala Dharma King Empowerment
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Shambhala Empowerment and Teaching
HKT - Mongolia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore
HKT – Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan
Feb 5th, 2023
8 Shambhala Dharma King Empowerment
10:00 am – 01:00 pm – Shambhala Empowerment and Teaching
Central Europe
Central Europe
Feb 5th, 2023
8 Shambhala Dharma King Empowerment
3:00 am – 6:00 am – Shambhala Empowerment and Teaching
BRT - São Paulo, Brazil
BRT – São Paulo, Brazil
Feb 5th, 2023
8 Shambhala Dharma King Empowerment
11:00 pm (Feb 4th) – 2:00 am – Shambhala Empowerment and Teaching
EDT USA & Toronto
EST / AST – East Coast USA, Toronto
Feb 5th, 2023
8 Shambhala Dharma King Empowerment
9:00 pm (Feb 4th) – 12:00 am – Shambhala Empowerment and Teaching
West Coast, USA
PT – West Coast
Feb 4th, 2023
8 Shambhala Dharma King Empowerment
6:00 pm (Feb 3rd) – 9:00 pm – Shambhala Empowerment and Teaching

1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. You will be added to the course on
2) You must receive the empowerment online in real-time. We do not record the empowerments. Just attending an empowerment does not mean you receive it. You must know what is going on. To ensure everyone will receive the empowerment, Rinpoche will kindly make his instruction booklet available to you as an eBook so you can follow along so you know exactly what is happening. You are not allowed to share this program book with anyone else or give them access to the empowerment. This is private for your personal use. Rinpoche typically gives the eBook out the night before but if this is a technical problem for you.
3) You will receive access to the zoom for each of the sessions.

We have created 3 offering levels to help make this affordable to a range of attendees as we must raise funds to cover the cost. The cost has been adjusted for the cost of living in various countries. Thank you for understanding so that we can make this accessible to our global family. If your ability to pay makes it difficult to attend this program, we will make every effort to make attendance possible. Please email [email protected] to discuss a lower offering amount.

As this is an online event, you can make the offering of Dana to Rinpoche here.

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Total du don : $50.00 Ponctuel

ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS? email [email protected]

Online or In-Person: 8 Shambhala Dharma Kings Empowerment & Retreat with Khentrul Rinpoche

Online or In-Person: 8 Shambhala Dharma Kings Empowerment & Retreat with Khentrul Rinpoche

The Empowerment is on Saturday JULY 9. Translation is available for the weekend but is to be determined for the retreat.

We are incredibly fortunate that Rinpoche will reveal this mind terma and bestow for the first time the 8 Shambhala Dharma Kings in the Kalachakra Kalapa Center. This is a rare opportunity for establishing a direct connection with the Sublime realm of Shambhala in this incredibly short lineage direct from the Shambhala Kings to Khentrul Rinpoche. Khentrul Rinpoche will also give an introductory teaching and a Q&A session after the empowerment. The sessions after the empowerment will be guided by his senior students.

About the Kings of Shambhala
The Kalki Kings are the Dharma Kings of the Sublime Realm of Shambhala who were able to skillfully unite their entire realm through the Kalachakra teachings. Their effort went much more beyond only alleviating biased differences like races, conflicting religious approaches, classes etc. They helped propagate and make the Kalachakra teachings in such a way, that their realm transformed into a pure Bodhisattva realm, happy and peaceful, where spiritual practice flourishes. Differently from wordly kings which are focused on protecting and expanding their territories, the Kalkis are Kings of the dharma, bodhisattva beings who manifest as great leaders out of their compassion and wisdom.
“In general we say that the Kalki Kings are inseparable from the 8 great bodhisattvas and the 10 wrathful dakas. They are incredibly powerful. For me, the Shambhala kings are much more special because of their particular connection with our own world. The bodhisattvas and dakas possess a subtle body form, like a body of a being of the god realm, and so, only some individuals can connect with them. But the Shambhala Kings and Kalkis appeared in Shambhala as human beings, so that many people could benefit through connecting with them. And, of course, they manifest themselves not as an ordinary human being, but as an exceptional, extraordinary human being.
I have been dedicating myself intensively to prepare for this empowerment. I feel a strong connection with the Kalkis and I have no doubt that they are the greatest hope of our world for the manifestation of the Second Golden Age of Peace and Harmony.” (Khentrul Rinpoche)


