
Yearly Weekly Daily List
March 2025

Protector Day: Vajra Vega Wheel of Protection (Restricted)

Practice will be done in English / Sanskrit or Tibetan This is a restricted practice open to those who have received the Vajra Vega Wheel of Protection Practice from Khentrul Rinpoche. Restricted Links You can find the links for it in the Learning Center course you are already enrolled in for the Vajra Vega Wheel […]
28 Mar
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Dzokden - Tashi Gadu House
1108 G St, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA
April 2025

Amitábha meghatalmazás és Púdzsa Khentrul Rinpocséval

Az esemény online és személyesen is elérhető. Amitabha a legismertebb Buddha maga Buddha Sákjamuni után. Egyes kínai, és számos tibeti hagyomány csak Amitábhára összpontosít, mivel az Amitábha-szútrában leírtak szerint, Amithába sok fogadalmat tett, hogy segítsen az érző lényeknek könnyen újjászületni Szukhávati tiszta földjén, a Boldogság Birodalma. Amitábha tiszta földje az egyik jól ismert, legkönnyebben elérhető […]
05 Apr
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Tibetan Rime Buddhist Institute

Serpent Year Naga Pujas for Prosperity

Join us to practice offering to the Nagas on the Naga days. Naga guards the precious Dharma and are the treasury of wealth and teachings. When disturbed through our wrong actions of pollution to the environment they can also bring illness. We will be making offerings and gifts all year to them for the benefit […]
12 Apr
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Dzokden - Tashi Gadu House
1108 G St, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA

Protector Day: Vajra Vega Wheel of Protection (Restricted)

Practice will be done in English / Sanskrit or Tibetan This is a restricted practice open to those who have received the Vajra Vega Wheel of Protection Practice from Khentrul Rinpoche. Restricted Links You can find the links for it in the Learning Center course you are already enrolled in for the Vajra Vega Wheel […]
26 Apr
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Dzokden - Tashi Gadu House
1108 G St, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA
May 2025
Compassion Cultivation Training with Tamas Schieszler; pic of him with elegant peacock background

Compassion Cultivation Training

This event is available ONLINE ONLY. Registration at the Dzokden Kalapa website. 8-week course online in English. Every Saturday from the 3rd of May to the 21st of June  (+ an additional session on the 28th of June) All Dates: May 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st | June 7th, 14th, 21st (+additional 28th) 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 […]
03 May - 28 Jun
All Day

The Heart of Devotion: The Guru is the Path

This event is available both In-person and Online. There is a reason why great spiritual teachers, from Rumi and Osho to many others throughout history, speak so much about love: the path to realization is the path of the heart. All of tantra is simple—it’s contained, from start to finish, in the path of devotion […]
03 - 04 May
9:30 am - 5:30 pm
Dzokden - Tashi Gadu House
1108 G St, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA

Nagpa Dawa: Kálacsakra kerekének megforgatásának napja, Cog ünnepség

Ez egy ingyenes esemény, és elérhető mind online, mind személyesen. Ezen a hihetetlenül kedvező telihold napon több száz évvel ezelőtt Sákjamuni Buddha Jidam istenség formájában jelent meg Amravati-ban, hogy megfordítsa a Dharma kerékét. Ezen a nagyszerű napon, amely Nagpa Dawa hónapját jelöli, Szucsandra király, a Sambhala-ból származó Dharma király kérésére, Buddha Jidam istenség formájában a […]
12 May
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Tibetan Rime Buddhist Institute

Serpent Year Naga Pujas for Prosperity

Join us to practice offering to the Nagas on the Naga days. Naga guards the precious Dharma and are the treasury of wealth and teachings. When disturbed through our wrong actions of pollution to the environment they can also bring illness. We will be making offerings and gifts all year to them for the benefit […]
19 May
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Dzokden - Tashi Gadu House
1108 G St, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA
No event found!

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