Home Francia in linea Free Public Talk: Keepers of the Secrets of Shambhala and the Golden Age Dharma – Introduction to the Jonang Lineage in Tibetan Buddhism

Free Public Talk: Keepers of the Secrets of Shambhala and the Golden Age Dharma – Introduction to the Jonang Lineage in Tibetan Buddhism

The tradition of the Jonang Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism is barely known in the west. It is the only lineage that has never been involved in Tibetan politics. The yogis of this great tradition have stayed to this day focused on their practice including the completion stages of Kalachakra Tantra. Even now near Dzamthang, the main monastery of this lineage, in modern day China, thousdands of monks prepare and sit for their 3 year retreat in the 6 Vajra Yogas of Kalachakra. This is the only lineage that holds and focuses on the complete practice of Kalachakra Tantra all the way to enlightenment. Many do this retreat multiple times in their life. Only a few masters in this tradition have traveled outside of China.

Khentrul Rinpoche will explain the greatness of this tradition that holds a special view called the Other-Emptiness. Renowned Jonang Master Dolpopa Sherab, often referred to as the second Buddha was respected by all lineages of Buddhism for his great Mountain Doctrine and profound understanding of the complete Dharma, the Golden Age (Dzokden Dharma).

Zoom Information
Zoom Link:
Webinar ID: 867 9629 5360
Passcode: 108108



Aug 30 2023


Paris, France Timezone
8:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Ora Locale

  • Fuso orario: America/New_York
  • Data: Aug 30 2023
  • Ora: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm


Espace Allegria
110 rue Achille Viadieu, 31400 Toulouse, France
Sito web


  • Khentrul Rinpoche
    Khentrul Rinpoche
    Maestro Jonang Kalachakra

    Khentrul Rinpoché Jamphel Lodrö è il fondatore e direttore spirituale di Dzokden. Rinpoche è l’autore di Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, The Great Middle Way: Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness, A Happier Life e The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path.

    Rinpoche trascorse i primi 20 anni della sua vita allevando yak e cantando mantra sugli altopiani del Tibet. Ispirato dai bodhisattva, lasciò la sua famiglia per studiare in una varietà di monasteri sotto la guida di oltre venticinque maestri di tutte le tradizionibuddiste tibetane. Grazie al suo approccio non settario, si guadagnò il titolo di MaestroRimé (imparziale) e fu identificato come la reincarnazione del famoso Maestro Kalachakra Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. Pur avendo sviluppato un profondo rispetto per tutte le autentiche tradizioni spirituali, per il suo percorso personale, ha scelto di concentrarsi sulla tradizione Jonang/Shambala. Gli insegnamenti del Kalachakra (ruota del tempo) contengono metodi profondi per armonizzare il nostro ambiente esterno con il mondo interiore del corpo e della mente, portando infine alla realizzazione dell’Età dell’Oro della pace e dell’armonia (Dzokden).

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