Path of Desire Book Launch with Khentrul Rinpoche – Working with Emotions and Sexuality on the Tantric Path
This event is FREE and will be available In-Person and online by registration only.
We will celebrate the release of Khentrul Rinpoche’s new book the Path of Desire, with a teaching on how to use all aspects of life including sexuality on the path. This book launch discussion will focus on how to use all of our emotions, not just sex to practice. Khentrul Rinpoche will give a blessing of the 6 Buddha Families to everyone present to help students so they don’t have to abandon the 6 kleshas. Instead the blessing will help them achieve success on taking the Kleshas on the Tantra path. This event is available with registration only. Rinpoche will explain in person why he chose to write and release a book of this nature at this time. Some people may find it scandalous while others may find it a welcome addition to tantric teachings.
“Most followers of the Tibetan tantric Buddhist teachings are merely wearing an outer costume of tantra.”
“Serious consideration of the situation of tantra is urgent before its essence is lost altogether. The time has come for going beyond mere scholarly explanations and superficial chanting of liturgies to actually restoring the practice tradition that has been corrupted and rejected in recent centuries. To do that, the full scope of tantra’s real meaning must be re-introduced.”
-Shar Khentrul Rinpoché
Being imprisoned in a dark pit is not comparable
To young lovers kept apart by their righteous parents;
Being locked in stocks is not comparable,
To strict religious laws that make sweet love a crime.
However perfect the power of a renunciate attitude,
As water still flows in a river that is blocked by a dam,
When an unwanted religious tax is levied on sex,
It is like constantly pushing a boulder up a hill.
(Gendun Chöpel, “Treatise on Desire”)
Though in sex the blissful union of the masculine and feminine principles is obvious, it actually pervades all existence; it represents the profound truth of non-dual reality and points us in its direction. For those who aspire to be genuine tantrikas, this book and teaching presents a way of liberation through joyfully embracing ordinary life. For those of us who seek only to experience ordinary life at its best, that goal can also be attained.
Book – The Path of Desire
The book “The Path of Desire” will be launched in time for this event. Pre-order for the Paperback and Epub version is now available, you may purchase it here.
Books will be available at Tibet House.
Zoom Information
Zoom link will be sent after registration.
The tradition of the Jonang Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism is barely known in the west. It is the only lineage that has never been involved in Tibetan politics. The yogis of this great tradition have stayed to this day focused on their practice including the completion stages of Kalachakra Tantra. Even now near Dzamthang, the main monastery of this lineage, in modern day China, thousdands of monks prepare and sit for their 3 year retreat in the 6 Vajra Yogas of Kalachakra. This is the only lineage that holds and focuses on the complete practice of Kalachakra Tantra all the way to enlightenment. Many do this retreat multiple times in their life. Only a few masters in this tradition have traveled outside of China.
Khentrul Rinpoche will explain the greatness of this tradition that holds a special view called the Other-Emptiness. Renowned Jonang Master Dolpopa Sherab, often referred to as the second Buddha was respected by all lineages of Buddhism for his great Mountain Doctrine and profound understanding of the complete Dharma, the Golden Age (Dzokden Dharma).
Zoom Information
Zoom Link:
Webinar ID: 867 9629 5360
Passcode: 108108
