Гэр Австрали онлайн Serpent Year Prosperity: White Dzambhala Empowerment and Naga Offering Puja

Serpent Year Prosperity: White Dzambhala Empowerment and Naga Offering Puja

This event is available both In-person and Online.

To say goodbye to the year of the Dragon and welcome in the year of the snake, Khentrul Rinpoche has agreed to bestow the White Dzambhala empowerment and sadhana for Lunar new year. This allows us to work with the power of both the dragon and snake. After we create the conditions for good virtue, wealth and abundance with White Dzambhala, we will offer to the Nagas to help manifest the wealth and abundance in the year of the Serpent. Both of these offerings help to bring material prosperity but even more importantly they help to bring the true wealth of the Dharma.

While in general, the Wealth Yaksha Dzambhala is connected with generosity and Ratnasambhava, each form or color of the deity has a slightly different focus. White Dzambhala is seen as a manifestation of the Bodhisattva Chenrezig. He can eradicate poverty through cleansing negative karma and karmic obstacles while advancing our Bodhicitta aspiration. White Dzambhala brings us the knowledge of ethical discipline and purity. When there is mental clarity, ethics, and wisdom, financial resources can be put to their most effective use. To have financial stability we need purity in our understanding and view of financial resources. We have been working over the years as a community to cultivate a connection with all aspects of Dzambhala and in doing so, refine our ability to magnetize the true wealth, the Dharma to create a Golden Age. 

Statues Blessed for Prosperity, Wealth and Abundance

Khentrul Rinpoche will also consecrate and bless Naga Statues and various forms of Dzambhala statues both for offering practices and practitioners home shrines. Those who wish to bring home the conditions for prosperity can pre-order one on Amritasecrets.com If you make the offering and pre-order a Naga statue, please do not keep it in your home shrine near a Garuda. Make sure it is kept away from Garuda.

Special Note for Drolmi Kazug Practioners

If you are a practitioner of the Drolmi Kazug Puja we will also put the Naga practice in your learning center. This is excerpted from the puja and not available for everyone due to restrictions but is available to the practitioners of Drolmi Kazug. Also for those who want to add to your shrine setup, you may consider a Naga statue as we offer to the Nagas every Drolmi Kazug. 

How to Prepare?

There are no prerequisites for these teachings.  

Prayers of Prosperity for Your Friends and Family

If you would like to make an offering of generosity below in the ticket section  to create the conditions for abundance in your life for yourself and your loved ones,  you can do so at the check out.  Add  up to 5 names for you, your friends and family to be added to the dedication at the end of the puja. 

Schedule by Timezone

Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan

SATURDAY January 25, 2025
10:00 AM – White Dzambhala Empowerment and Teaching
12:00 PM – Naga Offering Puja and Teaching for Prosperity

Offer Dana for Khentrul Rinpoche

The program fee covers the cost to put on the empowerment and events. Traditionally people also make an offering to the Lama. If you additionally wish to show your generosity to Rinpoché’s precious teachings and to his immense efforts, you can do it in-person at the end of the retreat or, if you are attending online you can offer Dana for Rinpoche here. This is completely voluntary.

Please email  [email protected].

Номын арга хэмжээ

Form/ticket icon дүрс
Attendance to Online event + $15 Offering
$15 USD
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Боломжтой Тасалбар: Хязгааргүй

Attend the event online only + $15 offering to Puja. This also allows for you to submit 5 names to Puja.

"Attendance to Online event + $15 Offering" тасалбар дууссан байна. Та өөр тасалбар эсвэл өөр болзоо үзэж болно.
Form/ticket icon дүрс
Attendance to Online event
No Cost
Form/up small icon дүрс Form/down small icon дүрс
Боломжтой Тасалбар: Хязгааргүй

Attend the event online only for free.

"Attendance to Online event" тасалбар дууссан байна. Та өөр тасалбар эсвэл өөр болзоо үзэж болно.


Jan 25 2025

Цаг хугацаа

Melbourne, Australia Timezone
1:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Орон нутгийн цаг

  • Цагийн бүс: America/Denver
  • Огноо: Jan 24 2025
  • Цаг: 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm


Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute
1584 Burwood Highway, Belgrave, Vic 3160 Australia



    Шар Ханбрүл Жамбал Лодро Ринбүчи бол 20 хүртлээ Төвдөд сарлаг маллаж тарни тоолон амьдарч явжээ. Тэрээр бодьсадва нарын уярам түүх намтрыг сонссоор бишрэл сүжиг нэмэгдэж ар гэрээ ардаа орхиж, төвдийн Буддын бүхий л гол урсгалуудын хорин-тав гаруй мастеруудаар хичээл ном заалган явсан байна. Үл алагчлах үзлийг ийнхүү баримталж явсны дүнд тэрбээр Римэ \үл-ялгаварлах үзэлт\ Мастер хэмээн нэрлэгдэх болж, бодьсадва Акашагарбагийн хувилгаан Цагийн хүрдний аугаа мастер Нагваан Чойжин Жямцын хойд дүрээр танигдсан ажээ. Хэдийгээр түүний баримтлалын гол үндэс нь энэ хорвоо дээрх олон шашны урсгалын давуу талуудыг онцлох явдал боловч тэдгээрийн дотроос өөрийн уламжилж ирсэн Жонан-Шамбалын Урсгалд онцгойлон шүтэж явдаг байна. Барууны олон эрдэмтэдийн устаж үгүй болсон гэж тооцдог энэхүү Цагийн хүрдний өндөр шатны дадлагуудыг тэрбээр дотоод бие сэтгэлийг гадаад ертөнцтэй хоршуулан зохицолдуулж амьдрах гүнзгий аргууд хэмээн үздэг билээ.

    2014 оноос эхлээд Ханбрүл Ринбүчи системтэй тодорхой зааварчилгаа бүхий Цагийн хүрдний Замаар замнаж өөрийн нандин үнэнээ илрүүлэн гэгээрэлд хүрч болох талаар сурган дэлхийн гуч гаруй орноор аялаад байна. Хүмүүст сэтгэлийн уян хатан байдлаар хэрхэн ялгаварт үзлийг арилгаж, дэлхий ертөнцийг алтан эрин болгон хувиргаж болох нигүүсэл энэрэлд тулгуурласан нийгэмлэгийг бий болгох чин эрмэллэлээр ийнхүү номоо айлдан яваа нэгэн билээ.

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