Casa in linea Dolpopa’s Parinirvana Day Celebration

Dolpopa’s Parinirvana Day Celebration

This is a FREE event and only available online.

Dolpopa is one of the greatest masters of Vajrayana Buddhism. Often referred to by all lineages as the Buddha from Dolpo or the second Buddha, he was the expounder of the Dzokden Dharma, the completion Dharma, that is our namesake. In celebration of this great master, Khentrul Rinpoche will teach various forms of tantra along with prayers of auspiciousness related to the great Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen. Join us online or in person at the Rime Institute. 

Schedule by Timezone

New South Wales, Australia – SATURDAY December 7, 2024 / 7:00 PM
Melbourne, Australia – SATURDAY December 7, 2024 / 7:00 PM
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan – SATURDAY December 7, 2024 / 4:00 PM
Central Europe and South Africa – SATURDAY December 7, 2024 / 9:00 AM
Sao Paulo, Brazil – SATURDAY December 7, 2024 / 5:00 AM
East Coast USA, Toronto – SATURDAY December 7, 2024 / 3:00 AM
West Coast USA – SATURDAY December 7, 2024 / 12:00 AM

Zoom Information

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87317118098?pwd=Z2lIcXVYVTY3QlJuK1BRYkcvZFRDQT09
Webinar ID: 873 1711 8098     Passcode: 108108

Learn about Dolpopa

Read Dolpopa’s Classic text

Mountain Dharma: The Ocean of Definitive Meaning by Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen

It is said that teaching the Buddhadharma that the sons are more skilled than the fathers and that even the Buddha got better with practice. The early teachings say very little about the realized experience, and the Buddha remained silent on many points. The subsequent Perfection of Wisdom teachings says a little more but shy from saying too much about nonconceptual wisdom for fear of polluting it. Later in life, the Buddha was ready to talk about such things, and students were ready to hear them. After a thousand years, tantric masters learned the trick of making such insights about the fruition of the heart of the path. Here, you can read how Dolpopa presents these final teachings in all their glory, without invalidating any of those that came before.

One of the most important texts in all of Jonang Dharma is Dolpopa Sherab Gylatsen Mountain Dharma, commonly known as the Mountain Doctrine. Rime Lodrö (Ives Waldo) translated the book from Tibetan to English to ensure that the Zhentong view was properly translated.

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Dec 07 2024


New South Wales, Australia Timezone
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Ora locale

  • Fuso orario: America/New_York
  • Data: Dec 07 - 08 2024
  • Tempo: 10:00 pm - 12:00 am


New South Wales, Australia


  • Khentrul Rinpoche
    Khentrul Rinpoche
    Maestro Jonang Kalachakra

    Khentrul Rinpoché Jamphel Lodrö è il fondatore e direttore spirituale di Dzokden. Rinpoche è l’autore di Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, The Great Middle Way: Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness, A Happier Life e The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path.

    Rinpoche trascorse i primi 20 anni della sua vita allevando yak e cantando mantra sugli altopiani del Tibet. Ispirato dai bodhisattva, lasciò la sua famiglia per studiare in una varietà di monasteri sotto la guida di oltre venticinque maestri di tutte le tradizionibuddiste tibetane. Grazie al suo approccio non settario, si guadagnò il titolo di MaestroRimé (imparziale) e fu identificato come la reincarnazione del famoso Maestro Kalachakra Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. Pur avendo sviluppato un profondo rispetto per tutte le autentiche tradizioni spirituali, per il suo percorso personale, ha scelto di concentrarsi sulla tradizione Jonang/Shambala. Gli insegnamenti del Kalachakra (ruota del tempo) contengono metodi profondi per armonizzare il nostro ambiente esterno con il mondo interiore del corpo e della mente, portando infine alla realizzazione dell’Età dell’Oro della pace e dell’armonia (Dzokden).

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