2023年時輪金剛灌頂將於美國科羅拉多州波德 ( Boulder, Colorado ) 舉行,是次具歷史性的灌頂,由 Shambhala International 請法,夏.堪祖仁波切慈悲答允,在這殊勝之地傳授由香巴拉法王所帶來人間的密法。丘揚創巴仁波切 ( Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche ) 在波德把大量佛法傳到西方世界,並透過他的努力,把覺悟的世界,香巴拉淨土的願景,分享給世人。這與夏.堪祖仁波切對黃金世紀的願景有許多共鳴。歡迎網上或親臨科羅拉多州.波德參與是次灌頂。
詳細時間表 ( 以時區劃分 )
夏.堪祖仁波切期望你出席所有環節。其中灌頂環節並無錄影重温,必須收看直播,實時領受。其餘部分環節,會有錄影重温,方便不同時區的弟子。其中,會作以下標示 :
「必須」: 若領受灌頂,必須實時 ( 網上或現場 ) 出席該環節。
「公開」: 這是其他活動的錄影片段,不須報名,可於灌頂前在學習中心收看。
「非公開」: 只供已報名者在ZOOM參加的環節。
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan
SATURDAY September 23, 2023
8:30 AM – Session 1: PUBLIC Opening Ceremony: Preparing to Receive the Kalachakra Empowerment
SATURDAY September 23, 2023
11:00 PM – Session 2: Preparation Prayers to Receive the Empowerment
SUNDAY September 24, 2023
12:00 AM – Session 3: Kalachakra Empowerment Part 1
4:00 AM – Session 4: How to Practice Kalachakra & Prepare for the Empowerment
11:00 PM – Session 5: Day 2 Preparation Prayers to Receive the Empowerment
MONDAY September 25, 2023
12:00 AM – Session 6: Kalachakra Empowerment Part 2
5:00 AM – Session 7: Kalachakra Tsok
7:00 AM – Session 8: Post Empowerment Ritual – Offering to the Water
釋迦牟尼佛在傳授《心經》的同時,也向香巴拉諸王傳授了時輪金剛密續。 其中,明確預言到世界和平將會降臨大地。 請一同創造條件,迎接全球和平與和諧的黃金時代。
夏.堪祖仁波切全心全意地專注於如何促進轉化弟子的真實發願。 他善巧地使這豐富而複雜的古代智慧變得易於使用,以便任何人都能夠以自己的能力,在生活中的各個領域裏,更輕鬆地使用。
Tricycle Magazine about our 3D Printed Kalachakra Mandala House
Khentrul Rinpoche’s Website and Bio
Free Teachings on Soundcloud
Free Teachings on Youtube
粵語 YouTube 頻道
國語 YouTube 頻道
- 求授灌頂的學員,必須在網頁上登記,選擇語言,便會收到確認電郵。所有的網上灌頂、閉關及課程均使用Dzokden Learning Center,請於報名活動時使用注册時用的同一個電郵。如你尚未注册,可於任何時候注册,活動開始前便會把相關課程或活動加到你的「我的儀表版」之中。
- 灌頂前,將收到所需物品清單,該等物品有助你得到最好的經歷。若不能全部備妥,不用擔心,它們只是一些象徵物,缺少任何一項或多項,仍會得到灌頂的。最重要的是,你要清晰自己在做甚麼。只是出席,也未必能保證你得到灌頂,你一定要知道自己在做甚麼。為確保每個人都能得到灌頂,仁波切慈悲地製作了灌頂儀軌法本,以電子書形式發放,學員只需按照步驟,便可清晰知道灌頂的內容及指示。此法本只許個人使用,不能轉交或展示內容予其他人以得到灌頂。仁波切會於灌頂前一晚或當天才發放電子書(pdf檔案)。
- 你將會收到進入 ZOOM 的資料,也可以在Dzokden Learning Center找到,部分內容會於活動結束後上載,供弟子重溫,而灌頂/口傳部分則一律必須實時參與,不設重溫。
電郵:[email protected]
– Understand the Bardos from the Kalachakra Perspective
– Learn preliminary Kalachakra practices for life
– Vajra Vega Jenang (wrathful Kalachakra empowerment)
– Dream and sleep Yoga Instructions
– What to do when you or a loved one dies
– How to spot opportunities for liberation in the Bardo of dying
– Kalachakra Phowa teaching and transmission
Dying is an essential part of life; something that we all will face. Whether you or a loved one is facing death today or decades from now, it’s important to understand what it means to live and die well.
In this 3 day retreat, Khentrul Rinpoche will take us on a journey through what is known as the ‘bardos’, or transition periods, between one life and the next, and the tremendous opportunity they can offer if we view them as an opportunity for spiritual transformation. This is a good course for those new to Kalachakra or those who want to learn how to practice in all moments.
Bardo means in-between. We are always in moments of transition. This course helps us identify the important moments of transition and what we do in them. Khentrul Rinpoche will help us understand the profound steps we can take to make our life meaningful so we are prepared for death and what we can do at the time of death. In this practical teaching, Khentrul Rinpoche will bestow the Kalachakra phowa transmission and help us identify opportunities for liberation in the Bardo.
Vajra Vega, the wrathful form of Shri Kalachakra and the King of the Wrathful Deities, is the protector aspect in Kalachakra. There are many benefits to establishing a connection with Vajra Vega. The essence of Vajravega is that he represents the non-conceptual primordial wisdom which arises when the winds enter the central channel. This is the method by which the root ignorance of conceptuality is cut. It is also the basis or the container in which the precious six vajra yogas arise. When we establish a wheel of protection with Vajra Vega, we are symbolically stopping the arising of dualistic appearances, and abiding within the non-conceptual wisdom.
