Zuhause Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Virtuell 2024 Zhitro Hearing Liberation Empowerment and Puja

2024 Zhitro Hearing Liberation Empowerment and Puja

This event is available both Online and In-person.

Khentrul Rinpoche has agreed to bestow Karma Lingpa’s Zhitro Hearing Liberation empowerment and perform a Purification Puja at the request of the Chinese language group during the time of The Double Ninth Festival. The Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday observed in the Lunar calendar on the ninth day of the ninth month. Chinese people pay their respects to their ancestors. This is the second time a year that Chinese people have visited the graves of their ancestors.

This “hearing liberation” teaching cycle is part of the highest yoga tantra. Khentrul Rinpoche has a deep connection with this practice and has often received this empowerment. This cycle involves many liberation prayers and forms of practice. Due to its extensive preparation requirements, it is rarely performed publicly. However, it is highly beneficial for life, death, bardo, and rebirth processes and is especially good for repaying parents and ancestors. The Nyedren Purification and Liberation Puja helps sentient beings who have passed and are wandering in the bardo or any of the other six realms to liberate them to Samtrabhadrahood. This ceremony is effective for beings who have died, no matter how long ago. Through the prayer and the ritual performed, the consciousness of the deceased merges with the inseparable wisdom of the hundred deities. To conclude the ritual, we will burn all of the name tablets of the living and deceased.

Despite the need for Khentrul Rinpoche’s extensive preparation, he has prepared this for us out of his compassion. Do not miss this important opportunity to participate now; you never know when death will come or when you can help your loved ones again. 

Zhitro, meaning “peaceful and wrathful,” denotes the assembly of forty-two peaceful and fifty-eight wrathful deities and was buried by Guru Padmasambhava in the eighth century. The teaching was revealed as terma in the 14th Century by the terton Karma Lingpa. These Buddhas are alternatively referred to as the bardo deities. The term ‘bardo’ signifies an ‘intermediate state,’ one of six such states, with the reference here being to the bardo of dying – the transitional phase between death and rebirth. During this phase, the one hundred Zhitro deities manifest themselves to the deceased to facilitate their liberation from the bardo. At some stages in the Bardo state, people need peaceful Deities; in other stages, people need wrathful ones to benefit their journey of awakening.

The teachings of Zhitro, as imparted by Guru Padmasambhava, establish a direct conduit for practitioners to engage with the bardo deities through dedicated practice and supplication. This empowerment is a blessing in our lives and prepares us for liberation in the bardo following our death. As per the Bardo Thodrol, a seminal text on the bardo in Vajrayana Buddhism (widely known as The Tibetan Book of the Dead), bardo deities present themselves to the deceased over a period of forty-nine days while the deceased is in the bardo. Initially, the peaceful deities appear, and if the deceased fails to recognize and attain liberation through these peaceful deities, the wrathful deities subsequently manifest. If the deceased cannot connect with the deities during this forty-nine-day period, their consciousness is drawn back into rebirth within one of the six realms.

Course Information
This first section will provide you with general information about the course that you will need to participate. This includes:

  1. Overview: If you ever get lost, this page will help you remember where everything is and how to access what you need.
  2. Online Checklist:To join the live practice sessions for this course, you must ensure that all necessary technologies are installed and ready to use. For this reason, we have compiled a short guidebook for setting up Zoom and preparing for the various sessions.
  3. Live Session Schedule: This page provides all of the links for the live webinar sessions. The schedule is available in a variety of time zones so that you can be sure not to miss anything.
  4. Gratitude and Generosity: Here we take a moment to thank those who have made this event possible and to provide details for how to offer Dana or give support so that we can all benefit from future activities.

Access the Teachings Later
The live teaching sessions will be recorded and made available in this course afterward. Please return the next week, and the teachings will be made available. We ask you to attend as many of the live courses as much as you can. This will allow you to participate in the question-and-answer sessions and practice with our community simultaneously. Oral Transmissions and Empowerment are not recorded. You must sign in at the broadcast time to receive the empowerment and oral transmission.

