The Differences between the Sutra and Tantra Path to Enlightenment with Khentrul Rinpoche

The Differences between the Sutra and Tantra Path to Enlightenment with Khentrul Rinpoche

It can be difficult and unclear for students to understand the differences in the Buddhist paths to enlightenment. In the modern world rarely does a student find one teacher and follow only what they teach. They are exposed to many teachers, many teachings, many lineage, many types of Buddhism. This can make it less clear exactly what the paths are and what their views are. While they are both heading to Buddhahood there are different skillful means beings put into practice on the path. To make it more confusing often Tibetan Buddhist centers teach both Sutra and Vajrayana mixed together. Khentrul Rinpoche will help clarify what the differences are to help students distinguish the view and paths.

Timezone Information
7:00 PM Melbourne Australia
4:00 PM Hong Kong / Shanghai / Mongolia
9:00 AM Vienna, Austria
3:00 AM New York, USA
12:00 AM San Francisco, USA

Zoom Information…
Webinar ID: 814 8061 1734
Passcode: 108108
Empty Cloud Monastery: In Search of the Real Buddha Dharma & Meditation with Khentrul Rinpoche

Empty Cloud Monastery: In Search of the Real Buddha Dharma & Meditation with Khentrul Rinpoche

The Buddhist Insights group will host Rinpoche for the afternoon at their Empty Cloud Monastery. The livestream will be provided by their community. In-person attendance is welcome at the monastery.

What is known today as Buddhism and Meditation are a vast range of teachings and practices from different perspectives, various vehicles and transmitted through the lens of a wide variety of cultures. At first the contemplative renunciate life of a monk in a temple in Burma contrasted to a drumming Himalayan tantric yogi wearing bone ornaments in the burial grounds appears to be full of contradictions. How can all these practices be Buddhist? What does a silent Vipassana retreat, chanting 1 million mantras and reflecting on Zen koan have in common as meditation?While it is taught that there are 84,000 dharma gates with enough teachings to suit the minds of all types of sentient beings, it can be challenging to see the common thread running through them all.  Is Buddhism a philosophy, a religion or a science, all of the above, none of the above?In this talk Khentrul Rinpoche will illuminate the non-contradictory nature of what the Buddha taught and explain the common thread that binds all these various forms of meditation practices together.

California & Online: Manjushri Empowerment and Namasangiti Oral Transmission

California & Online: Manjushri Empowerment and Namasangiti Oral Transmission

This page is for registration in Australia, Western Europe, New Zealand, UK, Asia, America, and Canada.


Niem Phat Duong Fremont Temple
4273 Solar Way. Fremont CA 94538.


Schedule By Timezone
10:00 AM Oct 30th San Francisco, California
1:00 PM  Oct 30th, New York
6:00 PM Oct. 30th, Vienna, Austria
1:00 AM Oct. 31st Hong Kong / Mongolia / Shanghai
4:00 AM Oct. 31st Melbourne Australia

Manjushri embodies the wisdom of all the Buddhas. On this weekend program in California, Rinpoche who’s name also is a name of Manjushri will bestow oral transmissions and empowerments before the Prayer for All attainments. We need both wisdom and compassion to complete the two accumulation needed for Buddhahood. Often times when someone reads a Dharma text they may not be able to understand it fully. But through connecting with Manjushri and reading the text again and again the wisdom of the true meaning can be revealed in the mind.

The benefits of chanting the names of Manjushri according to Kalki Pundarika’s commentary on the Kalachakra Tantra,

“In order to free all beings from doubt, the Tathagata collected Chanting the Names of Manjushri from all the Mantrayana teachings and taught it to Vajrapani. Whoever does not know Chanting the Names of Manjushri does not know the wisdom body of Vajradhara. Whoever does not know the wisdom body of Vajradhara does not understand the Mantrayana. Whoever does not understand the Mantrayana remains in samsara, separated from the path of the conqueror Vajradhara.


California & Online: Prayer for Establishing All Attainments (commentary and oral transmission)

California & Online: Prayer for Establishing All Attainments (commentary and oral transmission)

Register to access learning center to access course materials. This will also be broadcast on Facebook.


Niem Phat Duong Fremont Temple
4273 Solar Way. Fremont CA 94538.
Schedule by Timezone
1:00 – 5:00 PM San Francisco, California
4:00- 8:00 PM New York, New York
9:00 PM Vienna, Austria
October 31st, 4:00 AM Hong Kong
October 31st , 7:00 AM Australia

Khentrul Rinpoche wrote this prayer to help establish everyone on the completion of the path. He wishes for all the students in the Dzokden community to learn this prayer by heart and chant it often as he has included the essence of what is needed in this prayer.

Sarva mangalaṃ!
I received this set of twenty-one undefiled aspirations that constitute this “Prayer for Establishing all Attainments” together with the “Path of Secret Ḍākinī Treasure”. In the future, all my students should memorize this “Prayer for all Attainments” that was received with such excellent signs of synchronicity. Knowing that, then, in all special occasions when they encounter sacred places and objects, or meet with great beings, and in any other opportunities for connecting with sacred outlook that may arise, if they recite these aspirations with intense intention, inconceivable beneficial qualities will be present.
I, Shar Khentrul Jampel Lodrö, finished composing this at Tongzuk Dechen Ling22  in the Iron Female Ox Year, the Western year 2021,
on the 28th day of October.
Ge’o! Ge’o! Ge’o!

The oral transmission and commentary will be live streamed. The Oral transmission is only available to those who register for the zoom. The commentary is completely public.

Make an offering of Dana to Khentrul Rinpoche

It is common for those requesting an empowerment or transmission to make an offering. You can do so online here.
New Jersey – Princeton Art Gallery: Sacred Art & Mandalas: Maps to Our Enlightened Nature with Khentrul Rinpoche

New Jersey – Princeton Art Gallery: Sacred Art & Mandalas: Maps to Our Enlightened Nature with Khentrul Rinpoche

In order to unveil your sacred truth through the profound practices of tibetan vajrayana Buddhism, you need a map to show you where you are going and how to get there.Representations of the path to freedom and our enlightened nature have been painted and encoded in the form of sacred mandalas such as the Kalachakra Mandala. Khentrul Rinpoche will explain some universal aspects represented in Sacred art as well as the specific hidden meaning in the Kalachakra Mandala’s representation.

This is In-person at the Princeton Art Gallery
RSVP In-Person

Webinar ID: 886 5398 6096
Passcode: 108108