Dobrodošli na opolnomočenju Vadžrapanija in odmiku
VADŽRAPANI: ukrotite svoje demone
Povežite se z močjo vseh Bud in ukrotite svoje notranje in zunanje ovire do spoznanja. Vadžrapani, utelešenje moči vseh Bud desetih smeri in treh časov, je neustrašen Bodhisatva desete stopnj in varuh budističnih tanter.
Khentrul Rinpoče bo podelil izjemno opolnomočenje Vadžrapanija, znanega kot Uničevalec demonov, in prakso, ki jo je verjetno uporabljal Lama Lutrin v svojem odmiku, s katerim se je ozdravil gobavosti. To opolnomočenje in odmik bosta praktikantom pomagala sprejeti svojo izredno notranjo moč, s katero lahko ukrotijo ovire na svoji poti.
“Zame je Vadžrapani osebno nekaj posebnega, ker je moj korenski lama, Lama Lobsang Trinlej, veljal za dejanskega Vadžrapanija. Ko je izvajal to prakso, je v dolgem samotnem odmiku uspel popolnoma pozdraviti svojo gobavost. Ob koncu svojega odmika je dosegel enako spoznanje kot veliki indijski Mahasiddhe.
Učenja mojega korenskega Lame o Vadžrapaniju so bila neverjetno posebna. Ker so v naš samostan prihajali številni visoki Lame, ki so želeli od njega prejeti opolnomočenje Vadžrapanija, sem ga tudi jaz prejel velikokrat. Vsi ti Lame, ki so prihajali, niso imeli nobenega dvoma o njegovih duhovnih dosežkih. Govorili so, da je on sam dejansko Vadžrapani, saj so bili priča temu, kako je moj Lama krotil neverjetno močne demone, ki so želeli škodovati našim območjem.”
Ta praksa ima zelo posebno povezavo z našo linijo tako prek Lame Lutrina kot tudi prek Dharma kralja Šambhale Sučandre. Sučandra, ki je bil emanacija Vadžrapanija, je prosil Budo v podobi božanstva Kalačakre za prenos učenj Tantre Kalačakre. Sučandra je nato ta učenja zasidral v Šambhali, kjer so se razcvetela in prišla do nas.
Na tem odmiku bo Rinpoče pojasnil tudi nadaljnje delo z Vadžrapanijem v vašem življenju, ko si prizadevate za stopanje po pristni poti tantre, z izkoriščanjem, usmerjanjem in preobražanjem moči jeze in drugih čustev na poti.
Course Information
V prvem delu boste dobili splošne informacije o tečaju, ki jih potrebujete za udeležbo. To vključuje:
- Pregled: če se izgubite, vam bo ta stran pomagala, da se boste spomnili, kje je vse in kako priti do tistega, kar potrebujete.
- Spletni kontrolni seznam:za udeležbo v praktičnih delih v živo morate zagotoviti, da imate nameščene vse potrebne tehnologije in da so te pripravljene za uporabo. Zato smo sestavili kratek vodnik, kako nastaviti Zoom in se pripraviti za različne dele.
- Urnik sej v živo: na teh strani najdete vse povezave za žive seje webinarja. Urnik je na voljo za različne časovne pasove, tako da vam ne bo nič ušlo. USTNI PRENOSI IN OPOLNOMOČENJA SE NIKOLI NE SNEMAJO.
- Hvaležnost in velikodušnost: tukaj si vzamemo trenutek in se zahvalimo vsem, ki so ta dogodek omogočili, pri tem pa navajamo tudi podatke, kako lahko darujete Dano ali podporo tako da bomo lahko imeli vsi korist od prihodnjih dejavnosti.
Urnik po časovnih pasovih
Srednja Evropa in Južna Afrika
PETEK, 27. december 2024
23:00 – 00:30 (SOBOTA, 28. december 2024): 1. del: Priprava na spletno opolnomočenje
SOBOTA, 28. december 2024
01:00 – 02:30: 2. del: Opolnomočenje Vadžrapanija in ustni prenos
03:30 – 05:00: 3. del: Praksa Vadžrapanija
05:30 – 07:00: 4. del: Vadžrapani in linija Kalačakra
23:00 – 00:30 (NEDELJA, 29. december 2024): 5. del: Praksa Vadžrapanija
NEDELJA, 29. december 2024
01:00 – 02:30: 6. del: Tantra in delo s čustvi in jezo
03:30 – 05:00: 7. del: Praksa Vadžrapanija
05:30 – 07:00: 8. del: Zaključno srečanje – praksa Vadžrapanija in vprašanja in odgovori z Rinpočejem
Pišite na [email protected]
Ta dogodek je na voljo osebno in na spletu.