It is very important and special for us to connect with this aspect of Kalachakra in our lifetime so that we may be benefited from the connection in the Bardo state after death. While we must do our best to create karmic propensities to realize our own sacred truth during this life, if we do not then in the Bardo state after death, we may be able to recognise Vajra Vega in the sea of wrathful Deities and be liberated.
Anyone can join. There is no prerequisite.
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan
FRIDAY September 15, 2023
4:30 PM: Arrival (Teas Coffees Scrumptious Snacks Provided)
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Session 1 – 6 Bardos Teachings
8:30 PM – 10:00 PM: Session 2 – 6 Bardos Teachings
10:30 PM – 12:00 AM (SATURDAY September 16, 2023): Session 3 – 6 Bardos Teachings
SATURDAY September 16, 2023
1:30 AM – 3:00 AM: Session 4 – 6 Bardos Teachings
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Session 5 – 6 Bardos Teachings
8:30 PM – 10:00 PM: Session 6 – 6 Bardos Teachings
10:30 PM – 12:00 AM (SUNDAY September 17, 2023): Session 7 – 6 Bardos Teachings
SUNDAY September 17, 2023
1:30 AM – 3:00 AM: Session 8 – 6 Bardos Teachings
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Session 9 – Vajra Vega Empowerment
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM: Lunch
8:30 PM – 10:00 AM: Session 10 – 6 Bardos Teachings (Final Practice, Q&A / Completion Dedication)
1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. You will be added to the course on
2) You must receive the empowerment and oral transmission online in real-time. We do not record empowerment. We do not offer empowerment books for this event.
3) You will receive access to the zoom for each of the session of the teaching.
Access to Video Materials Afterwards
The retreat access and all the prayers will be provided for you in Dzokden’s new online learning center (Khentrul Rinpoche’s International Organization). We encourage everyone to connect to the live-streamed retreat in real time but if that is not possible, you can still log in to the learning center after the retreat and access all of the retreat content.
The Dharma is not for sale but we do have cost to put on global events. We have created 3 offering levels to help make this affordable to a range of attendees as we must raise funds to cover the cost. The cost has been adjusted for the cost of living in various countries. Thank you for understanding so that we can make this accessible to our global family. If your ability to pay makes it difficult to attend this program, we will make every effort to make attendance possible. Email [email protected] to request assistance.
ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS? email [email protected]
Khentrul Rinpoche has kindly agreed to bestow the Heruka Vajrasattva Empowerment (Jenang / Permission Blessing) to support all practitioners wishing to do purification practice, and in particular those working with the Ngondro.
“Vajrasattva practice allows you to uncover the reality of your Buddha-nature, which is currently hidden as a result of defilements created by attachment, aggression and delusion. Our current situation is like a dirty piece of glass. This practice provides you with a powerful method to wash away the dirt while being confident that underneath there is crystal clear glass which is completely pure and unstained. Through the practice of Vajrasattva, this confidence will steadily grow as you come closer and closer to discovering the innate purity of your most profound nature.” (Khentrul Rinpoche)
This practice is done in the Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro for purification. If you are study and practicing this Ngondro, this retreat is highly recommended. You can take this empowerment no matter which form of Vajrasattva you practice.
There are no formal prerequisites. Previous Buddhist study and practice are very helpful but not required. If you can attend the Heruka Vajrasattva Empowerment with Khentrul Rinpoche, you create more chances for success in the practice as this is a wonderful opportunity to connect with the teacher.
Melbourne, Australia – SUNDAY October 01, 2023 / 3:00 AM
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan – SUNDAY October 01, 2023 / 1:00 AM
Hanoi, Vietnam – SUNDAY October 01, 2023 / 12:00 AM
Romania – SATURDAY September 30, 2023 / 8:00 PM
Central Europe and South Africa – SATURDAY September 30, 2023 / 7:00 PM
Sao Paulo, Brazil – SATURDAY September 30, 2023 / 2:00 PM
East Coast USA, Toronto – SATURDAY September 30, 2023 / 1:00 PM
West Coast USA – SATURDAY September 30, 2023 / 10:00 AM
1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. You will receive a confirmation email. All of our online events use the Dzokden learning center. If you are not already enrolled in it, you will be invited to
2) You will receive access to the zoom for each of the sessions. You will be able to watch any of the course in The empowerment must be received in real time. There are no recordings available of the empowerment.
It’s customary at the end of empowerment for students to make an offering of Dana to the guru. As this is an online event, you can make the offering of Dana to Rinpoche here