There are no prerequisites at all. It is suitable for all levels of practitioners. If you want to prepare yourself, you can do the online course Introduction to the Ngöndro available at our learning center. If you are already practicing dharma, you may benefit from the oral commentaries Rinpoche gave about his Shambhala prayers; they can be accessed in his official Youtube Channel. For knowing more about Shambhala and the Kalki Kings, we suggest the book “The Realm of Shambhala” by Rinpoche.

Actual Schedule Coming shortly
1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. You will be added to the course on
2) You must receive the empowerment online in real-time. We do not record the empowerments. Before the empowerment, you will receive information on some simple supplies you should get to help make the experience as authentic as possible. If you are not able to get them all don’t worry. They are symbolic and you can still receive the empowerment. More important you must understand what is happening. Just attending an empowerment does not mean you receive it. You must know what is going on. To ensure everyone will receive the empowerment, Rinpoche will kindly make his instruction booklet available to you as an eBook so you can follow along so you know exactly what is happening. You are not allowed to share this program book with anyone else or give them access to the empowerment. This is private for your personal use. Rinpoche typically gives the eBook out the night before but if this is a technical problem for you (you can’t read an eBook and be on zoom at the same time) please indicate on the registration form so we can work to accommodate you.
3) You will receive access to the zoom for each of the sessions.


In the past, people would walk across India and offer all their gold, home, and family just to receive a bit of dharma. The dharma is priceless and no amount of offerings can ever equal the value of the path to liberation. That said, there are costs involved in putting on an Empowerment both in-person and online as well as for us to help us make Rinpoche’s teachings available to people. We have to transport all of Rinpoche’s Holy Objects to Austria as well as procure things for this. We have created 3 offering levels to help make this affordable to a range of attendees as we must raise funds to cover the cost. The cost has been adjusted for the cost of living in various countries. Thank you for understanding so that we can make this accessible to our global family. If your ability to pay makes it difficult to attend this program, we will make every effort to make attendance possible. Please email [email protected] to discuss a lower offering amount.OFFERING DANA TORINPOCHE
Its customary at the end of empowerment for students to make an offering of Dana to the guru. As this is an online event, you can make the offering of Dana to Rinpoche here.ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS? email [email protected]
En ligne ou en présentiel : Initiation et Retraite de Vajrapani, avec Khentrul Rinpoche

En ligne ou en présentiel : Initiation et Retraite de Vajrapani, avec Khentrul Rinpoche

Pour assister en présentiel en Autriche, veuillez cliquer ici pour vous inscrire sur le site Internet du Suchandra Institute

VAJRAPANI : Domptez vos demons

Reliez-vous à la puissance de tous les bouddhas pour dompter vos obstacles intérieurs et extérieurs à la réalisation. Vajrapani, qui personnifie la puissance de tous les bouddhas des dix directions et des trois temps, est un bodhisattva exempt de peur, ayant atteint la dixième terre de l’éveil. Il est le gardien des tantras bouddhiques. Khentrul Rinpoché accordera une initiation toute particulière de Vajrapani, connu sous l’aspect de “Destructeur des Démons”, et transmettra la pratique grâce à laquelle Lama Lutrin, lors d’une retraite, s’est guéri seul de la lèpre. Cette initiation et cette retraite aideront les pratiquants à accueillir la puissance indomptable qui est en eux, pour surmonter les obstacles qui surgissent sur leur voie spirituelle.


“Je pense que ma connexion personnelle avec Vajrapani est particulière, parce que mon lama racine, Lama Lobsang Trinlè, était considéré comme Vajrapani lui-même. En pratiquant cette divinité au cours d’une longue retraite solitaire, il est parvenu à guérir complètement de la lèpre. À la fin de sa retraite, il égalait la réalisation des grands mahasiddhas indiens.