Pridružite se mojstru Kalačakre Khentrulu Rinpočeju v Tibet House US (ali prek spleta) na tem navdihujočem večeru. Khentrul Rinpoče, učitelj Kalačakre iz šole Džonang, ki se osredotoča na učenja iz čiste dežele Šambhale, bo v naš um zasadil semena blagoslova Belega Mandžušrija in Čenreziga, ki jih lahko aktiviramo z lastno prakso in razmišljanjem o besedilih.
Beli Mandžušri nam pomaga razvijati modrost, še posebno z nežnimi metodami, ki nam pomagajo, da druge učimo s pomočjo svojega govora. Čenrezig pa je tibetansko ime za Avalokitešvaro, bodhisatvo sočutja.
Če želimo premagati temo v našem svetu in na Zemlji udejanjiti Zlato dobo, moramo razvijati tako modrost kot tudi sočutje z altruističnim umom, ki želi doseči razsvetljenje. Modrost in sočutje sta kot dve krili ptice: da lahko letimo, moramo enakovredno uporabljati obe krili. Spoznati moramo, da moramo na sebi opraviti poglobljeno delo, zato se moramo resnično potruditi in marljivo delati na tem, da preobrazimo svoj lastni um. Bolj ko je naš um zakoreninjen v globoki modrosti in sočutju z altruistično motivacijo, manj prispevamo k trpljenju na svetu in bolje bomo opremljeni za pomoč drugim. Minljive negativne razmere v našem svetu nam ne bodo več jemale poguma in nas premagovale. Tukaj in zdaj lahko stopimo na pot udejanjanja zlate dobe. Lahko postanemo tisti mir, ki ga želimo videti na svetu.
Urnik po časovnih pasovih:
Srednja Evropa in Južna Afrika – ČETRTEK, 5. september 2024 / 00:30: Opolnomočenje Belega Mandžušrija in Čenreziga
Pišite na [email protected]
This event is available both Online and In-person.
This event will be in English with live Hungarian translation, other languages will be available on Zoom only.
At the request of the Hungarian group, Khentrul Rinpoche will speak on the divine female wisdom and how to use it on the tantric path. He will bestow the Wang (full empowerment) of the Goddess Red Saraswati who is the consort of Manjusrhi and the female embodiment of wisdom. The empowerment comes from the Jonang tradition, based on Jetsun Taranatha. Most of the tantras that are popular in other traditions come from him because Taranatha is the treasury of the tantra.
His teaching will be on using feminine wisdom on the path of desire to work with our emotions. We do not have to abandon the challenges of our modern world. In fact, we can learn to face them directly and transform them into our path to liberation.
About Red Sarasvati
Both Buddhists and non-Buddhists worship her equally. In the vedic tradition, Brahma created the world, and for a long time after, they didn’t have any sounds or sentient beings. Many gods came to him and said, “you made the world, but there are no beings and no sounds.” Then Brahma spilled water from his vase, and there became this incredible sound, this sound is known as the goddess Sarasvati. So that is why she is known as Brahma’s daughter. This is, in general, a story based on Hindu teachings, but the Tibetans have many, many different versions of her. Some of her forms are white with two arms. This form is a tantric 4-armed version and is powerful and magnetizing in nature.
Saraswati is a wisdom deity but a female version, just like Manjushri. Many great practitioners consider her to be Manjushri’s secret consort. There are so many other lamas worshipping, especially scholars worshipping her instead of Manjushri.
-Red Saraswati Empowerment Wang
-Oral transmission of the practice text
-Teaching on the Divine Female Nature
-Teachings on the Tantric Path of Desire
-Book signing for in-person attendees
How to Prepare?
These teachings do not require prerequisites. You can buy a copy of the Tantric Path of Desire book at the book launch in Hungary or order it online here.
Schedule by Timezone
Central Europe and South Africa
June 29, 2024
10:00 AM – Red Sarasvati Empowerment
2:00 PM – Oral Transmission and Teaching
Offer Dana for Khentrul Rinpoche
If you additionally wish to show your generosity to Rinpoché’s precious teachings and to his immense efforts, you can do it in-person at the end of the retreat or, if you are attending online you can offer Dana for Rinpoche here. This is completely voluntary.
