Aug 4 7:30 PM Vienna:
Aug 5 3:30 AM AEST – Melbourne, Australia
Aug 5 1:30 AM HKT – Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan
Aug 4 7:30 PM CET – Central Europe
Aug 4 2:30 PM BRT – São Paulo, Brazil
Aug 4 1:30 PM EST / AST – East Coast USA, Toronto
Aug 4 10:30 AM PT – West Coast
This is an introductory public teaching precending the CHÖD Empowerment & Retreat.
Webinar ID: 821 3171 3687
Passcode: 108108
Receive Extensive Blessings for Prosperity and Good Fortune
- Yellow Dzambhala Empowerment
- 21 Taras Empowerment
- Drolmi Kazug Wish Fulfilling VaseActivation. Your Treasure Vase should be blessed at least once a year.
- Yellow Dzambhala Mantra and sadhana practice retreat
About Yellow Dzambhala
This is an incredible opportunity to create a karmic connection with Jambhala – the “Prosperity God”. There is no contradiction between practicing Dharma and developing wealth and prosperity. Everyone needs prosperity. Through our practice of generosity and this practice, we can create the conditions for spiritual and material wealth and abundance in our lives.
About this 21 Taras Drolmi Kazug Auspicious Fortune Puja System
Rinpoche will bestow the form of the 21 Taras Empowerment that authorizes students to do the Drolmi Kazug wishfulfilling wealth vase puja. For students who wish to do the treasure vase practice, you can do this event and in the future time sit through the 9 hour oral transmission when it is available. Rinpoche will let new student start the vase practice who attend all the empowerments of the weekend.
Often times people want to solve their large worldly problems or obstacles in a very simple way. They try a practice or two to remedy the problem but their wishes are not fulfilled. This is because the remedy is too small and simple to actually create the correct conditions. For anything to happen there are millions of karmic conditions that have to ripen. Also for anything to ripen, the amount of our own generosity and conditions we put into the remedy affect the result.
This Jonang 21 Taras Drolmi Kazug puja was revealed from a mind terma of Lama Yonten Sangpo and Lama Lodro Drakpa. It is the most detailed and extensive offering puja to create causes and conditions to ripen good luck and fortune. It works with every aspect of our natal astrological chart. In it we make offerings to an incredible number of classes of beings that we normally ignore in our day to day life to affect these karma areas determined at the moment of your birth.
It purifies the participants unfixed karmas which create obstacles such as diseases, spirit or demon harm, and bad fortune so that we may experience fame, good fortune, prosperity, vitality, long-life and good health to practice the dharma to benefit all sentient beings. This works on everything on the unseen level. Rinpoche deity has indicated to him that now is the right time to do this puja for us for the first time. Together we need to create the best possible conditions to manifest the Golden Age of Peace and Harmony.
Rare Opportunity to Bring Wealth and Success in Your Life:
Rinpoche is spent months preparing a special version of the Sadhana, treasure vases, custom commissioned Thangkas, longevity arrows and a 3d Fortune Palace so that we each can have the option and access to the right holy objects to be able to continue to do this practice after this empowerment and puja is finished. He would like students around the world to do this 4x a year to create the right worldly and ultimate conditions for Dzokden to manifest.
You can reserve a package of the Holy items with your registration.
Participants will be given access to a book to follow along for the 21 Taras Empowerment so that you know exactly what is happening and are able to receive the maximum blessings. Khentrul Rinpoche has prepared a Short Sadhana for the 21 Emanations of Tara and a Short Practice of the Yellow Dzambhala that will be given to the participants. He has also prepared a very special condensed version of the Drolmi Kazug puja for you to do yourself. The puja text is only available with the Treasure Vase Blessed Object packages because it is not possible to do this puja without these objects.
Only the practices and teaching will be recorded to watch later. If you want the empowerments and oral transmissions you must receive it live.
Central Europe
Saturday, January 21st
1:00 AM – 3:00 AM – 21 Taras Empowerment & Teaching
4:00 AM – 5:00 AM – 21 Taras Practice Session
5:30 AM – 7:30 AM – 21 Taras Wishfulfilling Vase Puja & Activation
Sunday, January 22nd
1:00 AM – 3:00 AM – Yellow Dzambhala Empowerment & Teaching
3:30 AM – 4:30 AM – Dzambhala Practice Session
5:00 AM – 6:00 AM – Dzambhala Practice Session
1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. Choose your preferred language. You will receive a confirmation email.
2) You will receive an invite to our learning center that has the access to the zoom for each of the sessions along with prayers and information to guide you.
3) If you would like to receive the 21 Taras Empowerment and the Yellow Dzambhala Empowerment, the sessions are indicated on the schedule
4) If you attend all the sessions and acquire a package of the consecrated objects (the thangka, sadhana, treasure vase) then you can do this practice yourself.
5) The Practice Package of the Treasure vase and blessed objects are available to any of the attendees. The Golden Age Healing Earth Vases are available for anyone.
In the past, people would walk across India and offer all their gold, home, and family just to receive a bit of dharma. Unfortunately due to our lack of merit, the masters do not make these huge demands anymore. The dharma is priceless and no amount of offerings can ever equal the value of the path to liberation. That said, there are costs involved in putting on empowerments and pujas online as well as for us to help us make Rinpoche’s teachings available to people. We have created 3 offering levels to help make this affordable adjusted globally for cost of living. No one is turned away for lack of funds. If you are monastic or need further financial aid, email [email protected]
Inscription nécessaire pour des questions de nombre de personnes.
Heure par Fuseau horaire
7:30 PM Australie
4:30 PM Hong Kong
9:30 AM Europe Centrale (Paris)
3:30 AM New-York
12:30 AM San Francisco
Serie de Conférences Vie Holistique
Joignez-vous à nous pour une discussion détendue sur la Médecine Traditionnelle Tibétaine et la Médecine Kalachakra.
Nous souhaitons tous être en bonne santé aussi longtemps que possible et avoir une vie remplie d’énergie, de vitalité et de bien-être. Nous allons explorer les racines de la Médecine Traditionnelle Tibétaine et de la Médecine Kalachakra et comment ce système peut nous assister pour apporter un haut équilibre des éléments dans notre univers intérieur, assistant ainsi les pratiquantes et pratiquants sur le sentier de l’éveil. Le système médical tibétain ce concentre sur l’équilibre de notre alimentation, nos comportements et nos émotions. En équilibrant les énergies internes de notre corps et en connectant celles-ci avec l’univers extérieur, nous créons une harmonie entre les univers internes et externes.
Informations sur le zoom
Lien Zoom :
ID du webinaire : 847 9679 9879
Code d’accès : 108108
“In Paths of Pure Vision, Khentrul Jamphal Lodro Rinpoche from Dzamthang Monastery has concisely written on the different lineage accounts, views, and practices of the Jonang, Sakya, Gelug, Kagyu, Nyingma, and Bon spiritual traditions that flourished in the snowy land of Tibet. His hard work has led to presenting these spiritual traditions in ways that bring us fresh understandings and insights into what is most valuable about these traditions.”
H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama
Originally printed in Tibet in the early 2000s this book has been made available for the first time globally in English and Spanish.
Join for tea and a discussion from Khentrul Rinpoche on the various paths and wisdom traditions of Tibet.
Everyone is welcome
English books available in Person
Spanish available online.
Schedule by Timezone
7:00pm Melbourne, Australia
4:00pm Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia
9:00 pm Vienna, Austria
3:00 am New York, NY
12:00 am San Francisco, CA
Zoom Information
Passcode: 108108
Webinar ID: 869 8648 3906