Les enseignements de mon Lama racine sur Vajrapani étaient incroyablement spéciaux. Comme de nombreux Lamas de rang élevé venaient à notre monastère pour recevoir de lui l’initiation de Vajrapani, j’ai pu moi aussi la recevoir à de nombreuses reprises. Tous ces Lamas qui venaient à lui n’avaient aucun doute en ce qui concerne ses réalisations. Ils disaient de lui qu’il était Vajrapani lui-même, le voyant dompter des démons extrêmement puissants qui souhaitaient nuire dans les régions où nous nous trouvions.”

Le lien entre cette pratique et notre Institut est également très spécial, puisque le Roi de Shambhala Suchandra, qui a demandé au Bouddha les enseignements de Kalachakra et établi ces enseignements à Shambhala, était une émanation de Vajrapani.


L’initiation (Djénang) de Vajrapani, la transmission orale de la pratique, un enseignement préliminaire, des sessions de pratique et une session de questions-réponses. Les sessions de pratique seront guidées par des étudiants expérimentés.


Il n’y a absolument aucun prérequis. L’événement s’adresse aux pratiquants de tous niveaux. Si vous débutez sur la voie bouddhique, suivre le cours en ligne de Khentrul Rinpoché « What’s Real ? », accessible sur notre centre d’étude, et les livres de Rinpoché Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, tomes 1 et 2, peuvent vous intéresser. Pour en apprendre plus sur la biographie du Lama racine de Rinpoché et sa connexion avec Vajrapani, vous trouverez des informations à ce sujet dans The Realm of Shambhala, un livre consacré par Rinpoché à la lignée complète de Kalachakra dont il est détenteur.



1) Chaque participant souhaitant recevoir l’initiation est tenu de s’enregistrer. Vous aurez accès au cours en ligne sur

2) Vous devez recevoir l’initiation en ligne en temps réel. Les initiations ne sont pas enregistrées. Avant l’initiation, vous seront communiquées des informations sur ce qu’il serait souhaitable que vous vous procuriez pour rendre l’expérience aussi authentique que possible. Si vous ne pouvez rassembler tous les objets recommandés, vous ne devez pas vous en inquiéter. Il s’agit de symboles et vous pouvez recevoir l’initiation même en leur absence. Le plus important est que vous compreniez ce qui se passe. Assister simplement à une initiation ne garantit pas que vous la recevrez. Vous devez savoir ce qui est en train de se dérouler. Pour s’assurer que chacun(e) recevra l’initiation, Rinpoché a la bonté de mettre à votre disposition son livret d’instructions sous forme d’eBook, pour vous permettre de suivre la cérémonie et de vous rendre compte à chaque instant de ce qui est en train de se passer. Vous n’êtes autorisé(e) ni à communiquer ce livret à qui que ce soit ni à donner à qui que ce soit accès à l’initiation. Ce matériel est privé et réservé à votre usage personnel. En general, Rinpoché donne accès à l’eBook la nuit précédant l’initiation. Toutefois, si vous rencontrez un problème technique (par exemple, si vous ne pouvez pas en même temps lire un eBook et être sur Zoom), veuillez le mentionner en remplissant le formulaire d’enregistrement, afin que nous puissions trouver une solution qui vous convienne.

3) Vous recevrez un lien d’accès à Zoom pour chaque session.


Selon Rinpoché, nous ne devons pas nécessairement pratiquer Vajrapani séparément, nous avons seulement besoin de construire une connexion. Ensuite, en vous souvenant de lui, vous pourrez l’intégrer à votre pratique, par exemple à la Voie de Kalachakra. Vous pouvez ou bien faire de Vajrapani votre pratique principale, en considérant que celle-ci est sans contradiction avec la Voie de Kalachakra, ou bien vous concentrer sur le système de Kalachakra, en le voyant comme non séparé de Vajrapani, qui fait lui-même partie du mandala de Kalachakra.