Please email [email protected]
This event will be in English with live Hungarian translation, other languages will be available on Zoom only.
Tap into the power of all the Buddhas to open your heart to liberate all sentient beings. The infinite ultimate Bodhicitta needed to realize enlightenment and liberate beings as limitless as space, may be simple to understand but difficult to cultivate. In our world, it can be hard enough to develop worldly compassion and sympathy for friends and family; never mind those with opposing political views or who you perceived to have wronged you. To develop the heart of enlightenment big enough to genuinely care for the whole world selflessly like the great bodhisattvas of Shambhala takes a huge, continuous effort. Peace is possible for the world, but we need strong motivation and huge strength and dedication to create a Golden Age of Peace.
Khentrul Rinpoche will bestow the Bodhisattva vow and a prayer on Shambhala to help connect us with the power of love and the warrior nature that never gives up like all the Shambhala Kalki Kings such as Pundarika an emanation of Chenrezig. Through this unique connection, we can with sustained effort, open our hearts to truly cultivate the capacity of unconditional love and compassion to create a Golden Age of time on earth. Khentrul Rinpoche will guide us in teaching how the Shambhala Kings are the ultimate compassionate warriors that we can become as well.
-Bodhisattva vow and booklet,
-Shambhala Prayer Oral transmission
-A preliminary teaching and practice session with a Q&A session.
There are no prerequisites. It is suitable for all levels of practitioners. Previous Buddhist study and practice are helpful but not mandatory. If you wish for the enlightenment of all sentient beings, want people to know what unconditional love is, and are willing to work for the rest of your lives for this vision, then this vow is for you.
We have created three offering levels to help make this affordable to a range of attendees, as we must raise funds to cover the cost. The cost has been adjusted to cover the cost of living in various countries. Thank you for understanding so we can make this accessible to our global family. If your ability to pay makes it difficult to attend this program, we will make every effort to make attendance possible. Please email [email protected].
Central Europe and South Africa
June 30, 2024
10:00 AM – Teaching on the Compassionate Shambhala Warrior with Bodhisattva Vows
2:00 PM – Be a Golden Age Changemaker and Shambhala Prayer Oral Transmissions
As this is an online event, you can offer Dana to Rinpoche here.
Email [email protected].
While the Buddha taught that life is suffering, he also taught that there is a way to become free from suffering. In this evening’s talk, Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö Rinpoche will teach powerful mind-training techniques from the Sutrayana path of Buddhism to help us learn to cope with life and transform it. While we can’t prevent life’s challenges, we can become skillful in dealing with them.
Suffering can appear in our lives in so many forms, such as the easy-to-do identify suffering of illness, job loss, divorce, or other adverse life circumstances. Or suffering can be subtle and sneaky in the form of passing radiantly joyful emotions that are so wonderful we wish they would never leave. Even the best ice cream will melt in the hot sun if not eaten.
While our feelings and emotions can change momentarily, it does not mean we must be thrown into turmoil by sadness, jealousy, anger, hatred, or frustration. Nor does that mean we must reject our emotions and experiences, hide them, or shame them away. The Buddha taught many precise antidotes that can be learned and used for each emotion to help us work through them as they arise. When this happens we can better achieve all of our life priorities in work, family, or spiritual realization.
These sutra antidotes can help practitioners at all levels. Even a tantric student wishing to work directly with emotion’s energy may find themselves in a moment when reducing the emotion’s intensity is necessary before transforming it.
Schedule by Timezone
Central Europe and South Africa – FRIDAY June 28, 2024 / 6:00 PM
Melbourne, Australia – SATURDAY June 29, 2024 / 2:00 AM
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan – SATURDAY June 29, 2024 / 12:00 AM
Sao Paulo, Brazil – FRIDAY June 28, 2024 / 1:00 PM
East Coast USA, Toronto – FRIDAY June 28, 2024 / 12:00 PM
West Coast USA – FRIDAY June 28, 2024 / 9:00 AM
Offer Dana to Rinpoche
If you would like to offer Dana to Rinpoche virtually, you can do so here on Dzokden’s website. All donations to Dzokden are unrestricted contributions that allow us to direct the funds to Rinpoche’s projects based on their priority.
Email [email protected].