Domov Spletna stran Online & In-Person: Secrets of Shambhala and the Golden Age on Earth with Khentrul Rinpoche

Online & In-Person: Secrets of Shambhala and the Golden Age on Earth with Khentrul Rinpoche

“Our most essential need is ultimate peace and harmony. The source of this perfection is the Sublime Realm of Shambhala.”

~Shar Khentrul Rinpoche

Each of us is an extraordinary potential for love and compassion, capable of completely transforming the way we experience our world. Through the ancient wisdom of the Kalachakra teachings, this potential can be unlocked to manifest a sublime realm of experience, free from all forms of suffering and conflict. This state of eternal bliss is known by some as Shambhala.

Khentrul Rinpoché will help us unveil the hidden meaning of Shambhala and why it is so important for overcoming the problems of this world, especially in turbulent times of disagreement. The Kalachakra Tantra prophesizes a coming Golden age on earth.

From Genghis Khan through Hitler, the realm of Shambhala has captured the imagination and hearts of spiritual seekers and warriors throughout time. With great precision and clarity, he dispels the many layers of confusion that have surrounded this often misunderstood subject, while also introducing a profound method for spiritual development, grounded in an unbiased and expansive approach transcending any one tradition. During this evening, Rinpoche will also give the transmission for his new prayer for Shambhala to help us usher in an age of global peace and harmony.

Schedule by Timezone

November 4th – 4:00 PM San Francisco, CA USA
November 4th – 5:00 PM Mexico City, Mexico
November 4th – 7:00 PM New York, USA
November 5th – Midenight Vienna, Austria
November 5th – 7 am Shanghai, Mongolia, Hong Kong
November 5th – 10 am Australia

Zoom Link

Webinar ID: 862 9536 6266
Passcode: 108108



Nov 04 2022
Izteklo se je!


Mexico Timezone
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Lokalni čas

  • Časovni pas: America/Los_Angeles
  • Datum: Nov 04 2022
  • Čas: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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