Par le passé, les pratiquants traversaient l’Inde et offraient tout l’or dont ils disposaient, leur demeure et leur famille, pour recevoir même une bribe du Dharma. Le Dharma n’a pas de prix et aucune offrande ne pourra jamais égaler la valeur de la voie vers la libération. Cela étant dit, l’organisation d’une initiation en ligne et en présentiel, l’aide que nous offrons à Rinpoché pour lui permettre de rendre les enseignements accessibles, tout cela a un coût. Nous devons transporter en Autriche tous les objets sacrés de Rinpoché et nous procurer tout ce qui est nécessaire à l’initiation. Nous avons ainsi créé trois niveaux d’offrandes, pour rendre l’initiation accessible à des participants aux revenus très différents et faire face à la nécessité de couvrir les dépenses. Ces montants de participation ont été ajustés en fonction du niveau de vie dans différents pays. Merci pour votre compréhension, qui nous permet de rendre l’initiation accessible à notre famille globale. Si vous ne disposez pas des revenus nécessaires pour participer à cette initiation, nous ferons tous les efforts possibles pour vous le permettre néanmoins. En ce cas, veuillez adresser un email à [email protected], pour discuter d’un montant d’offrande inférieur.


Il est de coutume, à la fin d’une initiation, que les étudiants fassent une offrande de Dana au Guru. S’agissant d’un événement en ligne, vous pouvez faire une offrande de Dana à Rinpoché ici


Écrivez à [email protected]

Online: White Tara Empowerment and Long Life Retreat | Khentrul Rinpoche

Online: White Tara Empowerment and Long Life Retreat | Khentrul Rinpoche

Of the 21 Taras, the two most popular are Green Tara and White Tara. White Tara, a manifestation of the Buddha, also known as the Mother of Compassion, is regarded for her qualities of healing and activities to benefit others. She grants grants health, healing and longevity swiftly like a mother running to help her crying child. All powerful White Tara has 7 eyes — with an eye in her forehead, and one on each hand and foot — symbolizing her compassionate vigilance to see all the suffering of the world.

Almost everyone has obstacles in their life that could lead to an untimely death. This is because we have fixed karmas and unfixed karmas. If the obstacles are due to the exhaustion of  your good karma and merit, then in order to prolong your life now, you need to practice powerful ways to collect a lot of merit, such as taking long life initiations, reciting the mantras of long life deities, saving the lives of animals and people, offering medicine to people and taking care of sick people, offering food, clothing and shelter to the poor people. This of course only matters if you yourself are making your life meaningful to live long and practice the Dharma.

If the obstacles in your life and untimely death are due to the accumulation of negative karma, the you must  purify it. Tara will help with it as she is very quick to fulfill our wishes and to grant us happiness and a long life, as well as to help us develop wisdom.

About the Empowerment (Jenang blessing)
Khentrul Rinpoche will bestow the jenang Empowerment of White Tara. This is useful for those who want to connect to the transformative power of long life.Receiving this empowerment is considered to be a great blessing and supportive of a long and healthy life. She is part of a trilogy of 3 long life deities, Amitayus, Tara and Namgyalma.

Who can attend (online and in person)?
This retreat is open to all.

