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Dzokden Podcast

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Kalachakra Tantra and Shambhala

Niraj Kumar (b.22nd April 1973-) belongs to Magadha region and born near Bodhgaya, the Vajrasana. He is the author of classic work on Asian Integration, “Arise Asia” (2002). He is also a founding member of the Society for Asian Integration, an organization working for promoting Asian integration. He has been studying and writing Hindu and Buddhist tantras and a keen student of geopolitics and geostrategy. He is a Civil servant and currently working as Director in the Government of India.

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View Detail1 hr 11 min 27 sec

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History of Kalachakra and Shambhala in Mongolia

The Mongolian interest in Shambhala is closely connected to the spread and rise in popularity of the Kalachakra teachings throughout history in the region. The Divine Kingdom of Shambhala as described in the Kalachakra tantra has significant links to the Gobi desert of Mongolia, where you will find Dvanaraja’s Shambhala land. Mongolians consider Shambhala Land to be an energy portal symbolically linked to the sublime realm of Shambhala.In this talk, Vesna will bring to life the rich history of Kalachakra and Shambhala in Mongolia and its unique features. This was an enriching talk and Q&A session with Vesna.

Vesna A. Wallace

Vesna A. Wallace

Play1 hr 27 min 54 sec

Amitabha’s Pure Land, Shambhala, And The Golden Age

This teaching is in English with oral translations in Chinese.

Khentrul Rinpoche

Khentrul Rinpoche, Jonang Kalachakra & Rimé Master

Play1 hr 22 min 16 sec

中文 Amitabha’s Pure Land, Shambhala, And The Golden Age

This teaching is in English with oral translations in Chinese.

1 hr 22 min 16 sec

A Better World – Kalachakra Prophecy and the Coming Golden Age

In strong and shaky times, where everything is changing extremely rapidly, we recognise it’s essential that we gain a greater understanding of the purpose and potential of our personal and collective evolution. There are very few singular spiritual paths or concepts able to bring a full spectrum wisdom and clarity to give us direction and confidence that everything is going to be OKAY and something totally extraordinary is unfolding. Imagine, that in ‘ reality’ as uncomfortable as things may seem we are being prepared for a Golden Age. This is a huge thing, and is very real. So here is a question for you…What do you understand The Golden Age to actually be?

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Khentrul Rinpoche

Khentrul Rinpoche, Jonang Kalachakra & Rimé Master

Rita Hraiz

Rita Hraiz

Play1 hr 56 min 53 sec

Kalachakra Yoga Practice: Working with the Subtle Body

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche in discussion with Khentrul Rinpoche.

Kalachakra is a holistic system that incorporates astrology, health, our bodies, our mind and well-being. A healthy body is such an important tool for this practice that it is a tantric downfall to practice austerities and harm your body. In this talk, Khentrul Rinpoche has invited Tulku Lobsang to discuss the importance of working with our physical bodies especially in the Kalachakra Yogas.

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Khentrul Rinpoche

Khentrul Rinpoche, Jonang Kalachakra & Rimé Master

Tulku Lobsang

Tulku Lobsang

Play1 hr 37 min 8 sec

The Golden Age and Shambhala Fireside Chat

This fireside chat between Khentrul Rinpoche and Judith Simmer-Brown occurred before the 2023 Kalachakra Empowerment in Boulder, Colorado. The renowned Kalachakra-tantra, the most detailed Vajrayana literature, speaks about the degenerate age and the coming Golden Age. The Shambhala teachings are said to be the hidden inner teachings of the Kalachakra, which envision an enlightened society imbued with harmony, compassion, and the diligence of a warrior spirit fighting for the good of all sentient beings. What are the Shambhala teachings of the Kalachakra, and how do they relate to the visions of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche?
Judith Simmer-Brown

Judith Simmer-Brown

Khentrul Rinpoche

Khentrul Rinpoche, Jonang Kalachakra & Rimé Master

Play1 hr 22 min