Many people enjoy watching various Pujas online performed by Lamas believing they are receiving a huge benefit. It is also common in the West for people to ask a lama to pray for them without making any offering or having a personal connection. While, as one of all sentient beings, you are connected to the results of the Puja made for the benefit of all sentient beings, the karmic connection is incredibly weak, and therefore so is the result. Normally during certain times in one’s life when a Puja or prayers are required to clear various karmic debts, obstacles, or karmically-based illness, it is customary to make financial offerings to the Lama for prayers and Pujas. This creates a stronger Karmic connection to the Puja, which creates a stronger karmic result.

Zhitro Hearing Liberation Puja Tablet Sponsorship and Offer Candles for Loved Ones

Schedule by Timezone

Central Europe and South Africa
October 13, 2024
2:00 AM – 5:30 AM Zhitro Hearing Liberation Empowerment & Teaching
October 14, 2024
12:00 AM – 3:30 AM – Zhitro Neydren Purification and Liberation Puja

Please email [email protected]

Veranstaltung buchen

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$275 USD
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$200 USD
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Ermäßigte Programmgebühr
$125 USD
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Für Personen mit begrenztem Einkommen oder eingeschränkten Möglichkeiten zur Teilnahme bieten wir eine ermäßigte Programmgebühr an. Wenn Sie ein Klostermitglied sind, senden Sie eine E-Mail an [email protected], um eine Gebührenbefreiung zu erhalten. Niemand wird wegen Geldmangels für die Online-Teilnahme abgewiesen. Wenn Sie weitere Hilfe benötigen, senden Sie eine E-Mail an [email protected].

Das "Ermäßigte Programmgebühr"-Ticket ist ausverkauft. Du kannst es mit einem anderen Ticket oder einem anderen Datum versuchen.


Oct 12 - 13 2024


San Francisco, California Timezone
Den ganzen Tag


  • Zeitzone: America/New_York
  • Datum: Oct 12 - 13 2024
  • Zeit: Den ganzen Tag


Maha Vairocana Temple (Chùa Đại Nhật Như Lai)
1631 S White Rd, San Jose, CA 95127, United States


  • Khentrul Rinpoche
    Khentrul Rinpoche
    Meister Jonang Kalachakra

    In den Bergen Tibets geboren, verbrachte Shar Khentrul Rinpoche die ersten 20 Jahre seines Lebens damit, Jaks zu hüten und Mantras zu rezitieren. Inspiriert durch Bodhisattvas verließ er seine Familie, um in verschiedenen Klöstern unter der Leitung von über fünfundzwanzig Meistern aller tibetischen Traditionen zu studieren. Wegen seines Nicht-sektiererischen Ansatzes erhielt er den Titel Rime (unvoreingenommen) Meister und wurde als Reinkarnation des berühmten Kalachakra Meisters Ngawang Chözin Gyatso identifiziert. Er wird als eine Emanation des Bodhisattvas Akashagarbha angesehen. Während das Herzstück seiner Belehrungen auf der Erkenntnis beruht, dass die Vielfalt aller spirituellen Traditionen dieser Welt von großem Wert ist, fokussiert er sich dennoch auf die Jonang-Shambhala Tradition.
    Obwohl von vielen westlichen Gelehrten angenommen wurde das diese Tradition ausgestorben ist, erkannte Rinpoche das die am fortgeschrittensten Belehrungen von Kalachakra (Rad der Zeit) tiefgreifende Methoden beinhalten, um unsere externe Umwelt durch die innere Welt von Körper und Geist zu harmonisieren. Seit 2014 reiste Rinpoche in mehr als dreißig Länder, um Schüler in aller Welt anzuleiten. Durch seine systematische und stufenweise Darlegung des zur Erleuchtung führenden Kalachakra-Pfades, lehrt er sie, ihre innere Wahrheit und ihr grenzenloses Potenzial zu verwirklichen. Er lehrt Menschen wie sie einen flexiblen Geist kultivieren können und Voreingenommenheit beseitigen und dadurch inspiriert er mitgefühlbasierende Gemeinschaften zu erschaffen, die diese Welt in ein Goldenes Zeitalter von globalem Frieden und Harmonie führen.