Retreat Schedule

Melbourne, Australia
AEST – Melbourne, Australia
Saturday, December 31st
9:30 am – 11:00 am – Session 1 – How and why we make make offerings
01:00 pm – 03:00 pm  –  White Tara Empowerment and teaching
04:00 pm – 05:30 pm  –  Session 2  – Tara Practice and Accumulation
07:30 pm – 09:00 pm  –  Session 3 – Tara Practice and Accumulation
Sunday, January 1st
09:00 am – 11:00 am –  Session 4 – Tara Practice and Accumulation
01:00 pm – 02:30 pm –  Session 5 – Tara Practice and Accumulation
03:00 pm – 05:00 pm –  Long Life Offering Ceremony to Khentrul Rinpoche
07:30 pm – 09:00 pm –  Session 6 – Tara Practice and Accumulation
Monday, January 2nd
9:00 am – 10:30 am –  Session 7
HKT - Mongolia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore
HKT – Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan
Saturday, December 31st
6:00 am Session 1 – How and why we make make offerings
10:00 am  White Tara Empowerment
1:00 pm  –  Session 2
4:30 pm  –  Session 3
Sunday, January 1st
6:00 am  –  Session 4
10:00 am –  Session 5
12:00 pm –  Long Life Offering Ceremony to Khentrul Rinpoche
4:30 pm –  Session 6
Monday, January 2nd
6:00 am –  Session 7
Central Europe
Central Europe
Saturday, December 31st
3:00 am  –  White Tara Empowerment
6:00 am  –  Session 2
9:30 am  –  Session 3
Sunday, January 1st
11:00 pm (Saturday, December 31) – 01:00 am –  Session 4
03:00 am – 04:30 am –  Session 5
05:00 am – 07:00 am –  Long Life Offering Ceremony to Khentrul Rinpoche
09:30 am – 11:00 am –  Session 6
Monday, January 2nd
11:00 pm (Sunday, January 1) – 01:00 am –  Session 7
BRT - São Paulo, Brazil
BRT – São Paulo, Brazil
Saturday, December 31st
11:00 pm (Friday, December 30) – 01:00 am  –  White Tara Empowerment
02:00 am – 04:00 am  –  Session 2
05:30 am – 07:30 am  –  Session 3
Saturday, December 31st
07:00 pm – 09:00 pm –  Session 4
11:00 pm – 12:30 am (Sunday, January 1) –  Session 5
Sunday, January 1st
01:00 am – 03:00 am –  Long Life Offering Ceremony to Khentrul Rinpoche
05:30 am – 07:00 am –  Session 6
07:00 pm – 09:00 pm –  Session 7
EDT USA & Toronto
EST / AST – East Coast USA, Toronto
Friday, December 30th
09:00 pm – 11:00 pm  –  White Tara Empowerment
Saturday, December 31st
12:00 am – 02:00 am  –  Session 2
03:30 am – 05:30 am  –  Session 3
05:00 pm –  Session 4
09:00 pm –  Session 5
11:00 pm –  Long Life Offering Ceremony to Khentrul Rinpoche
Sunday, January 1st
3:30 am –  Session 6
5:00 pm –  Session 7
West Coast, USA
PT – West Coast
Friday, December 30th
06:00 pm  –  White Tara Empowerment
09:00 pm  –  Session 2
Saturday, December 31st
12:30 am – 02:30 am  –  Session 3
2:00 pm –  Session 4
6:00 pm  –  Session 5
8:00 pm –  Long Life Offering Ceremony to Khentrul Rinpoche
Sunday, January 1st
12:30 am –  Session 6
2:00 pm  –  Session 7

There are a lot of items involved that need to be offered and costs related to putting on this long life puja. Traditionally thousands of offerings are made along with all of the traditional item such a monks, robes, statues, items representing the Dharma, medicines etc. We appreciate your donation to help sponsor this.

For Rinpoche’s long life we are accumulating the White Tara Mantras, you can offer them here

It’s customary at the end of empowerment for students to make an offering of Dana to the guru. As this is an online event, you can make the offering of Dana to Rinpoche here.

email [email protected]

Land of Shambhala &  Online: How to Live a Long and Meaningful Life | Khentrul Rinpoche

Land of Shambhala & Online: How to Live a Long and Meaningful Life | Khentrul Rinpoche

As we prepare to do the White Tara long life retreat, Khentrul Rinpoche reflects on the meaning of a long life and why we need these practices. This is his last public talk of the year and a message to all students on what they can reflect on for the next year and the rest of their lives.

Webinar ID: 858 1140 4442
Passcode: 108108

Friday Dec 30th 7:30 PM AEST Melbourne, Australia
Friday Dec 30th 4:30 PM Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan
Friday Dec 30th 3:30 PM Hanoi, Vietnam
Friday Dec 30th 10:30 AM Romania
Friday Dec 30th 9:30 AM Central Europe
Friday Dec 30th 5:30 AM Sao Paulo, Brazil
Friday Dec 30th 3:30 AM East Coast USA, Toronto
Friday Dec 30th 12:30 AM West Coast USA