Гэр онлайн Румын Understand Tantric Samaya: 6 Buddha Families of Kalachakra Blessing

Understand Tantric Samaya: 6 Buddha Families of Kalachakra Blessing

This is a paid event and available both Online and In-person.

“Most followers of the Tibetan tantric Buddhist teachings are merely wearing an outer costume of tantra.”
(Khentrul Rinpoché)

We are delighted to announce that Rinpoché will give us teachings on tantric Samaya to help anyone who is genuinely interested in following the path of Vajrayana or who has been on the path and needs further clarification. He will bestow a blessing ceremony of the 6 Buddha Families of Kalachakra, and address crucial questions of both new and veteran practitioners.

What is tantric practice really about? How can we work with our emotions on the Tantric path without getting lost in them? How do the different levels of Buddhist paths relate to each other? Why does one need an authentic Guru to learn Tantra genuinely? What is Samaya that is had with the Guru on the path?

Preconceptions and misunderstandings about tantra have spread everywhere. Both in Western countries, as well as Asian countries where these teachings originated. Lost amidst extreme views and with a lack of proper clarification, it is difficult for practitioners to reach the essence of the tantric teachings. Rinpoché will teach about how the different levels of Buddhist teachings and their respective conduct of ethics support each other without contradiction. He will explain the varying degrees of tantric practice and what one should do to truly focus on tantra.

For Rinpoché, there is no doubt that different types of persons, including lay devotees, monastics, and non-religious ones, have the potential to learn the essence of tantric practice. This is because the tantric approach is closely aligned with our existing nature.

“In the tantric path, nothing that is naturally present in our mind needs to be eliminated. Instead, we learn means for putting these mental phenomena to work for us. When all these phenomena are subjugated by the brilliance of pure and true reality, they become our friends.”
-(Khentrul Rinpoché)

In the view of tantra, the pure aspects of our afflictive emotions are connected to specific 6 Buddha Families. To strengthen this awareness and for the continued support of participants’ practice after the event, Rinpoché will bestow a Blessing Ceremony of the Six Buddha Families.

For the Q&A session, we thoroughly encourage you to gather all your questions that will clarify your understanding of tantra. Do not miss this precious opportunity.

How to Prepare?
There are no prerequisites for these teachings. They are open to all, regardless of your background. This is a good step for those who are preparing to enter into the tantric path. This is also a helpful reminder for those who are already on that journey. 

Schedule by Timezone

Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan

SUNDAY August 17, 2025
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM – Session 1: Blessing Ceremony of the 6 Buddha Families
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM – Session 2: Teachings

Offer Dana for Khentrul Rinpoche
If you additionally wish to show your generosity to Rinpoché’s precious teachings and to his immense efforts, you can do it in-person at the end of the retreat or, if you are attending online you can offer Dana for Rinpoche here. This is completely voluntary.

Please email  [email protected]

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Attendance Online + Sponsor $50
$50 USD
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Боломжтой Тасалбар: Хязгааргүй

Attend online only + Sponsor $50 for this event.

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$20 USD
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Боломжтой Тасалбар: Хязгааргүй

Attend online only + Sponsor $20 for this event.

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Attendance Online + Sponsor $15
$15 USD
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Боломжтой Тасалбар: Хязгааргүй

Attend online only + Sponsor $15 for this event.

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Боломжтой Тасалбар: Хязгааргүй

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Aug 17 2025

Цаг хугацаа

Bucharest, Romania Timezone
10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Орон нутгийн цаг

  • Цагийн бүс: America/Chicago
  • Огноо: Aug 17 2025
  • Цаг: 2:00 am - 8:00 am


Hotel Capitol
Calea Victoriei 29, București 010061, Romania

Зохион байгуулагч


Бусад зохион байгуулагчид




    Шар Ханбрүл Жамбал Лодро Ринбүчи бол 20 хүртлээ Төвдөд сарлаг маллаж тарни тоолон амьдарч явжээ. Тэрээр бодьсадва нарын уярам түүх намтрыг сонссоор бишрэл сүжиг нэмэгдэж ар гэрээ ардаа орхиж, төвдийн Буддын бүхий л гол урсгалуудын хорин-тав гаруй мастеруудаар хичээл ном заалган явсан байна. Үл алагчлах үзлийг ийнхүү баримталж явсны дүнд тэрбээр Римэ \үл-ялгаварлах үзэлт\ Мастер хэмээн нэрлэгдэх болж, бодьсадва Акашагарбагийн хувилгаан Цагийн хүрдний аугаа мастер Нагваан Чойжин Жямцын хойд дүрээр танигдсан ажээ. Хэдийгээр түүний баримтлалын гол үндэс нь энэ хорвоо дээрх олон шашны урсгалын давуу талуудыг онцлох явдал боловч тэдгээрийн дотроос өөрийн уламжилж ирсэн Жонан-Шамбалын Урсгалд онцгойлон шүтэж явдаг байна. Барууны олон эрдэмтэдийн устаж үгүй болсон гэж тооцдог энэхүү Цагийн хүрдний өндөр шатны дадлагуудыг тэрбээр дотоод бие сэтгэлийг гадаад ертөнцтэй хоршуулан зохицолдуулж амьдрах гүнзгий аргууд хэмээн үздэг билээ.

    2014 оноос эхлээд Ханбрүл Ринбүчи системтэй тодорхой зааварчилгаа бүхий Цагийн хүрдний Замаар замнаж өөрийн нандин үнэнээ илрүүлэн гэгээрэлд хүрч болох талаар сурган дэлхийн гуч гаруй орноор аялаад байна. Хүмүүст сэтгэлийн уян хатан байдлаар хэрхэн ялгаварт үзлийг арилгаж, дэлхий ертөнцийг алтан эрин болгон хувиргаж болох нигүүсэл энэрэлд тулгуурласан нийгэмлэгийг бий болгох чин эрмэллэлээр ийнхүү номоо айлдан яваа нэгэн билээ.

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